21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor - congrats on your day!

    Back in the gym for me today, finally! Didn't want to do it, but figured since I was there anyway, might as well. Boy am I feeling it later, too!

    Lifting - 50 mins
    calisthenics - 10 mins (built into the routine as super sets... ugh, owwwie!)
    Kinect zumba - 20 mins
    Yoga - 9 (ish) mins
    Some stretching to help with the tight muscles after trying to kill myself today.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 2 day 4 -- Didn't want to go to the gym, but wanted to do something. Didn't know what until I saw a friends post. I came home and mowed the lawn. 45 mins
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope we don't lose anyone as it switched over to the next bunch (all threads close @ 500 entries).

    I had a pretty slow day yesterday (31 May 13) .... as I spent many hours on my "presentation piece" - Assignment that will be presented on Monday (03 June).

    Round 3 - Day 10 - 01 Jun 13

    Today - I did lots of lifting boxes, sorting, arranging - then the reverse! We participated in a neighbourhood yardsale!! lots of lookers out on one of the first sunny Saturday's of the season!!

    so definitely some work in today - haven't figure out how to record the calories! :laugh:

    More exercise tonight as a whole bunch of pals are heading out to do some dancing!

    Keeping it going!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @etaylor - great job, and congrats on overcoming your "don't wannas/ ain't gonnas"!

    @ tazmac - try strength training for your moving, or heavy cleaning. Just cut the time you actually spent down some - about half for the strength training, or about 1/3 for the heavy cleaning. Probably be the closest approximation you'll get.

    Going to start a new round count for me today, since I totally lost track of what day I was on. ::grins:: And, also, since I had to take today off from just about everything to devote to homework. Crazy me - thought I was sighing up for an 8 week summer class, and on the first day of class found out it was a FOUR week summer class! YIKES! So, homework is going to be fast and furious - thankfully I have the weekends to TRY to catch up, sort of. So, probably won't be moving much those days until after class is out. (Unless I get unreasonably lucky, and get on the schedule early!)
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Added to my Day 10 - (yesterday - 01 June)

    After all our yard sale work yesterday - we danced for hours lasts night! :bigsmile:

    Great busy day!

    today - not sure what I'll be able to add. Shifting gear to finishing up my paper / project / assignment to complete my certificate. Has to be submitted tomorrow before I give my presentation!

    Hope you all are having a great weekend!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    For those just checking in on our 21 DAY CHALLENGE - Here's the idea!

    It's said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. I began this challenge to get fitness back into my day after dealing with some back issues back in February.

    My first round - I went 40 days .... and caught the bug again... Started a second round for 21 days and now I'm working on Round 3.

    The idea is to add "purposeful" fitness / exercise in your day. Sometimes 2 hours of housework may be your purposeful fitness for the day .... record that!

    If you need a rest day - take it!
    If life gets in the way - just record your NEXT active day in the round..... (this one - it may take longer than 21 actual days to complete one round)

    DON'T QUIT IF YOU MISS A DAY!!! ...... the whole idea of this is to encourage ourselves and each other along the way!

    If you want support / encouragement - you'll see it here!!

    Join In..... and record your days activity! Sometimes sharing what you've done gives another participant ideas of what they can add / do to spice up their activities!!

    Hope to see you soon!!!

  • tmccarter11
    I could not find the new thread yesterday so i am going to post for yesterday since i havent worked out yet today.
    Day 4-walked in my town again. i just love the hills. i keep my heart rate above 140 almost the whole time with an average pace of 3.8mph and my heart rate monitor has me at burning 377 calories for 44 minutes yesterday. just under 3 miles total.
    i still have my surgical wrap and stitches in my wrist, but i am going to try and go to the gym today and do the stair machine. have a great day everyone!!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    I could not find the new thread yesterday so i am going to post for yesterday since i havent worked out yet today.
    Day 4-walked in my town again. i just love the hills. i keep my heart rate above 140 almost the whole time with an average pace of 3.8mph and my heart rate monitor has me at burning 377 calories for 44 minutes yesterday. just under 3 miles total.
    i still have my surgical wrap and stitches in my wrist, but i am going to try and go to the gym today and do the stair machine. have a great day everyone!!

    Congrats on your DAY 4!! walking is great (My main exercise for sure)... and take it easy at the gym!!

    Have a great day!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 2 day 5 -- I did 31 min of C25k training and the walked around our Farmers market for another 20 min. Planted flowers in the afternoon. Had a good day.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Day 1

    Weeding, weeding, weeding! Mom loves her garden, and has gotten to a point where she can't get up once she's down, so the garden chores fall on me. ::Grins:: Glad I like playing in the dirt! So, lots of kneeling, kneeling to standing, bending at the waist, stretching over head, pulling, pulling, did I forget pulling? And, I'm only 1/4 of the way through the worst of the beds to be weeded. (I may like playing in the dirt, but I HATE having to groom the blasted flowers blade by blade because the grass and bulb blades look identical, but feel different!)

    Going to feel the stretching tomorrow, and have a nice tan as a reward though!

    @ etaylor - Great job on day 5! You are dong fantastic!

    @ tmccarter - glad you were able to trace the thread! (roll overs can get a bit confusing, that's for certain!)
    That walk is a true testimonial to your determination to stay active. As well as your plans for the gym time. Just keep things nice and easy per your doctor's OK, so you don't set yourself back any! Great work!

    @ tazmac - you're walking to/from your car/class, I hope? (If you're not, I want to know your secret for teleportation!) It's not much at any given time, but I can almost guarantee, you'd be surprised how fast it adds up!
  • tmccarter11
    Day 5-so, i did go to the gym and truly felt that i could do some running, so i did. i ran 2 miles without stopping! I walked another 1/2 mile and then did a little leg work.
    I signed up for an ab challenge but today is day 2 and my shoulder (an old rotator cuff injury) has started hurting again. I think I will not be able to finish that challenge. So discouraging but I am going to keep doing cardio and eating healthy and see what my body wants to do with that.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 2 day 6 -- not my finest day eating/exercising. I did go for a 2 mile walk though. PMS and the fun week that comes with it are really getting to me this month. Sorry if that was TMI.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 5-so, i did go to the gym and truly felt that i could do some running, so i did. i ran 2 miles without stopping! I walked another 1/2 mile and then did a little leg work.
    I signed up for an ab challenge but today is day 2 and my shoulder (an old rotator cuff injury) has started hurting again. I think I will not be able to finish that challenge. So discouraging but I am going to keep doing cardio and eating healthy and see what my body wants to do with that.

    Good job on the running
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @tmccarter - Last post should have been for day 4, but day 5 is also a great successful day for you as well! (I can't count, I'll admit it!)

    @ etaylor - you got out and moved when you didn't really want to. That's a wonderful success in, and of, itself! Keep up the hard work!

    Day 2

    Pedometer reports 32 mins of walking (to/from car/class/gym)
    1 hour on the weights - was supposed to be phase 1, day 1 of NRLFW, but wound up doing more of a circuit training day due to the free weights being monopolized by a class. (::grumbles::)
    1 hour in the pool - again, another unintentional. Had planned on only 30 mins, but lost track of time when I realized I'd hit several personal bests! 500 m each in freestyle, breast stroke, and back stroke all finished in 15 minutes! Previous intensities had been maxing at 400 m for the same time frame. ::does the happy dance:: Finally starting to move up!
  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    Just finding this thread, so I’ll add what I’ve done since the Holiday…

    Day 1 (5/29): Get Results Fitness Class, 1 hr of pure hardcore cardio – step, kickboxing, pushups, weights, core work, etc. I soo wanted to stop after about 20 minutes.

    Day 2: home with a sick child. Caught up with chores in evening. (Not sure if I should count this as a Day# )

    Day 3: Zumba – this was SOOO much fun, legs were on fire!

    Day 4 (6/1): Elliptical for 30 mins, Treadmill for 25 mins

    Day 5: No More Trouble Zones – Jillian Michaels, made it through all 7 circuits. Whew!

    Day 6: Plan is to go to gym after work and do the Butts and Guts class.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Just finding this thread, so I’ll add what I’ve done since the Holiday…

    Day 1 (5/29): Get Results Fitness Class, 1 hr of pure hardcore cardio – step, kickboxing, pushups, weights, core work, etc. I soo wanted to stop after about 20 minutes.

    Day 2: home with a sick child. Caught up with chores in evening. (Not sure if I should count this as a Day# )

    Day 3: Zumba – this was SOOO much fun, legs were on fire!

    Day 4 (6/1): Elliptical for 30 mins, Treadmill for 25 mins

    Day 5: No More Trouble Zones – Jillian Michaels, made it through all 7 circuits. Whew!

    Day 6: Plan is to go to gym after work and do the Butts and Guts class.

    Welcome bjune5, glad you joined us! If you're moving, even with house work, I'd count it, even if you don't log it in your exercise diary. ::Grins:: That's because you were MOVING, which is what this thread is all about. Congrats on 6 solid days, too! Look forward to seeing your posts, and I'm sure tazmac will be through either later this evening (local) or tomorrow, and leave her hello as well.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Today - I completed my last day of my Certificate in Adult Education through Dalhousie University!! YAY!!

    I've been stressed lately as I really had to focus on a presentation today (demonstrating aspects of what we learned over the past year) and a written project (mine was almost 50 pages)....(make up class in September will complete the certificate requirement) Eating has not been great & fitness sporadic....

    Hopefully back on track for everything tomorrow! Happy / Happy!! :} huge smile! :happy:


    Round 3 - Day 11 - 03 Jun 13

    Today - I had about 30 min of walking back and forth for class and down the street for coffee.

    Glad to have some to count... (cause I topped the day off with a couple of glasses of wine!)

    Keep up the GREAT WORK my CHALLENGE PALS!!


  • tmccarter11
    Today is day 6....previous post of day 4 was walking and running day 5 which brings me to today. I did a 2.25 mile walk again today at my house. Also, 75 squats that i am doing for my challenge. I also thoroughly cleaned my house so i am sure i burned quite a few calories doing that. Then, i made homemade peanut butter and almond butter for the first time. Yummy!
    I see a few people say their eating and exercising has been a little off but thats why its about progress and not perfection. Tomorrow is a new day!!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 2 day 6 -- 30 min of strength training and even though my arms were wet noodles, came home and deep cleaned a closet for 30 min. Yard sale Sat.