Anybody ELSE *hate* their neighbours?



  • XLMuffnTop
    XLMuffnTop Posts: 76 Member
    I thought I was crazy at first for hating my neighbor. He's just a cranky old man. But it go worse over time. In the summer, he mows his lawn starting at about 6pm until after dark. Lack of sun doesn't stop him either, he straps a flashlight to his mower and keeps going.

    He and his wife talk/yell at each other to be heard over their lawn equipment right outside my kids window, well past their bed time. He told us we shouldn't cut down the (diseased) peach tree in our yard because he and his wife came over to pick the fruit. He complains about my dogs barking even though he's constantly banging on the fence antagonizing him but when I ask him if he could NOT mow at 9:30 at night I got "It's my yard and I'll do what I want!"

    Someone down the street was throwing away some branches in the dumpster behind my property. I walked out and saw my cranky neighbor interrogating them about what they were doing and ended up following them down the alley for 15 minutes.

    Also, he decides to come on my property to mow and weedeat, specifically while my kids are asleep. After my daughter woke up and we were there alone, I went outside to ask him to get the eff off my property. I had my daughter on my hip and asked him to please get off our property. He just glared at me and got closer and closer with the stupid thing threatening me with it WHILE holding my daughter.

    The he got mad that some of our grass was poking through the fence in the backyard so he attached a saw blade to a long pole and decided to reach over the fence to handle it. Obviously our dog freaks out. My husband goes back to tell him to stop and he glares at my husband spinning this saw blade like he's about to hit my husband. My husband takes it away and dude threatens to call the cops.

    Ugh! I feel better venting. BTW, we own our home so moving isn't really an option. As bad as it sounds I'm just hoping he dies soon.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Surely I CANNOT be the only one? Share your stories
    "thou shalt love thy neighbour" ... I'm exempt because I cannot stand these people

    They're so ignorant... no class or considerationg for anyone else.

    I live in low income housing. None of us have class. We're all white trash here.

    Keeps us friendly to each other.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    after moving due to neighbours from hell (the teenage boy used to come on our drive and pee over our car when drunk amongst other things!), I am blessed to have lovely neighbours APART from the fact that they both have HUGE beasts of cars which both get parked slightly over our drive each and every day. bearing in mind we paid to have our drive widened and the kerb dropped to give us better access it is rather annoying! .......but they are so nice we don't like to say anything!
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    Trust me, I am. She only barks when she's done with her business at which point I am usually pretty quick about letting her back inside, but sometimes I take her out before I go to the store or something and just don't end up being that quick. Other than that she really is pretty quiet unless a biker, jogger, or another dog go by the window.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I think I'm the annoying neighbor. *Fesses up*

    I have two kids in a ground floor apartment. 2 girls in the apartment upstairs. Guy on the third floor. We got offered to move to the upstairs apartment and declined because the noise of the kids running above peoples heads would be WAY more annoying than it is beneath them. The guy on the third floor sometimes plays his music too loud at 2am and the girls upstairs sometimes leave their cigarette butts on the ground outside where my daughter can get them, but that's minimal annoyance.

    MUCH better than some of the other tenants that have been here.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I used to be surrounded by annoying neighbors. Then again I was living in a ghetto. Then I moved to a better ghetto, and they're more civilized around here.

    I own a condo that I now currently rent. My lovely neighbors used to always park in my spot behind my garage. I used to always have to honk the **** out of my horn for them to come out. I think they enjoyed pissing me off. I wish I could've hid my anger and tried a different approach, but I hated them so much and as an Aries, I can't hide stuff like that. So they must've known I hated them and just kept on pulling their crap to irk me.

    The neighbors across from me always had drama. Chick would kick out baby daddy and he'd be pacing around the front cussing and talking to himself about how his baby momma is a b****h and how he don't deserve that crap...

    ...the ones that walked around with red shiny cups during all hours of the day, because who needs to be employed when they can mooch off girlfriends or mom's. Oh, Oh! and the ones that bumped their car stereos while you're trying to watch a show or read a book. Not to mention how if you called the cops they seem to have look-outs or radar so they're well behaved when they finally cruise by!!!!! ARGH!!! LOL memories!

    So glad I now rent it and my husband handles all that. I don't even collect my rent because I don't want to go there and run into my old "annoying" neighbors.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    A few years ago when we lived in a condo, our neighbor would pound on the wall whenever my husband and I would wrestle at night.

    Such a mood killing jerk.

    I would have gotten louder and louder we would have sounded like a cheesey porno by the end lol
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    you sound like a real peach.

    Says the guy with the avatar taking a sh!it
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Where I live now is out in the country and I only have cows for neighbors (the mooing doesn't bother me) but at my last place I lived next door to a rental with a revolving door of tenants. The worst was the three early-20's guys that had parties out on their deck every fricking night until 3:00 am. I could hear them slur-yelling and laughing all night but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. My boyfriend and I would wonder what on earth they could have to shout and laugh about for hours on end every we made a little game of what we knew they WEREN'T saying....such as "Ya got to diversity your portfolio, dude! BWARHAHAHAHA!!!". Gawd, I was glad when they finally moved.

    The second worst was the crackhead-looking woman who would curse and scream at her two kids all day. They were both under 10 and I felt so bad for them. Out of pity I used to hire them to do little yardwork jobs for me and they would take the money and go straight to the corner store and spend it on food. I'm sure their mom would just take it and spend it on drugs or booze if they gave her half a chance.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    A few years ago when we lived in a condo, our neighbor would pound on the wall whenever my husband and I would wrestle at night.

    Such a mood killing jerk.

  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    My neighbours are quite nice. I'm glad they're there.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,814 Member
    I used to live below a lady with a 15 year old daughter whos room was right above my sons (who was 18 months at the time) and would BLARE the most annoying music until midnight, Ive talked to them over and over and the moms response was "I hear you guys all the time during the day getting mad at your kid and your kid crying all the time and I dont come to your door complaining" first off, she worked and her kid went to school, they wernt home during the day, second I was not always yelling, ya, I would yell a little telling him to stop doing something he wasnt suppose too, third, duh he crys, hes a baby, and fourth, there is a HUGE diffrence from a little noise we make during the day to them and there loud *kitten* stereo with booming base right above my kids room from 8pm- midnight. I was so glad when the landlord (my husbands grandma) pissed me off and refused to sign a rent recite for me and I moved out 2 weeks later.

    ETA: I own a trailor now in a Trailer park, I have one annoying neighbor that is constently yelling the f word at his wife, but thats about it, but being we live in a trailer park, we get neighbors sometimes that just let there kids run all day with out being checked on and they all seem to end up at my house, we had 3 kids that would show up at my house at 7am everymorning and say "our dad told us to come here and leave him alone" but right now there isnt any really bad neighbors
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    My neighbours are great! :happy:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yeah there are some right pikeys over the road, they sell cars to make a living, clearly dodgy ones as often they will be arguing and fighting people on the street. :frown:

    Actually they even fight each other.:indifferent:
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I live on 5 acres in the middle of the woods. I can't even see my neighbors.
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    you sound like a real peach.

    Says the guy with the avatar taking a sh!it

    Lol what a loser. Never fails on these threads.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    I have a neighbor that lets his grass grow thigh high and puts all of his junk out in his yard so we can look at it all day when we look out the window. When I first moved in, I was nice and gave him an extra ladder we had and now I get to look at it propped against his fence with weeds growing around it. He tries to be nice though.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I live next door to freshies. Freshies are people who are fresh from their countries to another. Living in Harlesden we have a high population of Somalians. Now, just to put it out there now, I'm not a racist, there is something about every race that pisses me off including my own :P

    Now, typical fashion of Freshies, the parent's speak absolutely no English, they're kids do however and I don't know what it is about kids from these types of families, they act like ****ing animals! The children scream and I mean SCREAM! all the bloody time! the outside garden of theirs is ridden with rubbish and broken furniture which brings in a lot of mice, rats and fox's! They even throw their rubbish into our bins which is a huge issue since if we don't recycle properly we will be fined £1000! they even dump their rubbish outside of our door! they even lit a firework on our balcony! if the window was opened they would of started a fire! THIS ISN'T ****ING SOMALIA!

    Every time you ring their doorbell, a child walks out. So you ask them to call their mother or father but they always say that they aren't in, which is bull****! so the parents come out and no English..none.

    Here's an idea, if you are going to live in this country, at least speak the damn language! I am sick to death of this bull****!

    :laugh: My own race bugs the **** out of me sometimes. I agree all races have annoying *kitten* stereotypes that are fun to poke fun of. Why I love Seth MacFarlane.

    Yeah, now that you mention it, at my condos, people that didn't live in our establishment (other neighborhoods) would come to ours and dump their garbage! Now we pay association fees for that stuff ($$$) and other people throwing away their garbage for free!! Garbage day was always depressing because there would be a MOUNTAIN of garbage. An otherwise nice neighborhood would be a dump for a whole day. There's fines for those that get caught, but it is seldom enforced!

    LOL "freshies". I might start using that.
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    My neighbours are hopefully moving out soon..:happy: ...I can't wait for the day as then I won't have to pick up the cig ends and rubbish they throw in my garden when they walk past! They even stole mine and another neighbours wheely bin and denied it even though both were clearly marked...they just crossed out our number and put theirs on...i think they just do it to get a reaction.....they are utter tramps!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG YES!!! I have neighbors on either side of me, one of which have several children to whom I have given permission to use my basketball standard, the other is a divorcee with a teenage daughter. I recently got a dog and the divorcee called me 4 times in the same evening, left 2 voice mails informing me that my dog was barking so loud she couldn't hear herself think, ect ect. The other day the neighbor boys were shooting hoops while my hubby and I went out to get some food. Apparently the ball rebounded and hit one of our cars, not a big deal. Our "oh-so-charming" neighbor yelled at the boys and told them they couldn't play on our hoop anymore and had also come out a bit earlier to yell at them when the ball had rebounded into her yard.

    First off, it's a dog, they bark. You only have to deal with it when she's outside, I have to deal with it 24/7. Secondly, who the hell gave you the authority to tell the kids they can't play in MY yard!? You are overstepping your bounds big time. And lastly, it's winter. Your yard is dead. Why do you care? It's not like you have plants growing. What's the ball going to do? Smoosh the snow? Oh no!

    Other than that, I get along with the other neighbors just fine.

    The dog barking this is stupid. Train your dog to not bark 24/7. It's not your neighbors fault your dog barks, yet they have to listen to it.

    True story. If your dog is barking as much as you say it is (24/7), that is a sign of stress, not just normal dog behavior. Your responsibility.