Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    walking backwards... i always hope they will fall

    Walking backwards is a great workout for the hamstring's and calves. Rather than wishing ill to others, may be try it someday.
  • rebeccamcarthur1
    rebeccamcarthur1 Posts: 14 Member
    I hate it when people get off the treadmill or any other piece of equipment and they don't wipe it down. This drives me insane as if the next person wants to swim in their sweat. Get with it people!!!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    I kinda think it's funny that people judge others for being judgemental.
  • JoFosterNZ
    I saw a girl yesterday moving from the cycles to the treadmill and the weight machines at no time did she stop sending sms on her very old flip phone. She was very overweight, its summer and the outside temperature is 30 deg celcius (86F) wearing a heavy winter vest. She was so busy on her phone she was ineffectual in her attempt to exercise. I was left with the impression she was trying to look like she was exercising.

    Now I am overweight more so than most but I enjoy getting into exercise and people like that give the rest of us fatties a bad name especially in gyms.
  • AussieTrainer
    It bugs me that so many people use treadmills, now gyms have to keep adding them until there is no more open floor space!
  • JoFosterNZ
    I use the treadmill to stretch out my legs and loosen up after working out. I have surgically shortened hamstrings in one leg and find this is the best way to stretch.
    My thing about them is this. How do you stop pitching sideways? I hand on like a trolley so I dont go over sideways.
  • cue_chik
    cue_chik Posts: 63 Member
    This. I'm self conscious enough in my 3rd week at the gym without knowing the runner on the next treadmill is judging me for holding the handles.

    ^ THIS!
  • cue_chik
    cue_chik Posts: 63 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!

    Haha me too. Why not just walk up and down your street?! That's free!

    I think this one is a little unfair - people have different starting points. like there was a senior next to me walking - he has every right to use the treadmill too. also, I walk some and I run some, it just depends. I would prefer outside but its cold.

    I live in a pretty small town so I see a lot of the gym users around town. They walk quicker outside than on the treadmill. I know people are all different but using a treadmill at 2.5mph when you usually walk 3-4mph is annoying!

    Hrmmm.. what bugs me is people who seem to focus too much on someone else's routine by clocking their treadmill vs. street speed instead of keeping their nose in their own business and their minds on their own routine. Seems to me that they might want to increase their own workout so they don't have time to sit and judge everyone else's.
  • charlie00134
    charlie00134 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm scared to get on the treadmill at my gym now. I'm not fit at all and nearly collapse after a minute of running so I usually walk fast with a decent incline. I hold onto the bars to check my HR and sometimes to hold on when I'm getting tired, I text (to prevent the monotony killing me), when I do try run I probably sound like a herd of elephants because I'm heavy.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    OP, I had to use the bars again.........forgive me, but for only abou 50% of the work out.........I tore my ACL about 6 years ago, and every once in a while, it gives me trouble.,.....forgive me, but it helps with balance..........
    so know you know when you see me, I have an excuse...............
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I'm scared to get on the treadmill at my gym now. I'm not fit at all and nearly collapse after a minute of running so I usually walk fast with a decent incline. I hold onto the bars to check my HR and sometimes to hold on when I'm getting tired, I text (to prevent the monotony killing me), when I do try run I probably sound like a herd of elephants because I'm heavy.

    Don't be. This is the perfect opportunity to annoy people. And they have to quietly seethe - because you belong there as much as any of them.

    The workout will be good for you - and the annoyances you cause will be therapeutic for the easily annoyed.

    I run in my garage - but this thread makes me want go to to the gym and see if I can perform each of these annoyances within the same workout. :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I can't believe this thread is still alive.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    This.....not really, I think I'm going to start doing this :laugh:
  • balancedfire
    balancedfire Posts: 13 Member
    Something that seriously bothers me at the gym in general is people bringing their kids with them and then letting them run wild. I have no problem with kids who behave themselves while they are there, but when they are unsupervised, crawling all over the gym equipment and taking up machines (particularly the one that I want to use) just to play on them, I get annoyed. More than that, I worry about the safety of those kids. I don't want anyone getting hurt!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I never hang onto the bars on a treadmill...except last night, on a leisurely 1-mile stroll while watching a game on TV, I found myself with both hand on the bars.

    I'm blaming this thread.

    And also, almost unbelievably, this thread is now FOUR posts away from rolling.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Possibly already brought up (haven't time yet to read the entire thread) but I find it mildly annoying when people stop the treadmill while they still have it on an incline. I try to get on to do a quick start and have to wait for the incline to reset before I can begin. Sort of like when people in the office leave time on the microwave.
  • ckopeny1
    ckopeny1 Posts: 46 Member
    When they are running then lift themselves off the belt and stand straddled while the tradmill is still going, then jump back on and try to continue where they started. You use more energy doing that then if you just slowed down a bit and caught your breath.

    Oh well what do I know LOL.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I am very self conscious at the gym because of PEOPLE like you guys LOL!

    That being said I ALWAYS try to be very respectful and follow every rule of the gym. I don't like when all the treadmills are full and I see like 2 or 3 people grouped on them chit chatting away at a very slow pace. I really want to get on and exercise and they are JUST TALKING. They can go do that anywhere. I don't have a problem with what people do on their treadmills. handlebars or not, incline or not, running loudly or not.

    I do not like when I feel like people are only inclining or running hard for my benefit. I DONT GIVE A CARE about you and your insanely high incline, so stop looking at me and smirking at me. YES I am overweight and I can't do what you are doing BUT I am here and working my *kitten* off.

    I also do not care for the very skinny girls who come in with barely any clothes on to chit chat and flirt with the guys and then proceed to give me nasty looks while they BARELY WALK on the treadmill. SCREW YOU! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE! I don't have an issue with skinny girls, just the ones that come to the gym to socialize and not exercise.
  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    When they are running then lift themselves off the belt and stand straddled while the tradmill is still going, then jump back on and try to continue where they started. You use more energy doing that then if you just slowed down a bit and caught your breath.

    Oh well what do I know LOL.

    Sounds like these people are doing the c25K program or interval in point why I try not to judge what anyone else is doing at the gym. I prefer to err on the side of positive and assume they must have their reasons.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    There is only one thing that bugs me when someone gets on the treadmill next to me. It has nothing to do with what they're doing. I figure some exercise is good, definitely better than doing nothing. It's the PERFUME! I was doing my thing yesterday and in comes this girl with what must have been half a bottle of perfume on and hops on right next to me. I have scent issues so I immediately started with the runny nose and watery eyes. I thought of this thread at the time as I was reading it the other day and thought to myself "nope, nothing really bothers me" LOL! Oh well, what can ya do?

    But really though, why so much perfume? I just don't understand what one gets out of bathing in the stuff....:ohwell: