Anybody ELSE *hate* their neighbours?

flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
Surely I CANNOT be the only one? Share your stories
"thou shalt love thy neighbour" ... I'm exempt because I cannot stand these people

They're so ignorant... no class or considerationg for anyone else.


  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    you sound like a real peach.
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    OMG YES!!! I have neighbors on either side of me, one of which have several children to whom I have given permission to use my basketball standard, the other is a divorcee with a teenage daughter. I recently got a dog and the divorcee called me 4 times in the same evening, left 2 voice mails informing me that my dog was barking so loud she couldn't hear herself think, ect ect. The other day the neighbor boys were shooting hoops while my hubby and I went out to get some food. Apparently the ball rebounded and hit one of our cars, not a big deal. Our "oh-so-charming" neighbor yelled at the boys and told them they couldn't play on our hoop anymore and had also come out a bit earlier to yell at them when the ball had rebounded into her yard.

    First off, it's a dog, they bark. You only have to deal with it when she's outside, I have to deal with it 24/7. Secondly, who the hell gave you the authority to tell the kids they can't play in MY yard!? You are overstepping your bounds big time. And lastly, it's winter. Your yard is dead. Why do you care? It's not like you have plants growing. What's the ball going to do? Smoosh the snow? Oh no!

    Other than that, I get along with the other neighbors just fine.
  • jessicas082409
    jessicas082409 Posts: 75 Member
    My ex-neighbors used to "rescue" pitbulls, having a pitt myself I had no issue with it until they brought home Tank....Tank tried eating my son through the chain link fence....they had a wooden fence put up the next day....she constantly told me I starved my great dane and even called animal control(Which they laughed at her when they saw him), she made fun of my dogs names, and even decided to teach my dane how to jump up her fence so she could pet him(resulting in a 100+LB dog jumping on us all the time for attention)...I was home from work early and caught her opening my gate to give the dogs treats. Her degenerate son was always parking in my front yard or turning around in my driveway.........I didn't hate them...i despised and loathed those people!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Prior to my current living situation; I had a Mr. Heckles situation (see Friends).

    I lived in a really old apt. complex on the third floor. Just me, SO and a cat (weighing less than 5 lbs). ANYTIME we moved...she would bang a broomstick on her ceiling/our floor. It was really bad.

    So one night, we were watching TV and I was putting away laundry and she just started banging away. I called the super and we ended up having a mediation. A week later I found out she called the cops, saying we were making all this noise (when both the SO and I were at work) and that we hid inside and just didn't answer the door.

    When we finally moved out, she had her patio door open and we could see holes in her ceiling from where she had banged her broom handle. Good luck getting your deposit back.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Well since my direct next door neighbors aren't exactly close and the only time I actually can see their house is in the winter time when the trees have no leaves and since they don't bother us . . .

    No. I actually don't hate my neighbors.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    No, if I hated my neighbours and they were negatively impacting me I would make them move out.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I don't HATE them, but they do get on my nerves because they're INCREDIBLY nosy. As in, they sometimes look through the window into my apartment. Now, I understand that they pass by my window on the way to their own apartment, and a glance in wouldn't bother me much. But there was a time when they were outside their apartment and I left mine to go to the gym, leaving my roommate there, and my roommate texted me a few minutes later saying that almost as soon as I left, our neighbours came and looked through our window and started talking about what they saw and my roommate heard it all. They made fun of us for having stains on our carpet (which we don't, by the way. I had just vacuumed and y'know how it leaves streaks and stuff?) and they thought our cat was a dog -- it's not her fault she's so large!

    That's not the only time it's happened, either. I'm not sure if they just don't realize that there are people inside that can hear them, or if they simply just don't care.

    And one of my small annoyances -- one of the ladies that lives in one of the apartments next to me does not pick up her feet when she walks. So whenever she passes by, it's just this obnoxious shuffling sound. But I can deal with that. The nosiness, on the other hand, really rubs me the wrong way.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My neighbors are nice enough people, but I hate having neighbors. We are currently looking for a place more remote.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I've called the cops on mine as her pit cries from 7pm-3am when she's gone, throw in she turns off her heat to the point our floors cold I'm sure the dogs so cold.

    She drunkly parks blocking the driveway leaving us trapped and unable to go to work, and doesn't anwser her door. (Shared driveway). Oh and blocks driveway so plow can't do our driveway making us shovel the 4 apartment driveway. (8 car spaces)

    Oh parties till 5am outside on her porch under our bedroom window 5 days a week.

    Stole over $300 of packages our mailman miss delivered and left on her porch.

    Just the start, has only been 4 months.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    Oh yeah, and at my old apartment, my bedroom was right below the bedroom of my neighbours. I heard everything. EVERYTHING....
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I don't hate my neighbours that's a very strong word but I can't say I like them either they can be very anal over the drive we share and get really annoyed whenever my friends use it, I mean it's a piece of frigging concrete they need to get a life
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    Mine have an irregular habit of having screaming fights in the middle of the night. Joy. They go on for HOURS. Last time I went down to interrupt, got shouted at, the noise calmed down for half an hour then started up again, and eventually one of the other neighbours got them to stop. Sometime after 3am.

    The inconsiderate f**kers have two young kids who have to listen to their screaming :-/
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    A few years ago when we lived in a condo, our neighbor would pound on the wall whenever my husband and I would wrestle at night.

    Such a mood killing jerk.
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    My neighbor's young son once ate roadkill off the road in front of their house. I pray he doesn't grow up to be a sociopath.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    OMG YES!!! I have neighbors on either side of me, one of which have several children to whom I have given permission to use my basketball standard, the other is a divorcee with a teenage daughter. I recently got a dog and the divorcee called me 4 times in the same evening, left 2 voice mails informing me that my dog was barking so loud she couldn't hear herself think, ect ect. The other day the neighbor boys were shooting hoops while my hubby and I went out to get some food. Apparently the ball rebounded and hit one of our cars, not a big deal. Our "oh-so-charming" neighbor yelled at the boys and told them they couldn't play on our hoop anymore and had also come out a bit earlier to yell at them when the ball had rebounded into her yard.

    First off, it's a dog, they bark. You only have to deal with it when she's outside, I have to deal with it 24/7. Secondly, who the hell gave you the authority to tell the kids they can't play in MY yard!? You are overstepping your bounds big time. And lastly, it's winter. Your yard is dead. Why do you care? It's not like you have plants growing. What's the ball going to do? Smoosh the snow? Oh no!

    Other than that, I get along with the other neighbors just fine.

    The dog barking this is stupid. Train your dog to not bark 24/7. It's not your neighbors fault your dog barks, yet they have to listen to it.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It is not okay to knock on my door just to come visit and talk and ask for stupid things 8 times a night and make our three dogs bark their heads off each time. SURE JOE YOU CAN BORROW THE LAWNMOWER. BUT NOT AT 11 O' CLOCK AT NIGHT. JOE.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    oh great...way to get me started! Neighbor across the street...mother of two, lives with her mother....constantly borrowing things from our kitchen...sends her kid over to play with ours, without asking mind you and when we allow him to play with our 6 yr old, he rearranges whatever room he is in....every time! even after I've had several man to boy talks with him. She leaves her cig butts in our yard, Comes over to talk to my wife and while walking through the kitchen, tries the food that my wife has been preparing. I don't know how much more I can really handle with this one. I think I'm really about to piss someone off.

    ok, I feel a little better now...thanks for the post! lol
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I don't want to say that I hate them, but I certainly don't like them! I live in an executive neighborhood where it is usually quite and peaceful (just the busy body stay at home moms gossiping for the only entertainment....which I am not one of). My neighbor is a drunk though and last 4th of July he set our yard on fire and a tree setting fireworks off in a drought (and the township would turn our water off if caught watering due to the shortage). Needless to say, he tried to BLOW OUT THE FIRE with his drunk mouth. It took out a huge everygreen tree and about 350 sq feet of grass before we could get out there and get the hose on it. We had to call the fire department and police. He has been talking smack about us to most of the neighborhood for calling the police on him...but what the heck did he expect!!! Luckily, my husband is the president of the homeowners association and most of the neighborhood likes us better than him so they don't pay any attention to him. It is still uncomfortable when we and someone from his home are outside at the same time. He had to pay $1,350.00 to replace the tree and that part of the grass to, so they makes it uncomfortable as well.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    On one side is an abandoned house that has been abandoned for about 10 years now...

    The other side is a guy who let his 16-year-old son do whatever he pleased...he dropped out of schoool and did not work along with all his other friends. One day while I was at work they all decided to break into our house and empty us of everything we had worked so hard for. Nobody saw anything because it was all passed over the privacy fence in the backyard...of course they said they know nothing about what happened but yet they bragged about it to other friends and got back to us but there was no proof. I still do not speak to the Dad or the kid. UGH!
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    A few years ago when we lived in a condo, our neighbor would pound on the wall whenever my husband and I would wrestle at night.

    Such a mood killing jerk.

    maybe you should have moved the wrestling ring to another room. just sayin :)