

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning.

    I planned to reply to a post, and realize that I need to quote. Editing options don't seem to include delete, so I'll wish all of you a wonderful Good Friday and try again.:blushing:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katia, I’ve decided I will work on developing ways to use the two iPads I have in my classroom, and ways to integrate students’ electronic devices into my lessons. Could be fun. What were you teaching?

    Nancy in SE British Columbia, where the sun is shining and the snow is creeping back up the mountains.


    I'm thinking about two Ipads in a room of younger students. How many students do you have, and how old are they? I watched my 2 year old GD play with one. Not much attention span unless mommy was right there playing with her. School age likely means a somewhat greater attention span for most students. The two ideas that come to mind are setting up the program you want used, and creating "stations." Kids would get so many minutes at each station. Another idea is to use them to play math or word games so many minutes as a reward. Our SPED department was using them with kids who have communications problems.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    OK, I am officially frustrated. I am not losing anything and my calories are good. I don't register in my exercise. I do anything from 100 to 170 calories a day according to how well I am able to walk that day. If anyone wants to review my diary and give me some tips I would appreciate it

    Just as an observation, I would say your proteins are a little low and carbs a little high - you're allowing yourself twice as many carbs as proteins, and your proteins don't meet the minimum of 60/day. Proteins will help you stay full longer . . . and all that jazz :).

    Additionally, it looks to me like a lot of processed foods? Are you using existing entries as a substitute for meals you make at home, or are you eating out/eating frozen meals that much? If you can manage to make a couple of small tweaks to your meal-planning, I would recommend this:

    no more white food. Pizza? Whole wheat crust. Pasta? Whole wheat or whole grain. Brown rice. Or skip the carbs altogether and:

    can you tolerate beans? If so, try getting a serving of beans in there for fiber and nutrition. jb gave us a nice tip: have a meal or even a snack of a 1/2 - 1 cup of black beans with some salsa or toss same amount of beans (any kind) with some vinaigrette dressing for a bean salad.

    Frozen veggies are your friend. Toss a bag of microwavable veggies with some dressing or just unsalted seasonings for a healthy snack.

    Finally, how much are you really moving? When I started this back in June I had "sort of" tried dieting for the previous four years, but nothing really worked. My weight didn't move an ounce. It wasn't until I added a consistent hour+ of exercise six days a week, and some days as much as 2 1/2 hours (adding a walk in the afternoon), that my weight finally moved and my metabolism reset itself. Now I'm 45 lbs lighter, wearing size eights with ease, and so much more fit (minus the current sore back). It's a lot of work with periods of stall, but I have to say I haven't plateaued nearly as much as I have in the past - because my exercise and food intake are pretty much the same day in and day out.

    One last note - you don't mention it and I don't know, but beware of liquid calories. It's so easy to drink in way too much. I had to stop drinking alcohol altogether at first just to keep my nutrition high enough without the empty calories added on top of it. I now allow myself the occasional glass of wine but no more not paying attention and suddenly drinking several hundred calories (most of the time ;). They can also come in the form of coffee drinks, flavored waters, sodas, etc. And try to avoid those "diet" foods - the fake sweeteners and chemical fillers they use for lo-cal foods aren't really any better for you, and a lot of studies are showing they can be worse than eating regular foods in the end.

    Hope this helps - feel free to ping me.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Good Fri.
    Hope you are doing well.
    Have a great day!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for all your input. Unfortunately I do eat my processed foods and eat out. My husband has no ability to not eat anything that is left over from a meal I would cook at home. So I do put over the nutritional data on line to pick the best choices. I either eat my Healthy Choice or Lean cuisine meals for lunch or I fix like I did today a peanut butter samdwich on healthy life bread. I ahve fresh carrots and an apple every day for lunch. I drink nothing but water. i do walk about a mile a day and jsut haven't been logging it.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Hidee Ho everyone,
    Im back, tired as all get out but im back.. It was a very eventful trip, we got to visit with Ruth twice..She is doing ok,but getting a little dementia ,cant remember some things correctly, and she rambles,but I think alot of it has to do with the meds....
    She isn't on her deathbed right this minutes, but I would say within the next 6 months or so.. She was soooo excited to see us,just tickled and we had a nice visit,we hit a couple of the christmas tree shops ,found a couple of bargains,lost my small bag with extra clothes and meds in it at one of the shops,luckly someone found it and I was able to pick it up...went out last night for dinner, I only had had water and a small biscotti all day,I was bad at early dinner, had a humungous cheeseburger and french fries,,did drink water with dinner ,came back to the house and crashed on the couch, think I was asleep by 6 pm, up at 5 this morning, had a very small bowl of oatmeal and more water, and nothing since then, all I can say it was alot of driving but to see the huge smile on Ruth's face was worth every mile....Hope evreyone is enjoying a nice 3 day weekend, I get to work 1/2 day tomorrow and hoping I can have the DGD after that overnight...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hello Vitamin F friends - it's been a busy week and I was out of town for part of the week. Just wanted to stop by today---I'm thinking spring today as it's sunny and warmer than it's been around here for a while. I'm hopeful the weather will begin to settle down soon (although a risk of snow was in the forecast for next Monday)


    Wishing you all happy and healthy days. You are wonderful! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So very happy it is Friday and that the boss went home early and most likely won't be here Monday. A great start to what I hope is a happier and productive weekend. DH and I have really been talking about purging all the crap from our house so we can get everything neat and organized. (That will help with my depression for sure) He is on board and we are supposed to have decent weather this weekend.

    Take care dear ladies,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello all

    Well done to all who have registered weight loss or inches loss this week. For all of you who are having struggles - good wishes are sent over the wifi for a better time ahead! I love to read all your posts - they are a huge encouragement that this is a journey walked with friends all over the world.

    We had a very traditional Good Friday for our family - we all walked into town to join the churches for a walk through town; there was a dad with his 2 small children who are in my Sunday School class there, and the littlest wanted to walk - so I ended up pushing the buggy for him while he held their hands! I realised that I am very rusty at pushing a buggy! My teenagers were finding it very amusing. This was followed by a meal in a local restaurant - where we've been for the last 15 years, since the kids were 3 and 4, with friends. It was a really good family day.

    Later my daughter and I walked the dogs - I usually have the leads clipped round my waist - today I had to clip the leads over the shoulder - they were too loose around my waist!!! I was wearing my usual dog walking coat! I haven't measured my waist recently - but this is a great indicator that things are moving in the right direction!

    Have a great Easter everyone. MA in UK
  • VickieZureich
    VickieZureich Posts: 37 Member
    Hi All,

    I am just starting up again after I had done well and lost 32 pounds by Oct. 2013. I have gained back 15 pounds and feel now is not a good time to start up again just before Easter, but know that if I don't track I will gain it All back...I don't know if anyone else is interested in being my friend on here, but I really enjoyed reading all of the posts from other women who are in the same boat as myself and find it ultra encouraging. I have hooked up with a few gals and we meet every other week, so in between it is nice that I have this to look forward to...I am struggling to get off of sodas again;I began eating healthy but know this is my next challenge even though it is sugar-free, the last time I dropped a significant amount of weight I needed to delete this from my drinks...so I made a gallon of tea and I am sipping on water throughout the day...
    I am glad to meet you all and have a Very Happy Easter!:happy:
  • luvbuttons
    Don't feel so hot, ladies. BUMP
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Hi All my Vit F buddies,

    Just stopping in to touch base. I have been lax in logging my food and getting to the thread to keep up with everyone. I have been working hard to clean out my "mystery" room that some of us discussed several weeks ago. Seems DH has been a little upset in regard to my lack of housekeeping, so I have had to try to make amends and keep the peace at my house. I have made some progress and fully intend to rectify the matter fully.

    I had already planned a trip to VA to DD's for DGS's birthday on Saturday. I brought my 3 grandchildren that live near me along to see their Aunt, Uncle and cousins.

    They are having a blast!!! We will be traveling back to Middle TN on Sunday after Easter services and dinner.

    I hope to be able to return to the forum on a more regular basis real soon.

    I miss the conversation with all of you.

    Take care, and all the best,

    Mary from TN
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    When Bryan first asked for the $10,000 for the wedding, we told him that our Newcomers has an event every year. Two buffet entrees, dancing for about 4 hours, yes, cash bar. But it only costs around $2500 (Vince is the treasurer so that's how we know the amount).

    jmkmomm - the absolute only reason I offered the condo for a "honeymoon" was if in fact they are trying to cut costs, this could be one way that they could. They would only incur the cost of transportation (a rental car maybe) and food. The condo is in Titusville, FL about 10 hours south of us. Titusville is next to Cape Canaveral. It really boomed when the space program was a biggie. I have to say that right now there are a lot of abandoned buildings. But it's also close to Orlando (depending on the part of Orlando you're going to, it can be anywhere from 1/2 hr away to over an hour). Oh, you want to talk about marrying the "wrong" man. Let me tell you, when Vince and I first got engaged, my father absolutely did not like him at all. Poor guy had so much against him, he had long hair, he wasn't Catholic, and, sin of all sins, he wasn't Polish. But we have three children now, we'll be celebrating our 35th anniversary. I still remember my grandmother (my father's mother) saying to my dad "oh, leave him (Vince) alone, he has good manners".

    barbie - Bryan did suggest that we not come to the wedding, but there is no way on this green earth that I will miss my son's wedding. Correction: there's only one way.....if I'm six feet under

    Renny - how wonderful that the mammo and US were better than last year's. I'm dancing with you. When you said "any decision you make will be misconstrued", that's what I'm afraid of. One time I mentioned to Bryan that I'd love for him to come here for Christmas Eve. Our tradition is meatless and I would love for them to share some of their vegetarian meals with me. Jessica said to me "you shouldn't have said that". My one and only thought was to include Dianna, that's IT.

    jmk - I checked out your diary. Have you tried increasing your calories for the day in the form of nutritious foods (not junk food)? I notice that you are consistently low on calories. If you're burning extra calories from exercise, your body might be thinking that it's in starvation mode and won't give up any of the fat.

    grandmalle - so glad you got to see Ruth, and I'm sure she enjoyed your visit.

    MA - what a nice Good Friday tradition. What's the significance of it? I remember when I was little, every year my dad and I would go to three different churches. Why, I really don't know. Congrats on the NSV!

    luvbuttons, feel better fast.

    The place where I got my dress for some reason didn't open. Even tho they had a sign that says "Fridays 11-6", I remember she'd told me yesterday that athey were closing at 3 for Good Friday. Oh well, I'll try going tomorrow

    I did an hour of HIIT using the step feature of the AMT. I'm thinking that using the elliptical might be a bit better since you can use your arms a lot more. On the AMT you can use your arms, but it's a bit on the hard side and gets hard when you're sprinting. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga

    Hope everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member

    Happy Easter, and Passover, and a Lovely Spring, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
    Busy helping my Son move to his new place this evening and all weekend!
    Hugs to all:smile:
    bump 13
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone, feels like forever since I've been on the post. I read back a few pages, noticed the falls and bumps - hope you are feeling okay even if you are bruised. I'm still dealing with the rotator cuff injury from January with physio (and pain) but I do think it is a little better.

    Michele, I hope things will work themselves out. I'm pretty sure my daughter will be marrying from Europe as well, but at least I did get to meet Daniel when I visited, and I plan on going back in September. The thought of being permanently on another continent is not very pleasing, but it is what it is and I guess we will have to deal with it as best we can.

    I spent the day spring cleaning, then dog walking, then garden and grass raking. I'm tired. I will do the second half of the yard tomorrow and maybe bag up all the lawn waste on Monday. I have a four day weekend so lots of time of spend, and it's supposed to be very warm all weekend, 15 - 18 degrees I think that's around 65 to 70??(sorry, I'm not good at converting to Fahrenheit).

    The vet put my fur babies on a diet too, so we've all been losing weight. They're looking pretty good actually!

    For those of my VitF friends commenting on the ham, yup, I've been suffering all day from too much sodium. I used some more of it in tagliatelli with alfredo carbonara and had a very small portion. I think I'll freeze the rest in small portions and save it for when I'm having a salt craving.

    Hope everyone has a great Easter or Passover and I'll check in again in a couple of days.

    Renny - I'm all over the F&V challenge again.

    Lila in the sunny Kootenays in beautiful BC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. Had a good day but my nutrition wasn't the best. (Had a banana split for dinner). I have a question for you girls. We're leaving next week for a cruise, driving to Galveston and taking Princess on Saturday. If I can't get on-line will my days reset? I'm taking my ipad and hoping I'll have access on board.
    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. DH didn't want to go to DS's since I had just been there last week. So we'll be here alone.

    Sue in TX
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    hi to all and have wonderful holidays whatever you celebrate.
    This is our last night on vacation. We did a 3 hour hike and I burned 1254 calories!!!!:smile:
    We have been very active but also eating. Most meals have been in vs. out so I'm hoping when we hit the scale on Sunday my DH and I haven't put any weight on. Looking at pictures I can see I still need to lose those last 5 lbs - but I'm getting close

    I'm a bit behind on all the posts but have picked up on a couple themes

    Robin - so glad you are getting help

    Michelle - I feel badly that you find yourself in this predicament with your son. I think for now you do have to give both him and your future DIL the benefit of the doubt but insist that you do get to know her as so many others have suggested.

    Amanda - hope you are feeling better and healing up from your fall

    Grandmallie - I often think of you and all your trials. Hang in there

    Jane - hoping you can settle in someplace good and can stay a bit this time

    I'm exhausted from the hike so sorry to those I've missed but I'm starting to lose it.

    Congrats to all those who have lost lbs or had NSV.

    I should be back on this thread more regularly again once I'm back home. Time to pack. Take care Jodios
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    It is so nice to have a 4-day weekend. Today was cleaning and laundry day. First time hanging out the laundry, given the wonderful weather. Tomorrow back to 10K training and later Easter dinner with the kids. Sunday I may go for a bike ride and get back to my genealogy work. Monday...keeping free for the unexpected.

    DH and I trekked to the Red Barn market at lunch today and bought some wraps for us and DS, who was doing some work in the shop; veggie wrap for me, which was quite delicious. Dinner was a nice salad, and I also had some Ryvita crisp crackers with PB and one with cheese. Lacking in the fruit department today. But thinking I may start tomorrow with a smoothie. Dinner is likely going to be ham with raisin sauce; DD is bringing a kale salad and a yam concoction; DS / DIL are bringing brussels sprouts and a berry gluten free crumble for dessert; other DS bringing dinner rolls and drinks. See, that's how it should work once you have adult kids. Our house is usually the place to gather. I think the kids like having it that way, with acreage and patio to spread out to.

    Finally feeling well enough to go back to 10K training tomorrow. Ankle feels good and the flu bug has finally dissipated.

    Had a spat with the Maytag man this morning, but hope to connect with the business owner on Tuesday.

    Let's incorporate plenty of veggies in our Easter festivities, shall we?

    Okay, that's it for now. Good night all

    Vancouver Island, BC