

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    We are enjoying such beautiful weather her in Idaho loving it. I so look forward to taking my dog out for her walk in the evening now that the weather is milder.

    I have been working on catching up on all of the posts. Slowly getting it done.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Express yourself...


    It's Friday but Sunday's Coming!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening Vitamin F companions. You continue to inspire and support me. Don’t forget that there will be a new thread for April and it will be time to evaluate your success on your March goals and resolutions and set new ones (or the same ones again) for April. Look for the new thread in the evening (PDT) on Sunday.

    :flowerforyou: Jmkmomm, I looked at your diary and have a couple of changes that you might consider making gradually----eat breakfast, move away from processed foods and restaurant meals, and look for ways to exercise that don’t include walking (several women on this thread have done some interesting exercise while recovering from foot or knee surgery), and never, never, never give up.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I’m glad the doctor didn’t suggest steroids…….follow his direction and get a lot of rest and drink a lot of water and you’ll be your normal healthy self soon.

    :flowerforyou: M, your suggestions for healthier eating and exercise are awesome

    :flowerforyou: Robin, cleaning out and getting rid of are very therapeutic practices.

    :flowerforyou: Sue, if you don’t log on, then your continuous day count will reset…..there is a way to contact the leadership at MFP and get the continuous days put back if that’s what you want to do

    :bigsmile: Jodios , your hike sounds wonderful.

    :bigsmile: We went out to a potluck where I planned to not eat anything (I ate at home before I went) but there were corn muffins so I had one because they are something I love and never have at home.

    :bigsmile: Jake and I worked out in the yard today in beautiful sunny weather. We both worked hard but didn't overdo it and came back in after an hour.

    :bigsmile: I taught the line dance class today and it went great. I learn more each time I do it and got some nice compliments from students, newer as well as experienced..

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for March (with near the end of the month comments)

    *twice a week dance practice at home (more dancing than before but not as much as I had hoped)
    * make appointment and go see the osteoporosis doctor (I made the call and am on a waiting list)
    *act the way I want to feel (doing better all the time)

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    I hope everyone has had a good short week, and is enjoying some kind of early spring today! The snow just melted off the front garden yesterday and those reliable daffodils pushed up 3 inches today! I can finally see my deciduous huchera, those amazing, multi-coloured garden wonders that survive 3 feet of snow for months on end, to add bright splashes of rich colour early in the season…they are a nice backdrop for the daffs and then the tulips…and stay gorgeous all summer.

    Last Tuesday I saw my first robin around the corner! A few hours later I saw an
    Imposing egret flying above my car…they nest just north of our area. So, I knew that whatever flurries were flying by, it will be spring very shortly, and today was a cool spring day, but beautifully sunny.

    I have behind in reading the posts, out of town a lot this week… so here are a few responses to only the latest posts…

    Lucy – how great of you to share a viewpoint that looks back for a year of experience… the hard part is just staying with whatever program you choose

    Brooke – thanks for the article referral, I looked it up, and found it made very commonsense suggestions.

    Sue in TX – how lovely to watch the little birds playing in your bird bath….I can dream of summer now.

    Barbie – I am trying hard to get in as many steps per day….and finally my Fitbit gave me a milestone badge…..sigh…..I am sure I should be earning these every 10 days… my knees and feet are killing me ( yes I have good runners that are new), the pain does not remind me I am getting stronger….so getting back to moving is better than not, I keep telling myself!

    Katia – my youngest grandson is in the only class in our city that has an ipad for every grade 4 student, and he loves it! They keep experimenting with it for almost every topic…. and his brother is very jealous! I love mine, even though I already have a Macbook Pro, etc..... I use the ipad every day…. So I am sure your students are going to be enriched by their exposure too.

    Laura - you sound so organized and READY for summer! My closet has 3 seasons going right now to cover the strange weather patterns.. winter, later winter, and “please please come spring”…

    MWheat- I agreed with all your commonsense advice aobut the differences between good food and empty or processed foods in our food plans…the body does know the difference! Some people can eat empty calories, but I find they have to exercise quite a bit more….

    JNkmom- it really seems you are trying to stay with good food choices, and I think that is great….. My guys can get finicky too….I have recently found that stir fry veggies with ginger and lemongrass can use up a lot of leftover meats or chicken…and they guys eat it up. Of course, I demand some chopping help though!

    Lin – great lion, I am hoping the March Lion does go out like a lamb…..today may be our first softening…hope you are getting lots of rest.

    Robin – what the heck are you doing working on a staff holiday? Even if it is ‘quiet on the boss front” for a change….Is it not a holiday in the US?

    Deedee – hoping you get better and stay better!

    MA in UK – how lovely to have such a communal Good Friday tradition, sounds lovely, and fantastic news on the NSV!

    Vickie – how wonderful to have an experienced hand back in the topic field…good luck!

    Nonnicee-Mary - Have a wonderful time away with all the grands…sounds like a good party is a reward for all your hard work!

    Renny – happy dances here for you!

    Michele – I hope you find some inner peace about your son’s new partner for life….
    ….I was the farthest thing from my own MIL’s idea of a wife: I was a driven executive, not her perfect white picket fence type… and she and I would have disagreed about everything if I gave in to her “know it all” prodding….but indeed DH and I were matched in spirit, interests, and values….and we have been a lot happier than many others….for over 25 years now. All that is good and true in our marriage keeps ringing true as we get older and all the non-essential differences grow smaller.

    NYC Pals, - yeah, the cold and snow have ruined our spring…but I am counting on the sudden turn from wet and cool to hot…and no real spring in between! Keep your spirits up!

    We are all good here in SWOnt, DH is madly marking his final essays, that will be my fate on Monday and the next week… DS has not heard back from his preferred grad school, but another one called and asked if he would consider applying to their program…so that was a good thing.

    I have been attempting to walk much more to keep my Fitbit happy, and get myself to a better level of everyday movement….I do pretty well some days, others are not great….but overall there is a slow but steady improvement. The reality is that the arthritits and the sciatica all react badly…but I am hopeful. Weight loss without exercise was a bad mistake of mine in the past….so this time is the right time to change….lasting change comes with a whole life change…

    So Fitbit is it for me!

    Have a wonderful Saturday and Easter Sunday….hope you all enjoy this weekend!

    BJ, SWOnt, CA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, the one thing that keeps me from increasing my calories is that the hospital dieticina set me at 1300. I was running a blood sugar of 102 most of the time and I have been slowly creeping up and yesterday it was 110. I am wanting to get rid of my Metformin, not be more dependent on it. I know I should eat less processed foods but I just don't know how to cook except for greasy and things in cream sauces. Also since I don't wake up until around 11 AM, the dietician set me at 3 meals for 11 AM to 11 PM and two snacks. Now granted I don't always follow that. I guess I just really need to have another conference with the dietician. With my Medicare I am allowed 3 teaching sessions. I went through a 4 session in a group but I also can have private.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We are going on vacation Sunday. It's been almost a year and I am ready. I wanted to go the the Maine coast line in the fall, had it all planned out and at the end my husband said no. He had always said yes and even helped me get literature. He is not the easist to travel with. He is the only person who is right, the rest of us are stupid idiots, only he puts it a little more colorful. He talks to drivers on the road and usually it is silence between the two of us the whole trip. He was hard on our girls the same way when they were ar home. So he likes to take the whole family on vcation and pay for it all. I think this is his way of repaying some of the wrongs he did when they were wrong. His language, well a sailor wouldn't even say some of the things he says. Our oldest daughter is very religious so he doesn't cuss at all around her. So it will be 4 days cuss free. So that is one reason why it is nice to go with the fmaily. Also I enjoy my delightful grand kids!!!!The car ride can be a little tough. 7 people in a mnivan, 4 of us obese. We are going to Galtinburg Tennessee and renting a large cabin. We have found that much cheaper than renting hotel rooms for 3 families plus we have a house to hang out in instead of a small hotel room.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    morning lovely friends,
    today I have to work till noon, 3rd day no gym,but will be getting my DGD overnight and havr my family down for an easter egg hunt for Taliah tomorrow. so excited.... I didnt weight myself until last night and I have gained 1 lb back, oh well I am back into the spring mode of logging and working out..
    the DH as always has calmed down and will be leaving this friday to drive down to florida,he will spend a week down there at our home,so it will be me and Homer and Chester holding down the fort for the week..
    Hope everyone enjoys the wonderful weekend and for those who celebrate Happy Passover / Happy Easter ~He has Risen
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    I've just revisited my very first post on this thread to see what I set myself...

    My goals for March are:
    to log food intake daily and honestly (no cheating!)
    to walk at least 60 miles in March on top of daily activity (dogs will love that!)
    to keep water intake up
    to laugh and keep positive
    to finish knitting my jumper

    How well have I done - and will I complete in the two days to go?

    logged everyday - without cheating - yes
    walked 55 miles extra so far - will get 5 miles in over the weekend so happy with that one
    water intake ok
    laugh and keep positive - survived the computer problems at work, survived ankles playing up - so a helpful goal
    knitting - finished the back and part of the front - but this one is a carry forward to April!

    Now is the time to be thinking about goals for April.. so thinking hats on ladies..

    Wishing you a fabulous weekend - finally the sun is shining here again - so I feel a walk coming on! MA in UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, Question about vegetables How do you oven roast your choices and what spices and vegetable combinations
    have you tried?
    Looking for ideas with the soon to come spring veggies, we like the leftover ones in salads

    Happy Easter hope the bunny has some spring in his basket
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Happy Easter hope the bunny has some spring in his basket!
    Love this!! It is a beautiful day here with blue skies and sunshine! Will get out for a long, brisk walk today in between preparing for Easter dinner with my family here, grading papers, and writing lesson plans. Am also hoping to finish putting the final touches on my new office/sewing room-almost there and very pleased with the outcome. DH put up a new light fixture and put together a bookshelf for me yesterday. I still need to make valences and organize it all. I am excited to be able to get back to a quilting project I started last spring.

    I need to get moving. I spend too much time sitting and need to change that!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Deb in sunny, but still not warm enough CNY
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Ladies, Question about vegetables How do you oven roast your choices and what spices and vegetable combinations
    have you tried?
    Looking for ideas with the soon to come spring veggies, we like the leftover ones in salads

    Happy Easter hope the bunny has some spring in his basket

    We roast everything - broccoli, cauliflower, onions, squash, beets, carrots, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, . . . pretty much all of it can be roasted. I have an olive oil spritzer - I spray the veggies with a bit, toss them, then roast them at 375 - 425. Depending on what it is, I may use nothing else, a little salt, some rosemary and garlic, but not a soft fresh herb (they don't hold up to roasting). Good luck! PS - anything you can roast you can also throw on the grill. We have a veggie pan for the grill we use all the time when they weather warms up.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Michelle, the one thing that keeps me from increasing my calories is that the hospital dieticina set me at 1300. I was running a blood sugar of 102 most of the time and I have been slowly creeping up and yesterday it was 110. I am wanting to get rid of my Metformin, not be more dependent on it. I know I should eat less processed foods but I just don't know how to cook except for greasy and things in cream sauces. Also since I don't wake up until around 11 AM, the dietician set me at 3 meals for 11 AM to 11 PM and two snacks. Now granted I don't always follow that. I guess I just really need to have another conference with the dietician. With my Medicare I am allowed 3 teaching sessions. I went through a 4 session in a group but I also can have private.

    OK, you should definitely listen to your dietician. I don't know what to say to you about the cooking/processed foods thing. I grew up in a cooking family so to me it's kind of second nature. I know a lot of people don't cook though - do you have any interest in learning to cook simple things that aren't greasy/heavily sauced? I can recommend a number of places to look, but if you don't have the time or inclination it might not help.

    Have you looked into whether your Medicare plan will cover a gym membership or Weight Watchers? Sometimes they do provide assistance for people looking to lose a significant amount of weight.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. Had a good day but my nutrition wasn't the best. (Had a banana split for dinner). I have a question for you girls. We're leaving next week for a cruise, driving to Galveston and taking Princess on Saturday. If I can't get on-line will my days reset? I'm taking my ipad and hoping I'll have access on board.
    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. DH didn't want to go to DS's since I had just been there last week. So we'll be here alone.

    Sue in TX

    Sue, this just made me LOL. I frequently have popcorn for dinner, but a banana split is a whole 'nuther level.

    I think they have wifi on the cruises, but I'm sure they're an extra cost - and in some cases they don't have anything. I just hope the cruise goes great for you! Yes, if you don't log in at all for a day it will reset. I wouldn't worry about it though - no one dings anybody for missing vacation days :).

    Have fun!

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Nancy – Congrats to you on wearing your shirt tucked in! I truly understand why that would make you want to celebrate (I tried mine in last night, not quite there yet!!!)

    Cooky56ny – Hope you’re not TOO sore from all that moving.

    Lila – Wow, you torched the outdoors work and workouts today, you deserve to be tired!

    Sue – Enjoy your cruise! By the way - - banana split for dinner? :laugh:

    Jodios – Sounds like such a great vacation, glad you were able to get away and enjoy some warmth and outdoors time!

    Renny – So glad your ankle is healed and the flu bug has gone bye-bye. Ease yourself into your training routine, you’re going to ROCK that 10k!

    Liz – I’m with you, my dog and I are soooooo happy to be able to enjoy our walks. Have been around the lake twice so far this week and plan to go again today and hopefully tomorrow too.

    Texasgal22 – Cool graphic, thanks for sharing it!

    Barbie – Thanks to you for keeping this thread moving along week-to-week and month-to-month, YOU ARE SO APPRECIATED!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:

    BJ – My closet has three seasons running too, as we can (and do) swing 40+ degrees in just a day or two – but you’re right, Spring is definitely in the air! Congrats on your Fitbit badge, take pride in each and every milestone/accomplishment – you’ve earned them! And you’re so right, “lasting change comes with a whole life change”. :drinker:

    Brooke from Colorado
    (who just weighed in and lost 2.2 pounds)

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Texasgal, I love the poster. You just gave my whole mood an upward tweek.:bigsmile:

    Liz, I am happy that you are able to take your dog out for evening walks. Our weather has been amazingly mild this winter. I’m hoping there is enough snowfall in the mountains and Canada that the river runs full enough all summer. :tongue: On the other side of that worry, there have been a lot of good walking days and I am thankful for every one of them.:bigsmile:

    Jmkmomm, I’m glad you’re going to see the nutritionist again. I second Barbie’s suggestions, particularly for breakfast, which needs to be your first meal of the day after you wake up. Skipping breakfast and over-eating the rest of the day is part of the reason I needed to lose 65 pounds!:grumble: Not being a big breakfast eater helped me become a big woman. :blushing: Breakfast helps prevent munchies and enables me to moderate my eating the rest of the day. I think it would help you, too.:smile:
    I hope you enjoy the family vacation. Renting a cabin for everyone seems like a great idea.:bigsmile:

    BJ in SW Ont, I’m retired from teaching,but not from expressing opinions that probably should be kept to myself part of the time. :blushing: :noway: My ipad posts were in response to Nancy, and I agree with you about how motivating it is. :flowerforyou: Good Friday is not a work holiday in the US, nor is Easter, Chinese New Years, Hanukah or Ramaden. We have no religious holidays that are work holidays that I know about. Our Constitution guarantees us freedom OF religion, which some people translate as freedom FROM religion. We celebrate the religious holidays before and after work if they fall on a workday. Religious holidays are addressed in some labor contracts, and sometimes involve time and a half pay, or the inclusion of a self-selected personal day off. In public schools Christmas Vacation has been renamed Winter Break in our area.:grumble:

    MA_B: Great work on your goals!:flowerforyou:

    We have a gorgeous morning here and I’m hoping to put some fun into the day. If DH is feeling up to it we could go somewhere and ride our bikes. If not, I’ll content myself with doing more clean up on the boat and walking the dog. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in absolutely gorgeous NW Oregon
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    GOOD Morning Ladeis! or at least it is for about another hour in my time zone :smile: I slept really well - loooong! and I am feeling so refreshed. My hubby is in a good mood himself. He's gone to grab us some lunch. He's on vacation so I say "if he's on vacation I'm on vacation!". It's been kind of crazy hectic the last 3 weeks so its nice to take a breather :smile:

    Quote for the day:


    katla, glad you enjoyed the picture and enjoying a beautiful Saturday - have fun on your bike ride :bigsmile:

    Brooke from Colorado, who just weighed in and lost 2.2 pounds - Congratulations!!! and glad you liked the pic too :bigsmile:

    Sue in TX, I'd miss a day for a cruise! have a blast; M and I will be here waiting to hear all about the cruise :bigsmile:

    M, yum...roasted vegetables ♥ springtime :bigsmile:

    Deb in sunny, but still not warm enough CNY, some days I spend too much time sitting and it isn't good but my work may require it Yay! Springtime enjoy :bigsmile:

    Meyllisa, Happy ♥ Easter to you; sure hope your bunny hops in with some spring :bigsmile:

    MA in UK, enjoy your Springtime walk; I don't think I set March goals best get busy for April :bigsmile:

    grandmallie, spending the day with DGD is always a blessing :bigsmile:

    well, gotta scoot - lunch has arrived!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I have a YMCA membership through Silver Sneakers. It's just that I dont' go. I had only used the pool, am heavy enough and psoriasis in terrible places, that I bought a special swim suit. I can't find it. I tried to the gym but they weren't happy about having me in there without it being documented that I had been trained on the machines. They did that but lost the paperwork and were really dragging their feet in doing it again. My husband will be on Medicare in July and I am really pushing for him to use the Silver Sneakers membership he will get with his supplememnt. Then we will go together.
    As far as eating as soon as I get up, I do. It's jsut that I get up at 11. So that is the first meal of the day. I need to be eating another meal at 11 PM and I don't.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Silly question from a person who knows nothing about food. We are going on vacation and I need to pack something in my purse that I can have a snack in the afternoon while we are away from our cabin. I love my Gala apples. I know that I can put it in my purse without cutting it but would it stay fresh if I cut it? Also I love my my organic baby carrots. Could they pack without any kind of refrigeration? I know that I can pack my granola bars, that would be the simplest thing. I will be in a mobility scooter that has a basket on it to put my purse in. I fear if I put to much in it that it will be to heavy. I also know that whatever I put in, my two grand children will want. My husband suggested raisins. But that just goes to fast
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Silly question from a person who knows nothing about food. We are going on vacation and I need to pack something in my purse that I can have a snack in the afternoon while we are away from our cabin. I love my Gala apples. I know that I can put it in my purse without cutting it but would it stay fresh if I cut it? Also I love my my organic baby carrots. Could they pack without any kind of refrigeration? I know that I can pack my granola bars, that would be the simplest thing. I will be in a mobility scooter that has a basket on it to put my purse in. I fear if I put to much in it that it will be to heavy. I also know that whatever I put in, my two grand children will want. My husband suggested raisins. But that just goes to fast

    Well, the cut apple would be fine to eat, but it would get brown (if that bothers you), orange or bananas travel well. Carrots, celery, radishes would be easy and stay fine to eat. Nuts of any kind are a good source of protein (watch your portion though, a handful is it), which helps keep you full, or some string cheese or other cheese cubes (again, watch your portions). Dried fruits pack easily. And/or you can make and take a sandwich or wrap, with veggies and lean protein. I've also frozen a regular yogurt cup and it thaws during the travel day and stays cold and ready to eat (just remember to pack a spoon!). Just some ideas. Hope you have a terrific time at the cabin with your family!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    cooky - good luck to your son (and you!)

    Lila - it's so good to know that someone else knows how I feel (children living on another continent). Now Bryan tell us that the wedding may not be until the 12th since they are evidentally having some problems with the city. Don't know any more details than that.

    DeeDee - you said that Boars Head (I think it was) has a low sodium ham. Is it a ham shank (or butt) or deli ham?

    Sue in TX - if you don't log in even once, yes, your days will reset. BUT...one thing I found (and I thought this quite amusing) is that if you log just one item/day, MFP counts it as if you logged in. You can log that one item before you leave, so you won't lose your days. For example...say right now you are at 100 days (just pulling a number out of the air), will be gone for 7 days. For those 7 days (before you leave), log just one food (anything) and when you get back from your cruise your days logged in will be 107. I tried this one time, that's how I found out.

    jodios - one of the things (and we haven't thought this out completely) is that since we're giving Bryan tickets to the US as a wedding gift, his friends and sisters will need to give them a gift. Perhaps we can ask them for money for a rental car, we'll hold the money and just give it to them when they get to the US. Like I said, I haven't thought this out completely. Vince and I were talking (operative word) and we were thinking of telling Bryan that we're disappointed that he isn't making any attempt to let us get to know Dianna. It's been almost a year since he sent the scathing email to us and one of the things he commented was how he felt we didn't acknowledge Dianna. We suggested that when we are on the phone with him that he put her on the phone. But since then every time he's called or we've called him, either she isn't there or he has elected not to put her on the phone. I really do want to get to know her.

    Jessica is supposed to be here next weekend, so we'll have our Easter with her then. We're still taking care of her cats.

    Renny - how I wish my kids were closer by. I don't mean down the street, even just a few hours away, heck, on the same continent would work. But Bryan wants to live in France, and Petey's mother has made it so that Denise doesn't have any incentive to leave the Kennett Square area. I have told her that for Bryan's wedding, she should drive to Jessica's, spend the night there, then drive to our place where she can leave her car and her cat. We will have someone coming in to take care of our cats, she's already taken care of our cats along with Jessica's, so what's one more? Glad to hear you're feeling better.

    barbie - I can already tell you the success of my March goal -- absolutely no success. Didn't even get started on the crafts

    jmkmomm - have fun on your vacation! How long will you be gone for? Absolutely, listen to your dietician, heaven knows that I'm no dietician. I wish I could help you with the non-greasy foods. That was one of the hardest things for me to get used to when we moved to NC, they use so much butter and sauces! Now I really have to make a point to say when we go out to eat "no butter" (I found out the hard way that their idea of "a little butter" is 1/4 pound and not the 1/2 pound they usually use) and "can I have the sauce on the side". If you'd like some recipes that are quick and not greasy, let me know. Apples will be fine in your purse, but if they're cut up, they'll turn brown from the oxidation. This can be eliminated by coating the apple slices with a bit of lemon juice, but honestly that's a lot of work and I don't think I would do it. How about taking some nuts with you? Pumpkin seeds? Carrots will be OK without refrigeration, I take them to the movies with me and never had a problem. I also take them to bowling, so they're usually out of refrigeration for anywhere from 3 to 4 hours and they're fine. Brooke had some wonderful ideas. Yes, have fun at the cabin

    Wonder where mimi has been, I see that she's logged in, but she hasn't been here in a while.

    Going to do an hour of yoga today, and see about the dress. I remember the sign said they opened at 10 on Saturdays, so that'll work. Tomorrow I'm planning that I'll do some pilates. Haven't done that in a while. Update: they forgot to turn the "closed" sign around yesterday! It was still saying "closed" today, but I tried the door and it was open! Anyway, there still needs to be an adjustment around the bust. I know the lady pinned it there before, but it wouldn't surprise me if they forgot to alter it there. I paid for it today, at first she was going to charge me for the alterations but I reminded her that the other lady said she wouldn't charge me for the alterations since so few had to be done. In the end, she didn't charge me for them. It was something like $15. I suspect that my reminding her that I wasn't going to be charge and the fact that the dress has to go for more alterations may have influenced her decision. Then I stopped at WalMart on my way home for a few things

    Deb - your sewing room sounds awesome.

    Spring is coming, that's for sure. Today for the first time Vince used the tractor on the grass that was installed and he's talking that Monday he'll go and buy some Weed and Feed.

    Michele in NC