

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading so long my leg went to sleep.:laugh: No exercise today, yet but may get a walk in before church tonight.
    Barbie - Happy Belated birthday. Each one is a blessing,
    M - so sorry about your fall and glad you had someone close to check you out.
    Amanda - same to you. You've had quite a bit to handle this week. I'll also be glad when your schedule returns to normal.
    DeeDee - my DH finally saw our doctor last week about having a z-pack and a steroid shot. He told him he probably had whooping cough! Said he had seen 100/s of cases this year. The treatment would have been the same.
    Meg - wow - that's a lot of work to cram into a short period of time. Take care of you!
    Michele - Oh my what a worry. I agree with the posts that the kids have to make their own decisions. The part that worried me was the $10,000 for a wedding. What does that include. If she doesn't have as big family, it sounds like a lot of money for a small wedding.

    Cleaned out my bird bath this morning and I'm watch the little birds playing in the water as I type.
    Hope everyone is happy and enjoying this day. I'm doing just that!
    Sue in TX
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi ladies!

    In between recovering from one set of visitors and getting ready for some more! Not complaining - love it, but it has left me short of time to post! Sorry!

    Started to catch up, but had to stop to reply to Michelle - too important to leave it!

    How my heart goes out to you! It is so hard when your child finds a partner and you have not had the chance to get to know them and question the reason for the marriage in the first place.

    Please this is not advice, but perhaps in the myriad of replies and support you get it will help you come to the course of action you feel most comfortable with.

    I think I would firmly ask for the chance to Skype the pair of them on a weekly basis - it's free - he can translate for you and you can begin to get to know her. If your son makes excuses, point out that it is a reasonable request for a mother to get to know her future DIL before the wedding and that you will not take no for an answer! Pre arranged times will stop her being out!

    As for the money - difficult! I would set a budget you are prepared to pay and stick to it, offering suggestions on how to trim the expenses.

    But above all else - try to keep your inner fears close to your heart. Not easy I know, but you need to stay close to him if and when it fails. It might work, stranger things happen!!

    As for him being in another country a saying of mine is we give our children strong wings to fly away and be independent, we can only hope that these wings will bring them home to us sometimes. I find it hard that my SIL are now my daughters next of kin - when one needed an ambulance for her second labour my husband wanted to make the call, but I had to sit on him as that was her hubby's job!

    Just think of the lovely French holidays you could have! When we go there I get by with a little French and a lot of gestures!

    Keep her close - do not make an enemy of her! My mother-in-law tried so hard to split us up and make trouble in our family. I kept council and it has paid off. I would not stoop to her level however hard she tried to hurt me.

    A difficult time for you and so could you can post here for support . You have it.

    Keep smiling

  • LoraFord
    LoraFord Posts: 5
    Hello all from cloudy, chilly NYC.

    It was very nice the last two days, bright sun and blue skies. I guess (hope) Mother Nature is trying to make the transition!

    It has been a good week for me. The scale is down 3 lbs. :love: :love: :love: I have been cooking and eating healthy, exercising, and I feel great! It makes such a difference when you can feel a change! This weekend I may need a little sweet treat!

    I made the Spicy Cauliflower Carrot Soup and we loved it! I did use the Masala spice and it added nice flavor.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for my youngest DS. He had an interview today for a summer co-op job. He felt the interview went well. Hoping it works out for him.

    Barbie- Happy Belated Birthday:flowerforyou: I hope you had a special day!

    M- Hope you are feeling better after your fall. I will start thinking about some special places for your visit to NYC in May!

    Mazaron- Celebrate tucking your shirt in! That's a great feeling!

    Grandmallie- Congrats on your boss noticing your weight loss! I'm sure that made you feel proud!

    Sundance- My uncle just had his knee replaced last month. He did have a few rough days after he was home and swore he wouldn't have the second one done. Well, a month has passed he is doing fabulous and has already been talking to the doctor about when to do the next one. His surgery was done robotically, which apparently is a bit easier. I'm sure you will make the right decision when the time comes. Good luck!

    DeeDee- I hope you are feeling better. So sorry about your friend's fur baby. Such a heartbreaking thing to have to deal with.

    Tammy- Enjoy your visit with your DDs! We live away from both of our DS now and it is very special when you can get together!

    Michele- My thoughts are with you as you deal with this issue with your DS and future DIL. It's so hard to know what to do. Your gut tells you that something is up, but if you push it you risk your relationship with your DS. Stay strong!

    I saw a quote the other day and thought you all might appreciate it as I did-
    THE TIME WILL PASS ANYWAY. -Earl Nightingale

    As I finish this up there is sleet/freezing rain hitting the window:grumble:

    Everyone enjoy your evening!
    Lora in NYC
  • padisneyfour
    Just stopping in and reading.... thank you for all the welcomes! My name is Tammy and we live in NW pa. I am new to this so just reading for now but will post as I get more familiar with everyone. Again thanks for the welcome!
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    brooke - "what's important to THEM". Getting married so that Bryan can stay in France. I really don't know much about her at all. I just wish Bryan had given me the chance to get to know her some, beyond her first name and that she's vegetarian. Like I said, I haven't even talked to the girl in almost 2 years. I offered them my wedding band so that they wouldn't have to incur the expense of one, but Bryan told me that she was picking out her own. I understand -- but if money is tight, wouldn't you want to cut corners as much as possible? When Vince and I got married, money was very tight. I bought a gown for $150, it wasn't my dream gown but the price was right. I used my mother's wedding rings. Had my cousin make the wedding cake. Oh, we skimped wherever possible.

    Maybe it's the mother-worry in me. Is she using him to get what she wants? Well, if so, then he's made his bed so now he has to lay in it. Maybe THAT'S my fear.

    Michele in NC

    Maybe I'm a grump, but I'm of two minds here:

    1. He's an adult and making adult choices; so is she. If you want to give them a gift of money for the wedding, do so with an open heart. However don't feel obligated for whatever reason. If they really want to get married they will manage without all the frills and extras (like her very own ring). If you don't know her you don't know if she might be some sort of gold-digger either. Sometimes the hardest thing to do as a parent is to tell your child "no" - and the most necessary. If you're feeling slighted, remember it's your son's doing, not your future DIL. It's his job to facilitate the meeting of you two. If he can't manage that, I don't see how it's your obligation to provide funds for something you don't know won't turn into a debacle (I think I fit all the negatives I could in that sentence).

    2. On the other hand, you don't know her. It might help if you frame your thought of her differently. You seem to refer to her in a way that makes her seem alien (to me anyway). She's your son's fiance - so do her the courtesy of referring to her as such. Yes, she doesn't seem to be doing a lot to get to know you - and I don't know what you're doing to get to know her - so write her a letter with some background (in a welcoming way, not a " who are you" way). Tell her how excited you are to meet her and get to know her and her family. Ask her about her country. Ask her how she likes living in France. Start a conversation. It can't hurt, and it might help smooth things over when you do finally meet and she's not everything you had hoped for.
  • luvbuttons
    Good evening, ladies. I've been dragging all day today as I was up all night with an earache and a terrible thumping sound in it that wouldn't go away. The only exercise I did today was what I had to do in the line of housework. Maybe tomorrow will be better. No Tops meeting tonight so no weigh in. My scale said I was down a pound, but you all know how scales go. I decided to bring my loss up to date next Thursday. It's going to be an early night tonight. :yawn:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Just a quickie this morning.

    We didn't get the electricity back on at the gallery until the early hours of yesterday morning which meant I spent all of Tuesday getting colder and colder with not chance of even making myself a hot drink. I was so pleased to get home!

    Then, yesterday morning I took a tumble down our stairs at home, backwards (mwheatcraft and I seemed to have shared a whoopsydaisy day). I have a nice set of bruises down my left size and I'm walking like I'm 100 (but not one of the 100+ people that Barbie talks about!). Still had to come to work and, let's just say it was another trying day. I will be thankful for the day off tomorrow, although I'm arranging a Good Friday party for the family at my Dad's house in the afternoon. Then back to work on Saturday

    I don't want to wish my life away - so I will just say that I'm looking forward to April 15th when I will go back to my regular days working at the gallery and be able to get on with some of the work I do from home. My Latin translation and research for DH's books has been put on hold until then - I'm just not able to do it all on top of a full day at work plus two hours of travel.

    Gosh, I sound like I'm moaning! In reality I am thankful to have a job and am able to do the things that I enjoy.

    Time to get off my bruised bottom and do some work.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x

    Oh, Amanda - Ouch! I hope your recovery is quick. My back is slowly getting better but I know I'm going to have one doozy of a bruise once it finally appears.

    Enjoy your Easter with your father.


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope you are having a good thurs.Here,not
    Was informed today we need to move.This is the 4th move in less then 2 years when we lost our home.
    No reason,other than she wants her house back.
    Prayers are welcome.As others have said,this to shall pass.
    Thanks for your love and support.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    jmkmomm - that's a great suggestion about sending her an email. I'll have to ask Bryan if she even has an account, but that's a great suggestion. At least it would show him that I WANT to get to know her.

    katla - I met DiAnHa once for a few hours a couple of years ago. At the time I had no idea of the seriousness of the relationship. I wonder if there's something I can get her? We have the tradition of "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" but I don't know if they have that there.

    grandmalle - I don't know if in fact she has Bryan under her thumb. Maybe the culture of the Spanish has something to do with it. I just wish he'd have let me get to know her. I can tell you that she has a piercing in her lip and she got Bryan to get his eyebrow pierced. But that doesn't make her a bad person. I always thought the Spanish were very religious so I'm surprised that they're not getting married in a church. Oh well...... I'll be thinking of you and Ruth today.

    Amanda - not you too!!!! Hope you heal fast.

    DeeDee - one time a while ago Bryan asked when I'm going to stop worrying about him. My answer? "Get used to it because when I die I'm coming back from the grave to worry about you" How come you didn't get to the MD yesterday? Glad you have an appt for today, tho. Now LISTEN!!!!

    Bryan is supposed to call today. He said in the afternoon, but we don't know if he means his afternoon or ours.

    Wasn't there someone on here who asked about the paleo diet? CSPI's Nutrition Action Healthletter has a great article about it. What I like about this newsletter is that it doesn't have any ads, they will name names because they don't have to worry about losing an advertiser. One thing they point out (which makes a lot of sense) is how the Paleo diet was different for people on the coast of North America from that of the people in central Africa. The Inuit First Americans living in the Arctic ate a lot of meat and seafood since not many edible plants grow up there. Those in central Africa probably didn't have much (if any) seafood.

    Good news for all of us on this thread. The book Love and Survival by Dean Ornish talks about the impact of friendships, stress, and other social and psychological factors that affect our health. Looks like just being on this thread really is helpful (in more ways than one)

    Did an hour of Bob Harper's Inside Out DVD (weights). Tomorrow the plan is to go to the Y and do some HIIT on the AMT

    My sinuses are acting up again, it got cold again. So I took a decongestant. Woke up last night at 1:30 and haven't been to sleep since.

    Vince has a board meeting to go to for the Newcomers tonight. What it is is the old Board and the new Board are getting together. It's supposed to be a pot luck. Well, I actually bought some lasagna and Vince will take that. I'll also make some garlic bread for him to take. I usually go to the Board meetings, but we had two meetings at this lady's house (just the one Board) and she just doesn't have the room. There wasn't enough room for one board, let alone two. So since I'm not on the Board, I'm not going to go.

    Beth in SC - in a way, I'm almost afraid to tell Bryan that he and Dianna need to start acting like they are part of the family beacause then I might lose him for good. We just spoke to him on the phone. He's asking us to help with the expenses of the wedding to the tune of 2,000 euros (approx. $2500). Vince explained to him that seeings how we're going to be paying for our tickets over there, Denise's and maybe helping Jessica, we'd have to get back to him with how much we can help him out. Unfortunately, I didn't talk to Vince before the call and explained how much I wanted to give them tickets to the US for a wedding gift, and Bryan said that he'd really rather the money for the tickets be put towards the wedding. While he was on the phone I mentioned that he and Dianna could stay at the condo, take a sort of "honeymoon", but he wasn't very receptive to that idea.

    Lucy in DE - I got the impression from talking to Bryan today that they don't have any intention of coming to the US.

    Brooke - I'm planning that the day after Easter I'll go to WalMart. They usually have their candy marked down and I saw in their ad that they have Starburst jellybeans. Vince likes them and I have coupons, so maybe I'll be able to get him some.

    Robin - I'm so proud of you the way you're helping yourself. That's so great. Bodi probably knows that you need extra attention and he's giving it to you.

    Jo - Skype is a wonderful idea! I wonder if they can do that? Thanks for your lovely post. It meant a lot (as did everyone else's posts)

    Lora in NYC - keeping my fingers crossed for your son. Honestly, the thing I think about the most is that I want to keep the lines of communication open just in case. Probably nothing will happen, but I still want those lines to be open.

    Got a call today that my dress for the wedding is in, so I'll pick it up tomorrow.

    jane - how horrible! How long do you get in your place now?

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, Google can give you so much info on what the wedding traditions may be. As far as my parents offering my condo for a honeymoon I'm not sure if I would want to do that either. It's like they are planning my honeymoon. Now I may have missed something that the condo is in an exotic place or somewhere other than where his parents are. Sounds like you have some good ideas. I had to get used to my SIL having an ear pierced. We are just of different generations and I'm sure I did things that shocked my parents. In fact I married a man who did not attend church at all and I'm sure my strict Southern Baptist preacher of a Dad did a lot of praying for us!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    bump 12
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Nancy – Congrats to you on wearing your shirt tucked in! I truly understand why that would make you want to celebrate (I tried mine in last night, not quite there yet :laugh: )

    Lora in NYC – Yay for 3 pounds gone! And thanks for the quote – too true!

    Robin – Great for you that you had your first appointment and that you’ll be seeing your M.D. soon as well. You’re doing all the right things to get yourself fully healthy

    Tammy in NWPa – Good to have you joining us. You’ll find lots of motivation and support amongst these wise and witty women!

    Luvbuttons – Hope your ear feels much better and you were able to get a good night’s sleep

    Jane – sorry to hear you’re being forced to move, here’s hoping you find a nice (better!) place soon that you’ll be able to settle down in for as long as you like

    Michele – Hope your sinuses feel better and you can catch a good night’s sleep

    DeeDee - Can't wait to use your orange-curry sauce, am making grilled shrimp kabobs tomorrow just so I can taste it! Thanks again for sharing the recipe :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: BunnydaHunny, I live on the North Olympic Peninsula about 200 miles NW of you……now that you’ve posted on this thread, it will be listed under “My Topics” on the Community tab

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I don’t know what your financial situation is, but for us we could never afford to spend that kind of money on a child’s wedding along with plane tickets and all the accompanying costs, so we would have told our child that perhaps the wedding would have to be a very small event with us not in attendance…..and don’t jump to conclusions……just stay in the moment with the whole thing….and no matter what, come from a place of love

    :bigsmile: Lucy, wow, what a great record of consistency you have…..the trick about maintenance is to keep on doing what you’re doing with only a few more calories consumed each day and rare days doing something different.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, your two fur babies can be your greatest asset in your return from depression

    :cry: Janemartin, I am so sorry to hear that you have to move again……you have had such a great attitude about all the upheaval in your life.

    :noway: Amanda, your fall sounds scary…….take it easy as you recover

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, good luck at the doctor

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, sore muscles always make me happy because it means that I’ve had a great workout and my muscles are getting stronger

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It was much warmer today and I got to work in the yard in the late afternoon wearing a sweatshirt instead of all my winter clothing. With line dance class in the morning and dog walking after lunch, the yard had to wait until later.

    :laugh: :laugh: Don’t look at my food diary for yesterday because I didn’t change it after I deviated from my plan and ate pita chips and habanero cheddar cheese with the our guests……we had a great time and I stayed away from the pizza and cookies and only drank water.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: May I share some really, really good news? My mammogram and ultrasound were BETTER than the last of 6 months ago. I am doing a happy DANCE!!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    :flowerforyou: Michele in NC - been thinking about you a lot lately. You've been such a faithful friend and - may I say - a common-sense kinda gal. Your mother instinct goes into high gear, doesn't it. If there is anything I've learned in life, it is that:
    "a gut feel is typically correct"
    "life is temporary"
    "any decision you make may be misconstrued"
    "wedding traditions may be different in different cultures" (when I came to North America I had never heard of the tradition of "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue")
    "sending a message in any language that 'you love whomever your son loves' is a powerful message"
    "no to a monetary contribution is an answer, no matter how heart wrenching it can be"
    "you will not lose the love of your son, no matter your answer"

    Been there on all accounts

    All the best
    Vancouver Island, BC (doing a happy dance for me today)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK, I am officially frustrated. I am not losing anything and my calories are good. I don't register in my exercise. I do anything from 100 to 170 calories a day according to how well I am able to walk that day. If anyone wants to review my diary and give me some tips I would appreciate it
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brooke, I really enjoyed the Huffington Post article.:bigsmile: Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I can’t eat many of these foods due to intolerance issues. :noway: Story of my life.:tongue:

    Robin, It sounds like you're taking very positive steps. I hope you get relief from the depression quickly. :flowerforyou: I used to be plagued with low-level depression, but it hasn’t bothered me in several years. I don’t know whether “the change” was the thing that helped, or the calcium citrate and D3 my gynecologist told me that I needed to keep my bones strong. :bigsmile: Since I’ve never heard a kind word about “the change” from anyone, I lean toward the Calcium +D3 or a combination of the two.:wink:

    Michele, I think you’re on the right track with the traditions idea. :smile: Find something pretty that you’d like to give her and tell her about the tradition. Most people would enjoy being included in that way, regardless whether the tradition is part of their culture. You probably want to save important family keepsakes for a future anniversary gift. :wink: My MIL brought baby clothes and baby furniture to my wedding. :grumble: They were old but not borrowed or blue. My husband made her take them home and didn’t tell me about it for years. (Our son was born six years later.) She followed the wedding insult by making me feel unwelcome whenever we visited. We didn’t visit often, for obvious reasons.:noway:

    Renny, Congratulations on the mammogram and ultrasound results. Good health is the greatest blessing.:bigsmile:

    I was a good girl today, got plenty of exercise and no ice cream. :noway: The ice cream yesterday was worth it, and I’ll do it again but not often. :devil: We went down to work on the boat this afternoon, did a little cleaning, made “to do” lists and took out a battery that needs to be replaced. It was a pretty day and I enjoyed simply being there.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just a quick post this morning. My Dr. appt. went well, she just changed my antibiotics, no steroids:bigsmile: !!! Hope this time these do the trick! I did not have a headache at all yesterday, so I was very pleased about that, it`s so hard to do anything when your head hurts so bad!! My dog groomer will be here in 30 minutes to groom doggy, I need to at least get out of my pj`s:tongue: ! I have a pedicure appt. today:bigsmile: , I`m sure that will go a long way in making me feel more springy!!!

    Renny:smile: congrats, congrats, congrats:flowerforyou: !!! What great news!!!

    Brooke:smile: Hope you enjoy the orange curry sauce as much as I do! I think I could eat it on everything!

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for friday morning
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Good Friday to all.

    I have been MIA for awhile doing a lot of catching up at work and experimenting with my food and seeing if increasing my calories would work.

    On the work front I am officially caught up and am working on current things so I'm feeling like I can face April fresh and current...it's such a good feeling to be working in the present:happy:

    On my experiment of increasing my calories...at least for this time of year where I'm exercising inside it didn't work:sad: I will be changing my ticker to include the 1.5 increase that I have been playing with over the past couple of weeks. I'm still below my goal of last year but not where I wanted to be by April. I'm in hopes that by the time we start riding our bikes outside I will be seeing my goal of those few pesky pounds go away:grumble: In the mean time all my clothes fit and I'm liking where I am with whats in the closet. I tried on all my summer clothes and I'm ready for the warm weather to get here.

    Hoping all of you are doing well. Not sure if I will be able to get caught up on the posts as it's another busy weekend ahead of us. On Easter Sunday we will be going to Son #2 & DIL, it makes it easier on them to host since they have the three kiddos where toys and rooms are ready for them to play.

    Have a great Friday all you Vit F. Logging will be my challenge this weekend, drinking my water will be easy:drinker: getting in some extra exercise I'm thinking I will need to do it first thing in the morning or it won't be happening.

    TTFN Laura80111 in Colorado:smile: