Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I log everything. No matter what. Even if I have to go back and do it the next day, I will log it. 1000 calories over? Logged. People who lie or underestimate are only hurting themselves and their progress...
  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    I don't lie per se but when I pre-logged my foods I often forgot (or was too lazy) ti go back and change them if I veered from the plan. Now I only log after i've eaten.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    It's a possibility that they just forget to log dinner or something, but I wouldn't knowingly lie on my food diary, after all the only person I'm hurting is myself
  • Anita_hoar12345
    No i don't log my cheat days because there is usually a ridiculous amount of beer involved and I can't remember wtf I eat when I'm drunk. when I log I put everything I eat in there if not i'm only ****ing myself over
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    I post honestly and try and record every single thing I have eaten, even if it makes me feel a bit of a fatty for seeing the statistics...
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Never that's why I'm usually always
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    If I can't be honest with myself here with my food diary then just why am I here. Lying will not get me to my ultimate goal.
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    Nope...not even that day I had 1/3 of my calories from (crappy!) chocolate candies.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I used to lie in my diary. I only logged my main meals and the snacks that fit in my meager calorie goal, and ignored the binges that followed later in the day.
    I'm trying to be more honest with myself now, I still fall off the wagon sometimes and I often find it too horrifying to log everything I eat when I do, but most of the time I'm honest with myself. I'm doing this for me so what good would lying to myself do?! (I keep telling myself this, like I said I don't always succeed, but this is an ongoing process :smile: )
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Probably, because you just can't eat that little for that many days in a row without binging on something. And I doubt they record the binge.

    Those people are the ones whose weight never changes, too.

    Ignorant statement. I was one of those people.. and I logged everything I ate. and i did it for months without "binging" I did lose weight too. BUT it didn't last and I got really really sick from eating so little. I was so bad, that if I knew i'd be drinking that evening, i'd eat even less during the day. Subconsciously. I had no idea I was doing that, until i'd log. And I wasn't sitting here hungry and not eating either. I was legit not hungry. If I felt hungry i'd eat. But I just didn't. and then I'd go all day and get to dinner and realize I hadn't eaten anything all day. Some people probably do omit foods that put them over their goals or that are not in line with what they tell people they are trying to eat like. but that goes for everyone. Whether their count is low or high. But to say people who do this binge later and don't log it. Unless you've been there, you really don't know what it's like to not be hungry.

    I am *still* not hungry. I just eat anyway, because i don't want to ever be sick again. I make it a point to eat. Prepping foods, trying new things, getting excited over new stuff. Everyday I have to think about what I am going to eat and how I am going to reach a healthy goal. It works, but it's not easy and just because someone has a low calorie count doesn't mean they are lying or not recording binges.

    Some people really have a problem. I had to ignore a bunch of people on here, who just tore me apart because "why didn't I just eat" well if it was only that simple. It is *entirely* possible to go from over eating to under eating as an adult. It is entirely possible to eat a vlcd without bingeing. It is entirely possible to not be hungry while doing so.

    It's ok to not understand, its' not ok to trivialize someone else's struggles. Maybe your (generic you) struggle is to not over eat. I don't have that struggle and I don't understand it. I'm not going to belittle you because you do. But I will try to give you any help I can. If I think I have any to offer.

    Today.. I'm struggling with dinner. I don't know what to eat with my planned meat. I'll figure it out because i need to eat more calories. But it's not as easy for me as it is for a lot of others. I ate lunch today even though I wasn't hungry for it. It's working, I'm getting to my goals in a more permanent healthier fashion, but it's a struggle. Just a different one then your's.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    No, I don't lie to my diary because if I did I'd be lying to myself. What's the sense in that? If I didn't want to know what my nutritional values were, I wouldn't take all the time it takes to record each food. It would be such a waste of time I'd have to stop recording anything.
  • beekay70
    beekay70 Posts: 214 Member
    When I first started logging, I was tempted to alter my log to make it fit after I had already eaten. Never did, though. I also tried to judge a portion size based on how many calories I thought a food had rather than determine the calories by the portion size. Something like: this looks like about 200 calories, so that means it's a half cup.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Nope...not even that day I had 1/3 of my calories from (crappy!) chocolate candies.

    I did that one day. It was awesome. And I logged every damn one of those candies and stayed within my calorie goal.

    Why lie? You know you ate it, you may as well own it.
  • SteviMcEwan
    Probably, because you just can't eat that little for that many days in a row without binging on something. And I doubt they record the binge.

    See that is just a stereotypical generalisation.
    When I first started on here 4 months ago I was eating less than 1000cals a day and I wasn't a binger. It took me a long while to get my intake stabilised and even now I still have days where I am only JUST managing to consume 1000-1200 a day and I usually manage that by eating a chocolate bar to up my cals for the day.
    Some people do genuinely just have smaller appetites.

    Ha, ha, I on the other hand am quite proud when I kill a bottle of wine by myself, and log it with pride!

    Lol this made me giggle.

    And in answer to the op... no I don't lie, simply cause I still know I had it even if MFP doesn't so there's no point in not logging it. Was a good topic :) x
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    It all depends on how you view lie. Sometimes I eat some food for dessert, something that fits into my calorie budget for the day, but don't bother logging it cause it's the last thing I will eat that night. But I always log up until that point, and I usually do log my dessert.
  • meatstroke
    As you probably already know, thats great! (the whole muscle vs fat difference doesn't mean much when you regard the inches) keep up all of your hard work! its paying off
  • meatstroke
    To be insulted for eating far less than 1k is such a ridiculous nasty thing and then to be called a liar? ahah
  • cdanie13
    cdanie13 Posts: 108 Member
    Nope, no point in lying. Lying doesn't hurt anyone but myself. Besides I dont really see the point of people lying. If you dont want other's to know just make your diary private. Easy peasy :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Two words:

