


  • Kaidya
    Kaidya Posts: 3
    As a long-term sufferer from depression I agree with everyone who advises going to the doctor about it.

    Besides that, a number of different coping strategies can help. It is good to try these in addition to going to the doctor, not as an alternative. Basically find out which work for you and keep doing those:

    Counselling and/or group therapy. Peer support. Meeting friends regularly. Gentle exercise, relaxation, getting more sunlight and fresh air. Eating healthily. Junk food tends to disrupt your sugar levels and sugar levels can affect your mood. Make sure you have a daily routine and a regular sleep pattern.

    Pampering yourself a little can help a lot. A relaxing bath or an invigorating shower. Candles. Incense. Aromatherapy oils - in your bath or in an oil burner. Think about what you really like, and treat yourself to it.

    Keep a journal, try to find at least one positive thing to say about yourself each day. Try to focus more on what you can do, rather than what you can't. If something in life is particularly important to you, don't be afraid to prioritise it. If you don't know what's important to you, try to find out: something that matters to you, that you need, that you can hold on to in the dark times.

    I find pursuing an interest helps me, particularly art and craft, plants and gardening even on a small scale. I started with a few tomato plants on my windowsill and expanded it to a square-foot garden and now a polytunnel. Pets also help a lot.

    I would add a caveat about St John's Wort: it's said to be quite effective for depression but it is something you should consult your doctor about because it interacts with anti-depressant medication. Check first :)

    It can be an uphill battle, especially if your depression is severe. Take it one step at a time, don't try to do it all at once. Congratulate yourself for what you do manage. One thing in one day is an achievement.

    Take care :)
  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    Hey all. I'm hoping some folks checking out this thread will add me as friends. I have days where I struggle really, really hard with these feelings, and it'd be nice to have someone to discuss them with.