21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    I like this idea! I'm starting tomorrow 5/16. Just got a Fitbit One for Mother's day and I've no excuses! Will check tomorrow night to tell how it went.

    Great to have you andysmom! Look forward to seeing your check-ins, and welcome aboard!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Day 3 - Legs too sore for the mountain climb so ran 10 minutes on treadmill & then fast pace walk with 3KG had weights for 20 minutes.

    Day 4 - Mountain climb with work mates, slower paced than usual but still a good burn!

    Looks like you've got a nice challenge set for yourself DanniDingo. Way to go in keeping it moving despite the sore muscles!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Day 4 - Did do much in the traditional sense of cardio, but I did get a butt-load of cleaning done last night. Went for a short walk with the dogs, and cleaned the camper out for Memorial Day weekend (I do believe there were several squats, lunges, and lifting involved!)

    Hope everyone else had an active evening & that it continues into today!

    Heavy lifting, stretching, and cleaning combined? Way to go! That's definitely the way to make a body work while getting some of the pesky chores out of the way. Keep it going, and great day 4, jezy_jass!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 2 – Day 20 - 16 May 13

    a little slower day today with approx. 30 min walking - would say 20 min @ 3.5 pace and 10 min @ 3 pace.

    Was in a conference downtown today - parked the car @ my work (outer parking lot) and then walked down to the hotel. I remember a time when I would have circled to find the closest parking lot! lol

    Keep up the great work everyone!!
    Welcome to andysmom!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 10 -- I feel like a slug. Life got in the way and didn't make it to the gym. But I am going to do some cleaning and hopefully that will count as my exercise. Keep on moving. :glasses: :glasses:
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ tazmac - isn't it funny how the drive to get the extra exercise makes such radical changes in our every day lives? Great work today!

    @ etaylor - you got up and moved, that counts as a salvage! Keep on pushing, because you've got it going now! Keep up the hard work!

    Round 3 day 4 (I think?)

    Pool day!
    400 m each of Breast stroke, back stroke, freestyle, butterfly
    additional 400 m each of breast stroke and free style
    Total time: 90 mins!
    A little extra walking thrown in due to shadowing at a clinic tonight - 21 mins (According to HRM reports)

    Going to feel the extra lengths tomorrow though!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    @ tazmac - isn't it funny how the drive to get the extra exercise makes such radical changes in our every day lives? Great work today!

    @ etaylor - you got up and moved, that counts as a salvage! Keep on pushing, because you've got it going now! Keep up the hard work!

    Round 3 day 4 (I think?)

    Pool day!
    400 m each of Breast stroke, back stroke, freestyle, butterfly
    additional 400 m each of breast stroke and free style
    Total time: 90 mins!
    A little extra walking thrown in due to shadowing at a clinic tonight - 21 mins (According to HRM reports)

    Going to feel the extra lengths tomorrow though!

    Way to go in the pool. That is awesome
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    Day 5 - 2.6 mile OUTDOOR (loving the warm weather) run yesterday evening
    Day 6 - 3 miles on the elliptical this morning before work! Going to try to get something else in this evening if I get cut from my 2nd job early enough!

    Hope everyone else is doing well & staying active!
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 2 – Day 21 - 17 May 13

    University class all day today - walked to and from class today - uphill all the way there - :)

    approx. 20 - 25 min total. but at least I was moving for the last day of Round 2 - for the 21 days....

    But - Round 3 will begin this weekend.

    Last university class as the large group tomorrow!! Then - on 03 June - another full day.... and that's it!! (I do have to return in September for one weekend before certificate is received - but all the hard work is done as I finish up on 03 June!)

    Keeping it moving!!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @jezy - great days 5 and 6! Keep it going, you are pounding in some great foundation habits!

    @ tazmac - Way to end round 2 on a strong note. When you have classes eating up most of the day, forcing some time in for exercise can be a bit tough, but you made it look easy. Keep it going, and great job!

    Round 3, day 5 -
    A big mish-mash of activities -
    30 mins for finishing the laundry (the actual WORK part - the folding... ugh, where's my robot maid? I HATE folding laundry!)
    60 mins - Cooking - on my feet for over an hour between mixing up and actually cooking the pancakes for future gran-n-go breakfasts.
    minimum 20 mins playing with the kinect Zumba (I am still debating if I want to try the second beginner's class. If I do, that would be an additional 20 minutes)
    minimum 45 mins doing calisthenics - another section worked through in assembling the at home body weight "circuit" that targets the joints I need to strengthen.
    minimum 15 mins stretching - Again, work on bad joints, and I'm still looking up more stretches to help. If I find anything interesting, I'll try them to see how much time they take.
    15 mins light cleaning - had the door open today, so all the dusting I did a couple days ago was ruined, not to mention I tripped over the half-case of paper I had sitting by it's normal storage space, so that got put away finally.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 11 -- weight lifting and stationary bike.

    Day 12-- walk/run on treadmill for 50 min 3.5 -4.0 hills
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member

    Congrats on Day 5 and Day 6. Good variety with your run and the elliptical!!


    Way to go as you progress your 3rd round! Day 5 already and a great combo of movement for burning your calories!


    Great for you on your Days 11 and 12! mixing it up is great with the Weightlifting / bike and treadmill!! way to go!!

    Keeping it moving ladies!!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 1 - 18 May 13

    Approx 25 min of walking today - to and from class (last large group class today! YAY) and then to and from dinner this evening! (didn't have to park so far away from either venue)

    cold and spitting rain.... crappy kind of day - did not encourage much enthusiasm for outdoor activity!

    Really have some gardening to do - maybe warmer than 5 degrees (celcius) - (with any luck!)

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor - I agree with tazmac, you are really moving and shaking things up! Keep up the great work.

    @ tazmac - great start to your new round! Glad to see that I'm not the only one who gets creative at times to fit in a little extra exercise into a busy school schedule.

    Round 3, day 6 - has it been that long already?

    Saturdays are my nemisis for some reason. I planned on hitting the gym, and didn't get out of the house except to pay into my own scholarship fund. ::Grins:: Who could resist when the powerball lotto climbs that high?

    6 mins walking - almost not worth reporting.
    20 mins of zumba - I can tell it's been a while since I actually did a full routine. Yesterdays was just gong through the tutorials on some of the moves I'm not solid on to see if the knees would take it.
    15 mins calisthenics - still working through the printouts. I've got 3 days settled now, but want to add a little more variety
    15 mins stretching - same thing with these as the calisthenics.

    Hopefully tomorrow I'll actually make the pool times at school. I miss the water already, and I've only been out of it for a couple of days!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Owwwie today! I can tell it's been a few days since I hit the water.

    400 m each back stroke and freestyle
    200 m butterfly
    600 m breast stroke

    And a lesson learned! If I'm going to push endurance, I need to remember to put the butterfly laps on the FRONT of the workout, not at the end. That's why the distance there is so short... my arms just flat wore out on me today.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Kcaffee2 -

    Wow - what a variety you are accomplishing!!!

    walking / Zumba / calisthenics / stretching / swimming


    Good for you!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 2 - 19 May 13

    so did about 15 - 20 min of walking this afternoon....

    The wind finally died down and even though it was only about 13 degrees celcius, it was nice to get out at the garden!! 105 minutes of gardening..... what a workout!!

    OMG - my legs are finally stopped vibrating.... bending/standing/raking/weeding/planting..... it got to be duckish and time to come on in for the evening.

    calling for rain again tomorrow - so glad we got out today!!

  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Day 13 -- kind of a rest day. But I did do cleaning, laundry and cooking
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Day 13 -- kind of a rest day. But I did do cleaning, laundry and cooking

    All moving counts!

    I try to make it a "fitness" type - but you know - some days - it's just not meant to be - and as long as we are not couch potatoes for the day - I think that's a good thing!

    Have a GREAT Monday!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 3 - 20 May 13

    Approx. 90 min of walking out and about today. Not a steady walk - but left the house at 10:30 this morning and got home at 3:00pm!

    In and out of shops - errands, groceries, etc, etc....

    It was a busy day that also included housework and lifting packages, etc... a good day off work!! lots done...
