Diet Coke

Is it as bad for me as I think it is?

Would have one can a day at lunchtime, but is it worth stripping it out if I'm on this diet/exercise thing properly.

Have looked it up, but the net is full of contradictions!




  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    This has been asked a lot on here, and you will get the same conflicting answers.

    In my opinion, a can a day is minimal and is not going to hurt. If you were drinking gallons of the stuff I would have a different opinion, but it's the same principle across the board; everything in moderation.

    Enjoy your diet coke.
  • The1iceQueen
    I will never give up my Diet Dr. Pepper and Coke Zero. Some people may say it's bad for you, some may say it's not. It doesn't effect my nutrition so I refuse to give it up my caffeine, heh.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Why do you need it? It is rubbish and can be addictive. There are much healthier options available. Changing your lifestyle means changing the way you think in my opinion so instead of seeing something you are giving up against your will, see it for what it is, sickly sweet coloured water which isn't any good to you nutritionally.
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    Why do you need it? It is rubbish and can be addictive. There are much healthier options available. Changing your lifestyle means changing the way you think in my opinion so instead of seeing something you are giving up against your will, see it for what it is, sickly sweet coloured water which isn't any good to you nutritionally.

    Ron - quickly answered your own question there, the reason people will often swap from the Full fats to the diets or zeros is because they are addictive yet the person wants to make a consious effort to change their lifestyle.

    Ok yes then the easy reason to this is to give up these sugary drinks full stop, but I myself know that giving up too much that you are addicted to at once is not a good idea, My ex gave a up smoking and I was so proud of her for that but during the quitting she gained weight. Now this was expected due to compensation, however, when she started to watch her weight and eating the cravings for smoking came back (even though she had been smoke free for nearly a year)

    Addictions are a hard thing to kick, I honestly do not feel affording yourself one addiction (of which diet sodas are a bigger risk to your oral hygiene than your waistline which can be resolved by brushing and such) is a lot better than yo-yoing due to addiction cravings.

    Hats off to all who can drop full fat and settle on the diet drinks. if you can go without or limit then well done! I dont drink tea or coffee so diet coke and such are my only caffeine source lol
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    All I know is when I gave up my afternoon can of diet coke I didn't crave sweet things in the late afternoon/evening as much. I also slept better but that could have been because of the caffeine. I'm not convinced that aspartame is bad for you in such small quantities, but why don't you try giving it up for a fortnight and replace it with water or tea and see how you feel afterwards? I've kind of lost my taste for it, but I might have a can on the weekend while I'm cleaning and I don't think it's doing me any harm.

    Anyway, a fortnight isn't too long, so it might be worth it to see if you feel different/better without it!
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    Very good question. I gave up all soda for Lent, and in reality I only drank diet. I *think* I feel better, but I also wonder if that's just because I *think I'm supposed to* feel better. It's not just the aspartame either; apparently stuff like sodium benzoate/potassium benzoate,and even just the carbonation, has been claimed to create issues.
    Would you miss it terribly, or is it just a habit? Would you be just as happy with iced tea, even with a little bit of (gasp) real sweetener in it? Tea has many benefits -- and not just green tea. Because then you're taking in something beneficial, as opposed to something that is (at best) a wash...
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Ron - quickly answered your own question there, the reason people will often swap from the Full fats to the diets or zeros is because they are addictive yet the person wants to make a consious effort to change their lifestyle.

    Ok yes then the easy reason to this is to give up these sugary drinks full stop, but I myself know that giving up too much that you are addicted to at once is not a good idea, My ex gave a up smoking and I was so proud of her for that but during the quitting she gained weight. Now this was expected due to compensation, however, when she started to watch her weight and eating the cravings for smoking came back (even though she had been smoke free for nearly a year)

    Addictions are a hard thing to kick, I honestly do not feel affording yourself one addiction (of which diet sodas are a bigger risk to your oral hygiene than your waistline which can be resolved by brushing and such) is a lot better than yo-yoing due to addiction cravings.

    Hats off to all who can drop full fat and settle on the diet drinks. if you can go without or limit then well done! I dont drink tea or coffee so diet coke and such are my only caffeine source lol

    I don't disagree and diet drinks are better than full sugar ones, but they are still of no benefit nutritionally. I'm more getting at the state of mind that sees them as a treat. I was like this with potato crisps and found it very difficult to do without, but a session of hynotherapy or two later and I now see them as over salty, very little nutritional value, and high carb, high fat for what they are, so I've cut them out of my diet and honestly don't miss them.
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member

    I don't disagree and diet drinks are better than full sugar ones, but they are still of no benefit nutritionally. I'm more getting at the state of mind that sees them as a treat. I was like this with potato crisps and found it very difficult to do without, but a session of hynotherapy or two later and I now see them as over salty, very little nutritional value, and high carb, high fat for what they are, so I've cut them out of my diet and honestly don't miss them.

    Not to railroad this thread - but do you not feel that you do not want them at all any more because your hypnotherapist made it so?

    I'm not against hypnotherapy but I do see it as a kind of, easier way to an end result?
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    However on a side note, I dropped the full fats went with Zeros and still eat everything i enjoyed when i was nearly 2 stone heavier - moderation is the key.

  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I think this really comes down to personal preference. I used to drink at least one a day but I only drink it on Saturdays now (to mix with my vodka!).

    I feel better in myself because I only drink water or green tea Sunday - Monday. But that could just be a placebo effect...I can't say its a direct result of not drinking diet coke.

    Maybe try cutting down to a couple of times a week and see how you feel doing that. If you really want to drink it then just have it!
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    I drink Diet Coke, I know it's got stuff that ain't exactly good for you in it, but I don't drink it often enough to care. Bottom line, I like the taste of Diet Coke, hate the taste of ordinary Coke, and totally hate anything that Pepsi offer.

    ....I also find a bit of Diet Coke works nicely with Jack Daniels. ;)
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    Is it as bad for me as I think it is?

    Would have one can a day at lunchtime, but is it worth stripping it out if I'm on this diet/exercise thing properly.

    Have looked it up, but the net is full of contradictions!



    if you're losing weight i'd say stay away, water or juice is going to be better for you though one can isn't going to kill you, i'd say it's down to personal preferance, if it were me i'd use a drinking opportunity to get vitamins in me, orange juice is going to give you vitamin C a can of coke is going to give you rank sweeteners and caffine, failing that water will hydrate you better
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    I love my Coke Zero. I drink 2-3 cans a day. Not hindering my loss. There are worse vices. Like triple baconators...
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member

    if you're losing weight i'd say stay away, water or juice is going to be better for you though one can isn't going to kill you, i'd say it's down to personal preferance, if it were me i'd use a drinking opportunity to get vitamins in me, orange juice is going to give you vitamin C a can of coke is going to give you rank sweeteners and caffine, failing that water will hydrate you better

    Juices will slow your weight loss. Basically concentrated sugar straight into your bloodstream. Orange juice is what we give diabetics with low blood sugar to prevent them from going into a coma...if you want Vitamin C, eat an orange...
  • melanieell07
    I think it depends on the person, I have dropped it completely or tried to I've had two glasses of soda in the last month and thats because I felt guilty ordering water at a bar. I will say that I seem to lose weight easier if I drink water or ice tea. My husband and son lose no matter what they drink and they both drink a lot of soda.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I love my Coke Zero. I drink 2-3 cans a day. Not hindering my loss. There are worse vices. Like triple baconators...

    Exactly :) At risk of having all the water preachers on my back, the majority of my fluid intake is diet soda. *waits for it*
  • stestut
    stestut Posts: 42
    If one a day makes you happy, why not? BUT...cut your sugars somewhere else.

    Or, if it's the caffeine you are after, try a B12 vitamin. It will give you the perk without the caffeine or the sugar.
  • bellanoelle
    bellanoelle Posts: 105 Member
    All I know is that I cut it out completely....none....and my migraines have decreased by 90%. Just one a month instead of one every 2 days. It is the only major change I have made, still drink coffee, so I think they are linked. My migraines were becoming dibilitating.....they were awful. No Diet Coke = no migraines for me. I have had a 2 liter sitting in my pantry for a month. In the past, it would have lasted a day. Just my 2 cents.....