Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You wouldn't be lying to anyone but yourself. If you are lying here, it isn't the first diet plan you are lying on, and when you finally give up because it doesn't work, it will just be added to the list of the multitude of other diet plans that did not work, and you just don't know why.
  • Gummibear111
    I don't lie about my food diary I just don't include dinner because I find it difficult to gauge what I eat for dinner so I usually leave 600 cals for dinner so most of my food diarys are less than 1000 :P
  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    If it went in my mouth it goes in my food diary. Thats my one promise to myself - I am trying to log accurately what I ate and what activity I did so I have an accurate picture and lose weight. Even if I wished I hadnt eat it, I did, so it goes on there. Not recording it isnt going to make me thinner - just be lying to myself and getting nowhere!

    ETA a friend of mine is one here and she logs her food, but never her alcohol cals, which when you can drink 1-2 bottles alone (that's another issue) adds up a fair amount. No point logging the rest if you then consume 500-1000 cals in booze a day!
  • Shaquana2
    Thru out this process it starts with you. So i sometimes see people log in a whole lot of cleaning or some weird things like preparing food to burn calories. Im here on my fitness pal for support and to help others. If i eat something that i dont want ppl to see then i shouldn't eat it. Sometimes i do and sometimes i dont but minutes later i feel gulity and i add it even it throws me over thats the whole purpose to see the things you're eating and work on changing it. But if there not honest with themselves what makes you think there gonna be honest with there fitness pals.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    No I don't lie, because the only person you would hurt is yourself.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I don't lie - not to fudge with my total calories or make my diary look better, anyway.

    But on rare days (like my vacation week) it's just too much trouble to figure out every ingredient in the restaurant meals so I try to either make smart choices, or eat less of my not-so-smart choices and just don't log at all.

    And, of course, there's always the meals where I'm not sure exactly what I'm eating so I find what looks like the nearest item in the database and guess at an amount.

    And occasionally I don't weigh, say, an apple because it's basically the same size as the apple I weighed yesterday, but I'll enter it as the same size.

    All of the above is why I try to stay a bit below my goal. I figure some days I'm over-estimating, some days I'm under-estimating, but as long as I'm losing what I expect then it must be averaging out OK.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Lying to yourself, wearing blinders to the issue and denying you have a problem is what got you to the point of unhappiness within yourself in the first place. If you plan on carrying those damaging traits here, then what's the point?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    At one point I did. I will be honest I felt very ashamed of some of the so called demon foods i was eating. AKA poptarts, icecream, ect. I felt like if i ate these things I was being judged or letting people down. i was only holding myself back. There is no such thing as a demon food. If i eat it then I am going to log it and if others don't like it unfriend me :)
  • tcmay72
    tcmay72 Posts: 82 Member
    Problem is there are way too many incorrect foods in the data base. so if you dont like one and are desperate you can just pick another that has fewer calories. This may look good on screen but does nothing on the scale.
  • floridared
    floridared Posts: 52 Member
    Great advice. I log everything I eat because if I don't then not only am I not honest but, I am defeating my purpose. THIS EQUATES TO FAILURE
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Why would I lie to myself? :tongue:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i dont lie. i log my 800 cal days, my 1200 cal days, and my 5000 cal days... why lie to myself, the truth shows in my weight loss, or lack of it...
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    If you are lying on your diary, you are only lying to yourself. If you are, I am betting that this is not the first diet you are cheating/failing on, and it will not be your last.
  • mhimmelb
    I log everything and some days it is less than 1000 calories but sometimes quite a bit more - when I have a couple of beers. If you look at the calorie calculators, you will find a huge difference in the allowable calories depending on age and height. A 60 year old 5ft tall woman requires waaaay fewer calories to maintain than a 5'6" tall 20 year old so don't be so quick to judge another person's diet.

    Also wanted to vent a bit about logging everything - it's a little scary - like Flo from Progressive trying to get us to plug in a device to track our driving habits to determine our insurance rates. Is health insurance far behind? Will Blue Cross see me tracking my couple of beers a week and start charging me a premium or see that I am overweight or eat a little too much sugar and adjust my premiums? Again, just a little scary to think about the implications of logging everything on an Internet program.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sometimes I will use the quick tools and just put in the calories. Not so much now because I am watching macros more. But, the scale knows, whether or not you log
  • TheTiagooo
    TheTiagooo Posts: 53 Member
    Used to. Intentionally logged in less beer and ice-cream than I consumed. Thing is, if you're altering the log, it's probably a sign that the food in question should be avoided; I did so and the fat's been coming off.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I log everything I eat and I eat 2000-2200 cals a day. I do leave a couple hundred calories there for the times I wake up in the middle of the night and want a small snack, so sometimes that's not logged because I'm too tired to stare into a bright screen but I know what macros I have left before I consume them. I try to be honest with myself so I log my binges as well, I'm not afraid of the red numbers and it helps me in the long run to be able to go back and look at those days to see what I can do differently. I also eat whatever I want within my macros so if I'm having a craving sometimes my meals look odd (pork chops with a side of donuts lol) but it works for me.
  • stjanki
    I will admit it. I do lie. I use the calorie log as a tool, not as a law. For example, let's say I have eaten 1000 calories one day, burned off 500 by walking and I have spaghetti for dinner. I know there aren't 3000 calories in a single bowl of spaghetti so I don't bother logging it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    A year almost TO THE DAY and some new fish resurrects the thread.

  • mrsKOrtiz
    mrsKOrtiz Posts: 949 Member
    "Lying" on your food diary only hurts you. That is their problem anyway.