Anybody ELSE *hate* their neighbours?



  • Fatbirdtalking
    OMG yes, Nasty racist, bigoted, disabled discriminating pigs ... thought we were foreigners cos of our surname so put it around they didn't want us to move in, then heard we had 3 kids. so didn't want us to move in ..... THEN ...... found out our child was disabled/special needs and didn't think it was appropriate to be living in their street !!!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i have had two sets of bad neighbors in my travels. the first were meth heads that stayed up all hours of the night working on their car in the garage right under my bedroom. that went on for two months. i got no where with the hoa because well hoa's are evil and dont help anyone, so i started calling the cops every night until finally the land lords were tired of getting calls from the pollice every day and kicked them out. i chalk that one up as a win

    then there was the upstairs neighbors. the grandmother, a little bit of a thing, did these religious exercises every day at 6am. she was so loud! and she did these exercises for hours. then she would bang something on the floor for another few hours in the afternoon. i have no idea how someone that small made that much noise. then, if that wasnt enough they would have the tv on full blast in the evening so we had to have our tv up full blast, i almost lost me hearing lol...

    i live back where the meth heads lived, but we have much better neighbors now, no cars in the garage, so thats good :)
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I don't talk to my neighbors, they don't talk to me.. I prefer it this way. XD
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Not a hate story, but I just moved from a 1st floor condo that I lived in for nearly 8 years. There were three other units on my floor besides my own, and I had great neighbors the whole time. Everyone had pets and cats, and we would often let our critters out in the hallway for socialization - I was really lucky having such nice people nearby and I'll really miss them.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    We live in a 4-plex (some may call them condos...basically 4 two-stories with shared walls). We have two dogs, our neighbors have two dogs. If they are out at the same time, they bark at each other through the fence. We usually let ours in. They let theirs stay out there barking forEVER. Each condo gets two parking spaces, they feel they should get four because when they aren't parked in our spaces, they park wherever they feel the parking lane, behind our cars, etc. They have a constant stream of people coming in and out and always slam their doors which shakes our whole house. And they are loud-talkers. Every word of every conversation can be heard through the walls, not to mention when they take their cell phone conversations outside or when they have happy hour on their patio that lasts from 4pm until 3am, even on weeknights in the summer. As one of my friends has said, it's not like there's a lovely vista back there to look's the back of their cars. They have a 4-year-old. I don't know how that kid gets any sleep. So yeah, they're annoying. We're sooo close to our down payment goal, we hope to move away within a year. Can't wait to not share walls with others.

    ETA: Oh! And I once lived in an apartment where I swear the person above me had a skateboard ramp in their hallway. All hours, there was this rolling then thunk, rolling then thunk. I never really figured out what that was.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    YES! and Thank you for this topic.
    I've lived in the same house for 9 years and I've watched ppl come and go in this neighborhood.
    This is not a Desperate Housewives type place where ppl welcome you and ..ish
    No one says Hi
    There's never any waving
    They are the 1st to call the Cops if Im loud or when Id have parties
    Most of them don't work
    There kids are animals
    They have lots of stray pets they they let run around
    I stay inside my bubble of Love, and don't eff w/any of them
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Oh, sweet Jeebus. For the most part, my neighbors are cool. But the one to my left? If she died, I'd go to the funeral home and poke her with a stick to make sure she was really dead.
  • Naomi81378
    Naomi81378 Posts: 681 Member
    I live in a very nice neighborborhood and everyone is super nice, But the one right next door. UGH I Absolutely hate my neighbor. We used to be friends and something happen so we not we now. Because They so ignorant... have no class and very rude. They think they are better than everyone else always has to out due everyone with everything. They drive me crazy, I can be outside walking my door or just being outside and they yell stupid comments to me like I am fat,ugly, ***** and the list goes on and on. They they both do this in front of there kids. Great parenting for sure. LOL

    But I do love my neighbors on my other side.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Heck, my neighbors are alright. Its my own family that makes me want to move. :ohwell:
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    owns motorcycle, wakes me up every day!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I live in the country, so the neighbors aren't too close, but on one side we have some idiots with 2 dogs that bark at us for HOURS when we're out in the yard working and 2 kids that scream all day long. On the other side was some scumbag who routinely had knockdown-dragouts with his 18 year old son or his 20 year old step-daughter would have some 'incident' with one or more of her 3 different baby-daddy's (in which the police would eventually come out).

    So yes, I'd say I hate my neighbors too! The scumbags moved and left their place in foreclosure almost two years ago mice, racoons and stray cats live there (they are pretty good neighbors :laugh: )
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I don't have neighbors so nanny nanny boo boo!:tongue:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't hate them but this one older couple down the hall are constantly smoking pot! In the am, pm, doesn't matter. This wouldn't normally bother me except it stinks up the hallway and anytime i take my newborn out I've got to cover her face because well pot isn't good for babies.
  • Missellaneous02
    Missellaneous02 Posts: 70 Member
    I absolutely HATE my neighbors. The people behind me are pieces of garbage. In fact the guy literally just dumps the heaps of trash out of his car into the back parking lot when there are trash barrels right next to him! Not to mention he is such a lazy pig he refuses to bring his garbage barrel to the curb. We let it sit there for weeks once until it attracted flies and started to stink. Still he would not move it, now my boyfriend has to do it. He yelled at me for parking in “his” spot when we first moved in, knowing full well I had no idea it was “his” since it is not assigned to his apartment (none of them are assigned). My landlord lives across the hall, you’d think that would be good HAH! He is another deadbeat. He doesn’t work and sells pharmaceuticals out of his house. We have 4 apartments total with just enough room in the back parking lot for the people that live there and pay rent. Yet he lets his friends and customers come over and take up numerous parking spots, or they block us in, or they (the best I’ve seen so far) park across 3 spots so NO ONE can park there. Sometimes they block the entire driveway so no one can get in and out of the parking lot.
  • jenguhl
    jenguhl Posts: 79
    Heck, my neighbors are alright. Its my own family that makes me want to move. :ohwell:

  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I moved not too long ago and haven't really interacted with my neighbors other than to say hi. The people on the right have a giant scarecrow in their back yard that scares me anytime I see it out of the corner of my eye, but that's about it.

    The apartment I moved from... I disliked my neighbors a lot. Trashy, nosy, and noisy. There were only 4 units in the building so I knew all of them. The people across the hall thought we were bffs. The lady was on meds (including Ambien) and would drug herself up and then come over to chat. I wouldn't let her in, but my SO would try to be nice and she'd be around for 45 minutes to an hour, several times a week. The lady that lived above me was a drunk. Nothing like hearing a body hit the floor (passed out) at 1pm. She and her husband used to have screaming fights in the street after she'd been drinking whiskey. The other lady kept to herself, but she always had a lot of people in and out. They'd leave the main door open which caused a draft and my furnace would run constantly.

    The old man that lived in the house across the street was a drug dealer.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've got this neighbour that's constantly complaining about immigrants and their lack of language skills, yet she grew up here and still doesn't know the difference between "they're" and "their" and the possessive v. plural. Bloody annoying!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I don't mind my neighbors I have currently. My coworker is coincidentally my next door neighbor. She purchased a subwoofer and it kept me up but I finally figured it out that it was her and asked her about it and she's been really good about keeping it down.

    In our old townhouse community we had a lot of psycho neighbors. Some that never talked to us. One was really bizarre because the encounter was such that when I saw them I could not for the life of me figure out if they were male or female. It then began a theory between me and my husband for a year while we tried to figure it out. The neighbor on our other side was really nice and very social, she somehow had all the neighbors over all the time. (This was a "neighborhood of townhouses"). Anyways... these neighbors on either side of us both had little dogs and I guess they somehow met each other and became absolute best friends.

    We ended up confirming the theory with the first neighbor mentioned as this person wore a headband all the time and it was windy one day... the headband came up and the bald spot said hello! It was further confirmed with cops coming over multiple times and a huge debacle between both our neighbors. I ended up getting the update awhile later when the girl neighbor let me know that the transvestite had got drunk and tried to attack her. Apparently he was a super rich guy that left his family to become a tranny, changed over his sex, and gave my other neighbor tons of gifts...... And I guess they had a disagreement and the tranny dude freaked out on her and got arrested.

    I'm pretty dang sure me and my husband were annoying neighbors at times with our loud video games and letting our voices carry.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    My neighbors (the ones i know) are wonderful.

    After reading this thread, I know I am truly blessed. :happy:
  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    I actually just got new neighbors :D i love it when their highschool son gets on his four wheeler and drives through my yard just so he can see me walk out onto my porch in the freezing cold snow and politely ask him to stop three times a week. I also love catching the glimer of his binoculars as he stares at me through my windows when im working out..hes a real peach :D