Diet Coke



  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Is it as bad for me as I think it is?

    Would have one can a day at lunchtime, but is it worth stripping it out if I'm on this diet/exercise thing properly.

    Have looked it up, but the net is full of contradictions!



    Okay, it's hard to say if it's bad for YOU because there are some people who are sensitive to artificial sweeteners and they gret sweet cravings from them, or feel bloated or whatever. But it's not everyone.

    Certainly there are healthier choices for drinking, but if you're not sensitive to the artificial sweeteners I hardly think a Diet Coke a day is going to cause you any harm, so if you enjoy it, have it.

    I happen to love Diet Coke and have a couple or more during the course of the week.
  • mlbqd3
    mlbqd3 Posts: 34 Member
    For me, I gave it up completely.

    I think that drinking it lead to sugar cravings and caused me to eat a whole lot more. I have not had a Diet Coke since I started MFP and I have to say that I feel a lot better. That is probably due to eating better, but I can honestly say that I have been much better about food choices than when I was on any other sort of plan.

    I have surrendered to the process of losing weight and getting healthy, for me that had to include no more Diet Coke or any artificial sweeteners.

    The desire for it does go away...

    Best of Luck!!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I gave up my coke zero for lent this year and last year. Last year even after 6 weeks of not drinking it, I still craved all the same sweets that I always did. It didnt help me to lose weight by not drinking it, and I didnt feel any better.

    I will still drink one a day when lent is over and enjoy it. TO each his own!
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member

    Exactly :) At risk of having all the water preachers on my back, the majority of my fluid intake is diet soda. *waits for it*

    Amen... :raises hand in church:
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Diet Soda is fine under these conditions:

    1. If it doesn't cause cravings.
    2. It's consumed in small to moderate quantities.
    3. You aren't allergic.
    4. You aren't afraid of fluoride in the water.
    5. You haven't covered your windows and your head with aluminum foil.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I am of the mind that diet drinks don't contain an awful lot compared to full fat drinks. I wouldn't thank you for a full fat coke but i would take your arm off for cherry pepsi max. I find diet drinks help curb my sugar cravings. I did try to give up diet pop and found i wanted sweet things more so for me its the lesser of 2 evils. Yet diet drinks are full of chemicals that i am sure will be no good to my body i am sure they will be better then a bar of dairy milk or a biscuit. I will eventually give them up or see them as a "treat" but in the short term drinking them are in no way scuppering my weight loss journey. Good luck to all here x
  • sharonKay65
    sharonKay65 Posts: 93 Member
    I love my Coke Zero. I drink 2-3 cans a day. Not hindering my loss. There are worse vices. Like triple baconators...
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    ...full fat drinks...

    I'm curious what country/culture this term originates from. I've seen it before and it seems...peculiar.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member

    if you're losing weight i'd say stay away, water or juice is going to be better for you though one can isn't going to kill you, i'd say it's down to personal preferance, if it were me i'd use a drinking opportunity to get vitamins in me, orange juice is going to give you vitamin C a can of coke is going to give you rank sweeteners and caffine, failing that water will hydrate you better

    Juices will slow your weight loss. Basically concentrated sugar straight into your bloodstream. Orange juice is what we give diabetics with low blood sugar to prevent them from going into a coma...if you want Vitamin C, eat an orange...

    that's a ridiculous statement lol... i don't know what orange juice you use to save diabetics but if you buy a decent orange juice it's not going to turn you hyperglycemic.... or stop you losing weight
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Not to railroad this thread - but do you not feel that you do not want them at all any more because your hypnotherapist made it so?

    I'm not against hypnotherapy but I do see it as a kind of, easier way to an end result?

    Just briefly - we can take this to mail if you want to continue - Without help I couldn't progress, I gave in to temptation too easily, despite being strong minded enough to decide to give up smoking cold turkey 20+ years ago and succeed, and yes, I am fairly sure it is the hypnotherapy which has helped me to think differently. I don't care if it is an easier way to an end result, it is the end result I want to achieve, not the journey! And because it is making me think differently I believe I am more likely to succeed and keep the weight off when I get there. If I was sneaking a pack of crisps every couple of days and gave myself occasional treat days where I pigged out on them, I would see that as failure. I also don't believe that hypnotherapy can force you to do anything against your will.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    ...full fat drinks...

    I'm curious what country/culture this term originates from. I've seen it before and it seems...peculiar.

    england :)
  • Infauna
    Infauna Posts: 89
    Personally, I don't think diet pop is all that bad for you. Anything can be bad for you if you have too much of it, sure.. But if you're having 1-4 cans a day, it's not really a big deal. I find that drinking coke zero helps me curb my sweet cravings throughout the day.
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member

    if you're losing weight i'd say stay away, water or juice is going to be better for you though one can isn't going to kill you, i'd say it's down to personal preferance, if it were me i'd use a drinking opportunity to get vitamins in me, orange juice is going to give you vitamin C a can of coke is going to give you rank sweeteners and caffine, failing that water will hydrate you better

    Juices will slow your weight loss. Basically concentrated sugar straight into your bloodstream. Orange juice is what we give diabetics with low blood sugar to prevent them from going into a coma...if you want Vitamin C, eat an orange...

    This was my first thought on juice, too. It's just too much sugar for me to consider as a beverage. I drink tea, water, and Diet Mountain Dew. I may stop drinking soda at some point, but it fills a niche in my intake (for me). I drink coffee, but that's not a beverage -- that's an indulgence that I'm not giving up. I drink a few other diet sodas, too, but I need to be very cautious with juice.

    I know that the diet sodas are not hurting my sugar because my a1c dropped significantly. Other harm they may be doing is something I can accept for now.
  • ToFatToBeSick
    I don't drink straight diet drinks, I only drink diet decaf sodas or teas. Mostly though, I drink flavored water. I'd watch the caffeine levels if you're drinking straight diet.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I used to go through a 12 pack of diet mtn dew a week. I mostly just drank it out of habit. My new years resolution was to break that habit and I did. I went all of January and February replacing my diet soda with water and to be honest...I didn't notice any differences as far as weight loss...however what I did notice is that water is much more satisfying to me now. Before I would crave diet soda every afternoon and my bottle of water would sit untouched at my desk all day. Now I am able to drink several bottles of water a day and it is easier for me to tell when I am thirsty.
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member

    if you're losing weight i'd say stay away, water or juice is going to be better for you though one can isn't going to kill you, i'd say it's down to personal preferance, if it were me i'd use a drinking opportunity to get vitamins in me, orange juice is going to give you vitamin C a can of coke is going to give you rank sweeteners and caffine, failing that water will hydrate you better

    Juices will slow your weight loss. Basically concentrated sugar straight into your bloodstream. Orange juice is what we give diabetics with low blood sugar to prevent them from going into a coma...if you want Vitamin C, eat an orange...

    that's a ridiculous statement lol... i don't know what orange juice you use to save diabetics but if you buy a decent orange juice it's not going to turn you hyperglycemic.... or stop you losing weight

    Everything is ok in moderation. Orange juice is concentrated sugar.

    1 cup of orange juice has 30 grams of carbohydrates, all of which are sugar. An orange (medium) has 15 grams of carbs and 3 grams of fiber, giving it 12 grams of sugar.

    If it fits into your macros, go for it. I'm not drinking my calories though.

    Also, regarding what "kind" of orange juice we use to "save" diabetics, its the same one you drink. SMDH :noway:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Is it as bad for me as I think it is?

    Would have one can a day at lunchtime, but is it worth stripping it out if I'm on this diet/exercise thing properly.

    Have looked it up, but the net is full of contradictions!



    The fake sweeteners can cause similar insulin spikes to real sugar. Ideally you should avoid it, but I don't think one a day is going to do any permanent harm.

    I will say this, I noticed significantly increased fat and weight loss when I cut out all sugars and the diet sodas too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Personally I prefer Diet Pepsi!

    But unless someone is suffering from PKU or they have a reaction to the artificial sweetener, most of the general population don't have to worry about a lot of the alarmism. The great thing is that there is actual peer reviewed clinical studies to show that aspartame isn't as harmful as many organizations make it out to be. Now if you drank a case of diet soda a day, that would be a problem.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it's got the word diet in it. it can't be bad.
  • galleyhook
    The only carbonated beverage i drink is flavored seltzer water without any sugar or sweetener. Can't remember the last time I had any soda/pop. it's not that important to me. i drink just plain old water!