Black Team Week 15



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member


    Lori that cake is awesome!! Birthdays and parties are all about memories. You can rest assured no one will say "Ahh, remember the year mom went to Publix and picked up that rainbow cake??"

    But you will hear " Honey, let me get the pictures of that soccer cake your grandma made for my birthday. Took her hours but it was AWESOME!!"

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have been thinking and wanted to share..........

    I know why Americans are so fat!!! I went for lunch the other day. The daily lunch special was 1/2 hoagie sandwich, a HUGE slice of pizza, 3 garlic rolls and a 22 oz soda all for $5.99.

    I wanted the angel hair pasta with fresh veggies and olive oil...............price................................$15.99!!! SIXTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS!!!
    It came with a small (think saucer) plate of salad, I declined the roll, 1 cup of pasta, 1/2 cup of eggplant/mushroom/peppers/onions/artichokes and about 3 oz of grilled chicken.

    For this I paid $16.

    No wonder America is so fat.............we cannot afford to eat healthy.

    Moral of the story: Pack a lunch, dumbazz :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The other thing I have been mulling over, and I go back to an old member here who pissed everyone off on the boards (well, not Marla-may!)

    Dave used to get angry because people would post about not having enough time to exercise. He thought it ironic that someone could post for 2 hours about not having 1/2 hour to do their workout. It also bugged him when ppl said this didn't work. He was not nice about it but would say "YOU are not working........your not being truthful.........or not working hard enough"

    Again his delivery sounded mean and po'd a lot of ppl.......................but it stuck with me.

    I realized this was ME!! :laugh:

    I was whining about having a trainer and not losing the last 10.........and why should I hire her again because I didn't lose the 10 I wanted to last time.

    When being honest with myself, I am not doing the work, therefore I am not losing the weight.

    Period. End of story. That's all she wrote

    Thanks for listening. I feel better sharing it with friends.

    I will not put the old sneaks on and go for a wog (or waddle, as it appears to ME in the mirror....LOL)

    Love Youse Guys!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Lori-- I will say this with all affection, because it is MY word-- I use it around the house all the time with my loved ones.

    You dope. When you said a boxed cake I'm thinking you're REALLY taking the easy route-- whip up Betty Crocker, slap a can of frosting on, poof-- happy birthday, lil' buddy.

    You need to come hang with me, my friend-- I'll show you how to chill on the birthdays--

    Hi, thanks for coming-- have fun, play a game or two, have a cupcake, thanks for the gift, now get the hell out-- boom-- from A to Z in under two hours-- I don't even do goody bags.

    I'm truly the Miss Hannigan (think Annie) of birthdays-- my kids all know it.

    'Cause as I've said before-- why in the world am I celebrating the child-- I'M the one with the stretch marks and hypertension from all the freaking births-- hell, I should be getting 9 parties a year thrown in MY freaking honor. Whose idea was this anyway?

    Oh well-- the cake is adorable-- hope he has a great time. Feel better my friend--

    Ok, for the record, the last cool cake I made was when Ian who is about to turn 13 was like 4. I remember NOW why I stopped back then. :wink: :wink: I did then revert to the box in a rectangular pan with a can of frosting. I think the first year I did it I felt bad and I tried to hype it up and tell them that they could decorate their own cake, like that was some sort of prize, when really, I was being lazy.

    Ian still makes comments like 'remember when you used to make cool cakes and our Halloween costumes'...... Yeah, I remember, I should say 'it was when you were both new and I liked you more, the novelty wore off' :laugh: :laugh: . I think I stopped making costumes the year I met Tom and two more kids came into my life. Somehow the addition of more kids makes everything a LOT more work! You know, what you do for one, you do for all. (I just screwed myself on the cake thing for this year......)

    As for the party, we had this discussion. I don't do them either. This is the first real party the kid has had and he's 10. It's at the roller rink, no clean up at my house, just $4 a kid. I can handle that. I didn't do goodie bags either, waste of money. I got dollar store glow necklaces and bracelets.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Lori-- I will say this with all affection, because it is MY word-- I use it around the house all the time with my loved ones.

    You dope.

    Those words just ran through my head and I'm sitting here laughing.

    Lori- you dope...... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    The other thing I have been mulling over, and I go back to an old member here who pissed everyone off on the boards (well, not Marla-may!)

    Dave used to get angry because people would post about not having enough time to exercise. He thought it ironic that someone could post for 2 hours about not having 1/2 hour to do their workout. It also bugged him when ppl said this didn't work. He was not nice about it but would say "YOU are not working........your not being truthful.........or not working hard enough"

    Again his delivery sounded mean and po'd a lot of ppl.......................but it stuck with me.

    I realized this was ME!! :laugh:

    I was whining about having a trainer and not losing the last 10.........and why should I hire her again because I didn't lose the 10 I wanted to last time.

    When being honest with myself, I am not doing the work, therefore I am not losing the weight.

    Period. End of story. That's all she wrote

    Thanks for listening. I feel better sharing it with friends.

    I will not put the old sneaks on and go for a wog (or waddle, as it appears to ME in the mirror....LOL)

    Love Youse Guys!!

    First off, I agree, it is expensive to eat well.

    Second, yeah, Dave ticked people off, but he told it like it was. People don't always like to hear it like it is.

    I have been doing some thinking about my last pounds I need to lose too. At first I was really trying and it wasn't going and I still have my kick it hard moments, but I need to get a good run in with really trying and see what happens. I think I got so frustrated with it not happening, it was easier laying back a little and maintaining. If I'm going to be totally truthful with myself, I haven't kicked it hard with my head totally in the game and 100% focused on the end goal for quite some time. Not for more than a few days at a time anyway.

    I need to revamp my workouts. I need to start tracking and logging food again. Seeing my reset ticker, oddly enough is inspiration. I set that my start weight is 153, which is sort of my stuck weight and the weight I said I can live with, although, right now, I'm over that, so my ticker can't change until I get the scale moving.

    Miss Jeannie- I'm really glad to see you back here with your renewed energy and positive attitude. You are contagious and I thank you for that!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    You are all so inspiring and make me smile - thank you.

    Lori - regardless the cake is awesome:smile: , and I will admit that I do not make or buy cakes - my mother in law is a super cook and will make cakes for birthdays that are diary free so that John can have some as well.

    Marla - I smile everytime I think of your miss hannigan approach :happy: , you are truely a gifted writer and I agree with Jeannie (I think) who said you should have a column. I also like the idea of the mum being thanked on the childrens birthdays - might see if I can get that one to work :huh:

    Jeannie - you go girl. You deefinately seem to be inspired to lose the last 10 pounds, so go for it.

    Everyone else hope that you are having a good weekend.

    Apologies for the late log in today, I have been a women on a mission..... I have fixed little Christopher's bunk bed - one of the slates had broken so I have removed it, and repositioned the remaining slates so there isn't a big hole for him to fall through :laugh: , I have done all the washing and ironing that is in the house (but as I say this I am pretty sure that one of my children has just generated some more :laugh: ), washed all the nets from the windows and got them back in the windows, sorted hubby's shed out, so can now get into it to look for tools etc, fitted the doors on Sam's wardrobe (the shell has been built for nearly 2 weeks, but only just got the umph to do the doors!) and am about to put leatherette on the dining chair seat covers ( as little Chris has finally dozed off so feel a little safer using the stable gun now!).

    Will come back in a bit, once I've done these seat covers
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member

    Hey gang-- too cool--

    If you want to see what I do for my transcribing-- the link is a piece done for the Today show with Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts. I transcribed the part of the interview that took place in his truck. Too funny-- it was a 42 minute interview, and only about 40 seconds actually made it to air--

    But, here you go folks--

    Just catching up on posts. Very cool Marla!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    My blog entry for the day........

    I decided for Alex's birthday I was not buying a cake from a bakery and spending a fortune. Every time I do that I get irritated that a cake costs $35-40 when I can buy a box mix for 88 cents. So I decided to make one.

    I bought all the supplies and when I gathered them all up I started thinking.

    $12 for the pan
    $8 for the icing bags and the 3 tips I needed for the design
    $3 for cake mixes
    $5 for icing
    $7 for food coloring
    Um...... I spent $35 for the dang supplies! Instead of calling and ordering and picking up, I now also had to put the time into making it. Something went wrong with this plan.

    Mixing the cakes and baking 3 of them wasn't all that bad, after all, a boxed cake mix is about as easy as it gets. It was after that that things got interesting.

    I used at least half a roll of paper towels in the process. I mixed 4 different colors of icing. My fingers are stained from food coloring. I felt nauseated from smelling the cake and icing. It took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to decorate it and clean up the dreadful mess I made. I think I'll put the bakery on speed dial.......

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????? WOW incredible. What kind of cake inside? You are crazy....and we love you anyway!:heart:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    The other thing I have been mulling over, and I go back to an old member here who pissed everyone off on the boards (well, not Marla-may!)

    Dave used to get angry because people would post about not having enough time to exercise. He thought it ironic that someone could post for 2 hours about not having 1/2 hour to do their workout. It also bugged him when ppl said this didn't work. He was not nice about it but would say "YOU are not working........your not being truthful.........or not working hard enough"

    Again his delivery sounded mean and po'd a lot of ppl.......................but it stuck with me.

    I realized this was ME!! :laugh:

    I was whining about having a trainer and not losing the last 10.........and why should I hire her again because I didn't lose the 10 I wanted to last time.

    When being honest with myself, I am not doing the work, therefore I am not losing the weight.

    Period. End of story. That's all she wrote

    Thanks for listening. I feel better sharing it with friends.

    I will not put the old sneaks on and go for a wog (or waddle, as it appears to ME in the mirror....LOL)

    Love Youse Guys!!

    This is the Jeannie we know and love. JUST DO IT!!!!!

    Got my run in the morning before my guests from Chicago woke up. Yes, i was a little foggy from the few beverages consumed the night before but the run really helped. Then we went out to breakfast to a local little corner shop. Best home cooked meals. Had a veggie omelet with egg whites. Thought I made good choices. Gave my DS the home fries (which was very hard because man i love them!) Made good choices! Proud of myself.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The other thing I have been mulling over, and I go back to an old member here who pissed everyone off on the boards (well, not Marla-may!)

    Dave used to get angry because people would post about not having enough time to exercise. He thought it ironic that someone could post for 2 hours about not having 1/2 hour to do their workout. It also bugged him when ppl said this didn't work. He was not nice about it but would say "YOU are not working........your not being truthful.........or not working hard enough"

    Again his delivery sounded mean and po'd a lot of ppl.......................but it stuck with me.

    I realized this was ME!! :laugh:

    I was whining about having a trainer and not losing the last 10.........and why should I hire her again because I didn't lose the 10 I wanted to last time.

    When being honest with myself, I am not doing the work, therefore I am not losing the weight.

    Period. End of story. That's all she wrote

    Thanks for listening. I feel better sharing it with friends.

    I will not put the old sneaks on and go for a wog (or waddle, as it appears to ME in the mirror....LOL)

    Love Youse Guys!!

    This is the Jeannie we know and love. JUST DO IT!!!!!

    Got my run in the morning before my guests from Chicago woke up. Yes, i was a little foggy from the few beverages consumed the night before but the run really helped. Then we went out to breakfast to a local little corner shop. Best home cooked meals. Had a veggie omelet with egg whites. Thought I made good choices. Gave my DS the home fries (which was very hard because man i love them!) Made good choices! Proud of myself.

    Have a great day everyone!

    No excuses, right Donna??!!

    I am so psyched about working out on the beach. The sun is shining with a light westerly o it time to leave yet??

    Have fun with your guests!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey Team!

    Sweet relief, as all of this week's busy-ness is (almost) over! Got in from taking Test #4 this morning, and am now getting set up for my guests this afternoon. I really have no idea how I feel about my test results other than relieved to be done with it. I have more hope than confidence at this point, but nothing to do until May 18 but wait. We shall see.

    LoriFL- That cake looks awesome! I love to make cakes and icing from scratch, but decorating is not happening. I just load up the frosting and that's it.

    Marla- As mentioned, you are hilarious.

    Jeannie- I remember Dave...never got to talk to him much, but I liked his commentary. It was refreshing to have someone around who wouldn't blow smoke up everyone's rear end. I have been much like that with my weight loss advice as well. Sure, it may piss people off, but in the scheme of it...aren't you going to listen to someone who has lost over 100 pounds?

    LoriPA, Sam, Sara, Tammy, Tanya, Tamara, Bobbi, Kati, Beth, Andrew, etc.- HELLO! :flowerforyou:

    I am off to get my goodies together now. Serving meatballs, pasta salad, cheese/crackers, veggies/dip, chips and salsa, crescent ring w/ ham, cheese and broccoli plus 2 desserts. Hope the weather acts right so I can get some miles in later.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good afternoon beloved--

    Tell you what-- you print up my ramblings and send 'em to Associated Press-- ha-- we'll see how quickly they throw them in the circular file!

    Nobody but my beloved friends would care a rat's behind about the musings of a lunatic curmudgeoness!

    And getting on the kids' birthdays for one last hurrah-- I mean, seriously-- like the kids did ANYTHING to warrant a party. *I* endured the conception :yawn: (:devil: :laugh: ) *I* endured the morning sickness, the cravings, the stretch marks. *I* endured the labor and delivery. Hell, *I* even endured the roommate from hell who tried to beat me up ( a tale for another time)

    THEY, by way of contrast weren't even thankful at the time to enter the freaking world. All they did was scream and cry-- ingrates.

    And yet we throw THEM the party? Truly a bizarre practice.

    Anyway-- whaddyagonnado? It is what it is.

    Having a lovely day here in New Jersey-- beautiful out. Getting some stuff done around the house, and probably throwing some burgers on the grill later. Need to make sure I eat one sans the bun as penance for my Waffle House splurgings of last night-- so far today, so good though--

    Love to all--
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Well I have managed to achieve everything I wanted to get done today and more, so a happy lady here tonight. I have also managed 2 sessions on the bike (25 and 35 minutes), and done my weights. I am now sitting in absolute peace, as have turned the tv off and have just finished my drink. I am proper tired tonight, so hopefully I will sleep and the little men will stay asleep so all the better!!

    Good night you fine people, and thank you for keeping this brit sane and on the fitness/weight loss wagon - I have never managed to stay with anything for this long!

    Night night from the UK, t xx

    ps Lori - I hope that you are feeling better, rest and take care of yourself or you will still be rough for the ball xx
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy everyone just ate the best lunch of a lifetime..warning is dangerous...Hot dog with sour cream onion tomato and relish with bacon cheese fries that I shared with my son and a fried twinkie that I shared with my son..It was OMG good!!

    Ya'll know today is my cheat day in my defense..I ran my 6 miles this morning in 59 minutes and I went to the gym for 2 hours before hand...I burned 1618 calories

    The hot dog is all I had until right now had a chocoalte covered peep, now heading to cracker barrel with some friends for pecan pancakes..I deserve them, have not had them in over a month.;.Go me!!!\

    We watched the chipmucks the sequeal and I ate a bag of 100 calories popcorn..So I dont think I am totally over doing it like I normally do..

    Well gonna go eat and then head to bed in a few have to be up at 3 am to be at work at 5..Have a great day everyone!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I must run 4 miles tonight to work off my dinner-- but, I'll do it. Yummy burgers on the grill-- yes, I had the bun after all. PLUS some of the macaroni salad I made-- but I actually wasn't a big fan of it tonight. On a lark, I threw some tuna in it-- no yike. If it ain't broke....ya know? So, I'll can the tuna next time-- ha.

    Relaxing Saturday--

    Heading to type-- later.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey Team!

    Sweet relief, as all of this week's busy-ness is (almost) over! Got in from taking Test #4 this morning, and am now getting set up for my guests this afternoon. I really have no idea how I feel about my test results other than relieved to be done with it. I have more hope than confidence at this point, but nothing to do until May 18 but wait. We shall see.

    LoriFL- That cake looks awesome! I love to make cakes and icing from scratch, but decorating is not happening. I just load up the frosting and that's it.

    Marla- As mentioned, you are hilarious.

    Jeannie- I remember Dave...never got to talk to him much, but I liked his commentary. It was refreshing to have someone around who wouldn't blow smoke up everyone's rear end. I have been much like that with my weight loss advice as well. Sure, it may piss people off, but in the scheme of it...aren't you going to listen to someone who has lost over 100 pounds?

    LoriPA, Sam, Sara, Tammy, Tanya, Tamara, Bobbi, Kati, Beth, Andrew, etc.- HELLO! :flowerforyou:

    I am off to get my goodies together now. Serving meatballs, pasta salad, cheese/crackers, veggies/dip, chips and salsa, crescent ring w/ ham, cheese and broccoli plus 2 desserts. Hope the weather acts right so I can get some miles in later.

    Shuntae - do you have your half coming up next weekend?! Very exciting. Hope you are tapering down this week and have great weather for a run.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Skating party went well. It's over. I did my Mommy work, now I'm popped.

    I have eaten dreadfully bad the past few days. I have a cake jelly belly right now. I started in on the sweet stuff and jumped in with both feet, the same thing that happens all the time when I have just a little. I need to squish it now before it gets any worse. Actually, I really want to pull it together this week and watch close, I would like the belly pudge to be down before wearing that formal dress. I know what I need to do, now I need to do it.

    I would like to crawl into my PJ's and think about sleep. No can do, the older kids have friends here. 6 teenagers running around and it's rainy outside, although they just went for a walk, so I guess it's not raining too much.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Lori..The cake looks amazing. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

    Today Jim and I managed to finish the #1 item on my major nag list. A few years ago a couple storms went thru here and knocked part of a wall down. All this time it has laid between the back of m y house and the rest of the wall. It is now gone. I logged it as cleaning heavy effort, 4 hours at 880 calories. So freakin tired and sore didn't even manage to eat 1000 calories today. No worries I'll catch up tomorrow. Nite team !
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Bobbi-- proud of your home improvement today-- love when those projects get done.

    Lori-- glad the party went well-- I'm sure Alex had a great time. Hope you're feeling better.

    Tanya-- so happy that this team is helping you in this journey-- amazing group we have here.

    No more typing tonight-- heading to bed-- and no alarm clock tomorrow-- I'm giddy!

    Got my 4 mile run in-- woot woot woot-- ended the day "in the green" calorie wise. Wayyy proud of that.