Great Lo-Cal Pizza for One!



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Thinks its funny everyone is freaking out when i just saw a pizza hut commercial selling pretty much just that only add peparoni ect
  • KathrynCatlady
    KathrynCatlady Posts: 86 Member
    This topic is divisive, and anti-dalek. Reported!

    This. Daleks know everything about EVERYTHING! You are on your way to an extermination, buddy.


    Is that a q-tip??

    qtip = extra fiber. Can't hurt.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member

    Pizza (or anti-everything-that-should-ever-be-considered-pizza) thread + an unusually high number of posters with bendy profile pics = ....

    I haven't quite figured out the connection but something very mysterious is going on here....

    And probably carbs are evil. That's likely the root of it.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    this thread has become all about backbend shaming? i don't understand. I was just trying to share my recipe for a delicious mozzarella ketchup wonderbread pizzalini, and now this whole forum has become about hatred and recipes that are supposably better than mine. congratulations if you can afford wheat tortellinis or whatever not all of us can!!!
  • Tash128
    Tash128 Posts: 66 Member

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    this thread has become all about backbend shaming? i don't understand. I was just trying to share my recipe for a delicious mozzarella ketchup wonderbread pizzalini, and now this whole forum has become about hatred and recipes that are supposably better than mine. congratulations if you can afford wheat tortellinis or whatever not all of us can!!!


  • The1iceQueen
    Sounds more like garlic bread without the butter and garlic and ketsup instead.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    this thread has become all about backbend shaming? i don't understand. I was just trying to share my recipe for a delicious mozzarella ketchup wonderbread pizzalini, and now this whole forum has become about hatred and recipes that are supposably better than mine. congratulations if you can afford wheat tortellinis or whatever not all of us can!!!


  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Homemade pizza can be done healthy AND on a budget.

    whole Wheat tortilla or wrap
    Pizza saucce
    low-fat cheese
    pepperoni and/or chicken
    All the veggies you want!

    Pop in oven until crust is crispy and cheese melted, and voilà!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Why is everyone being so rude and nasty? Seriously, I hate this site because of you people. That's why I've cut down from 8 hours a day here to only 7 hours and 15 minutes. I spend the other 45 minutes sobbing in the fetal position.

    He's just trying to help our journey. We should support him. I think it's a great recipe and I've already had 4 servings of it this morning. OMG binge much, am I right?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have reported all of the rudeys. That's right. You now have a name. :angry:
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Dear Sirs

    Whilst I recognise the value of imparting the secrets of one's home-cooked congestibles and certainly salute innovention and culinary joie de vivre, I feel it would be remiss of me if I did not point out one salient fact. To wit; if there is one thing that the horror film genre has taught us, it is that no good comes from personages who contort themselves into un-natural spine-jangling inversions of the human form.


    Therefore I must respectfully decline your invitation to try the recipe posted as I have no wish whatsoever to be possessed of demonic imps, over-taken by a vengeful spirit or rendered into flesh-eating undead for this 'pizza recipe' is surely the product of dark and unseemly dabblings with the occult.

    Yours faithfully
    Ms Pudding
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Dear Ms. Pudding,

    We are in receipt of your missive regarding contortions and comestibles. Please rest assured that our respective displays of flexibility are in no way related to any manner of possession, z-infection, or other malady of the body or spirit.

    Quite the contrary, the proferred dietary item enhances one's very own joie de vivre and eliminates lugubriousity in even the most stubborn of malcontents. Once you've ingested even a scant morsel of this treat, you too may find yourself joining in the backflips and flippy flops we all perform.

    Yours in Christ,
    Dear Sirs

    Whilst I recognise the value of imparting the secrets of one's home-cooked congestibles and certainly salute innovention and culinary joie de vivre, I feel it would be remiss of me if I did not point out one salient fact. To wit; if there is one thing that the horror film genre has taught us, it is that no good comes from personages who contort themselves into un-natural spine-jangling inversions of the human form.

    Therefore I must respectfully decline your invitation to try the recipe posted as I have no wish whatsoever to be possessed of demonic imps, over-taken by a vengeful spirit or rendered into flesh-eating undead for this 'pizza recipe' is surely the product of dark and unseemly dabblings with the occult.

    Yours faithfully
    Ms Pudding
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member

    Now while I wouldn't personally use ketchup for pizza sauce I thought the meal itself to be fine. I've made english muffin pizzas. The same concept except I use a little bit of tomato sauce instead of ketchup.

    And now I think I know what's on the menu for lunch! Thank you OP!! :heart:
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    Here in North Jersey you'd be laughed at for even going to a Dominos, Pizza hut or Papa Johns I'd imagine we hang somone tryig to pass ketchup and white bread off as pizza.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I'd rather, and heaven help me for saying this, eating Pizza Hut.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I make mine with a whole wheat english muffin (you can use white if you want) with salsa and cheese.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member

    HAHAHA this is exactly what I thought too!! I've got a much better pizza dough recipe! works out bout 500/600 cals with toppings but its an actual pizza!!
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    White bread and ketchup are two things that I haven't eaten in a year. lol
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Dear Sirs

    Whilst I am somewhat mollified by your swift addressing of my initial concerns vis-a-vis the origin of your lumbar flexibility, I remain somewhat sceptical both of your good selves and the health benefits of your 'pizza' recipe.

    Now I must state that I am a full supporter of diversity in all things and therefore harbour no ill-will towards life-sign challenged individuals; far from it, some of my best friends show no visible signs of life. However I feel I must challenge your statement that your 'pizza' results in enhanced limberness and wonder if, perhaps, it doesn't result in demonic possession and/or flatulence.

    I must note that persons of the undead and possessed persuasion have some 'form' in the area of passing off unsafe and unpalatable diet tips - in fact it was one of your ilk who introduced 'cleansing' to our diet lexicon.


    So perforce I must offer you 2 questions if I am to seriously consider your 'pizza' recipe as a diet aid:

    1. Can you guarantee it will not result in any over-extension of neck vertebrae, particularly of the rotational sort.
    2. I'm a lactose intolerant celiac - does the recipe allow for the replacement of the bread base with a slice of ham and the cheese topping with a slice of ham?

    Yours faithfully
    Ms Pudding
    Dear Ms. Pudding,

    We are in receipt of your missive regarding contortions and comestibles. Please rest assured that our respective displays of flexibility are in no way related to any manner of possession, z-infection, or other malady of the body or spirit.

    Quite the contrary, the proferred dietary item enhances one's very own joie de vivre and eliminates lugubriousity in even the most stubborn of malcontents. Once you've ingested even a scant morsel of this treat, you too may find yourself joining in the backflips and flippy flops we all perform.

    Yours in Christ,