Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • Compudad
    Compudad Posts: 54 Member
    "If you bite it, Write it" I record it all.

    And I am one of those people who consume under 1000 calories a day, under a doctor's supervision, Don't judge other members intake, you might not know the details.
  • savageclangirl
    What is the MFP database?
  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    I'll occasionally put something I ate today on tomorrow's log, but I always log. My weekly net calories remain the same, either way.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I don't lie on mine. I am brutally honest even when it hurts.
    Me too.
  • savageclangirl
    Dont lie either. There are times where I forget to post but the next morning I weigh myself and I am still progressing in the wanted directions I don't worry about it...I do put in the exercise even if I don't do the food. Can others see my eating posts?
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    And I am one of those people who consume under 1000 calories a day, under a doctor's supervision, Don't judge other members intake, you might not know the details.
    I couldn't agree more.
  • annbillingsley
    annbillingsley Posts: 60 Member
    The only time I lie is if I OVERestimate my calories logged and UNDERestimate the calories burned log. I find it easy to not get above 1200 net calories because I have a protein shake after my exercise and I drink most of my fluids until 3 or4 pm. That keeps me satiated for most of the day. it allows me to have a nice supper with great portions and lots of odds and ends at night before bed. Most days I cannot squeeze the leftover calories of the day in before bed, so I routinely net less than 1200. some days I don't even get to 1200 eaten , let alone net. I have tried to cut out as much bread, pasta and rice as possible and eat as low-cal as i can. in the 40+ days I have been on here, I have eaten rice and pasta once. i haven't even gone through an entire loaf of diet briead yet. I try to eat the least calorie-dense foods as I can, which means I eat basically plain chicken breast and lots of broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, and carrots. Needless to say, things are getting a BIT boring, so I am slowly adding more calorie-dense foods like sauces/gravies and have added some of the lower-cal tortillas. Tonight I am making a meatball/turkey bacon/turkey pepperoni, red pepper/onion and cheese mini-pizza on the tortilla.

    I find calories are like a paycheck: I never have been one to get paid friday and by saturday night I am broke. I wait until I cannot wait any longer to spend my money, and I do the same with calories. I would rather go to bed full and eat 1200 cal or less the entire day than eat 3 meals of 400 calories and only have little bit left for after supper and I use it and I go to bed hungry or be forced to consistantly eat past my alotted calories.

    But I also realize that I am not exactly doing it healthiest way and I am working on it LOL!
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    No. One of the reasons that I wanted to start using the food diary was so that I could critically analyze what my hubby and I are eating, and then start to make healthier substitutions. I'm a food nut... love cooking the stuff more than eating it most days!! I log as much as possible so that if there is a single thing that we could change for the better, I'll do it. (example: the difference in minerals that you get between the spring blend and butter lettuce blend from the store...)

    Btw, looking for friends with open diaries!! I've found other folk's food logs to be a great source of inspiration for food ideas at home. Be sure to mention this thread if you send me a friend request please! =) Mine is (as far as I know) open to the public.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Sometimes towards the end of the day, if I know my calories are about right, I don't bother to physically log it. I wonder if that may be what's happening with the diaries you (OP) are seeing? For instance, if I'd eaten 1000 calories and my next meal took me up to my goal, I wouldn't need to log that meal - I'd know I'd eaten it and not to eat any more that day. But my diary would look as if I'd only eaten 1000.

    I keep my diary private for many reasons, but one reason is so that I don't get tempted to make it look "better" for other people - it's only me who's going to see it, so it's easier to be honest!
  • rebelgirl199122
    Why judge someone elses diary if they arent asking? i generally eat less than a thousand a day, and never eat back excerise calories, its something ive been working on ( eatting more calories while eatting healthy ) we all use mfp to help correct or behavior with food. My problem is i panic when i get close 900 and cant force myself to eat more. I wouldnt pick on someone for something you never know how sensitive of a subject it is if you arent that close to them
  • slsherwood51
    slsherwood51 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't lie on my food diary, but I haven't been recording my exercise. I don't eat my exercise calories, so I quit recording the exercise that I am doing. I might start again, but I feel like exercising overestimates the calories burned, and I don't like how it shows a negative intake for a day.

    I have had days where I didn't finish logging all of my food or forgetting to log something. I do fix that the next day by going back to the correct day and adding in what I missed.

    I also rarely hit the "complete" button on a day because the estimate of what I will weigh in 5 weeks isn't correct.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    The only thing I don't add on the weekends is my coffee creamer and sugar, which has gone down drastically since I began because I drink black coffee during the week. That's my treat to myself for being good all week.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I only lie on days that end in Y.
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    No I do not lie on my diary. I mean if I lie there I am only lying to myself. I want to be honest with myself and the awesome support group I have found here. No need to lie about nothing!! :)
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I don't lie on mine. I don't understand why someone would lie, the point in logging is to stay accountable, your not accountable if you lie. They only hurt themselves by lying.

    I think some people do forget to finish logging, or some go through phases of logging and not logging. On the other hand some people just don't eat enough. I unfriended an individual because I asked her about her eating < 1000 cals a daily basis and she wouldn't respond so I unfriended her. I don't want to be rude but I want healthy positive friends on my feed.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I see some food diaries where people are consuming less than 1000 calories a day...multiple days in a row. And these aren't "small" people. I'm wondering if maybe they are fudging it? I mean...can someone really be healthy eating 900 calories a day??

    I try to log everything that I eat. Even if it means admitting that I made a bad choice. I just don't understand how people can live on that little.

    They don't. I think like you, its a case of not recording everything. That's why I find diary snooping fairly useless. Most of the time when people are screaming at an overweight person to eat more, they are looking at an incomplete diary and that person is actually eating more than they should and simply not recording everything. It's actually hard to be diligent about recording food intake accurately.

    There is also pressure to make diaries conform to other peoples expectations too. All reasons I just say fuggetaboutit and keep mine private. So when I go on a binge (and it does happen), I record it without worries of folks attacking me over it. I handle it in ways that work for me. As the weight loss counter indicates, I'm being successful about it.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    Like everyone said, you would be cheating yourself. I get that it can be embarrassing to log a big hunk of cake followed by 6 girl scout cookies. I am tempted not to log after oopsies but I do bc have found it invaluable to reflect on my diary during either big loss weeks or slow weeks. Being honest allows you to see what cal/macro intake works best for you based on results.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I never lie in my food diary. I would only be cheating myself out of important information as to why I may be losing or gaining if I did.
  • JoyceGhali
    Do I "lie" on my food diary? Yes.

    How? Well, mostly I put more calories than there are actually in the food (because I am not sure always about calorie content in some food). But I log everything that I take in. (With occasional skip for small portion of lettuce or cucumbers or beetroot :bigsmile: )
    Lol That's me Right there
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    no i try to make sure everything is as accurate as possible, my goal here is to lose weight i have no desire to play head games with my mfp friends.