The stupidest thing you used to think...



  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Goodness. When I first started losing weight, I got into a big argument with someone over strength training because I didn't want to get big and bulky like a bodybuilder, that it was not normal behavior for a mid 30's dude.

    Everyone was a noob at some point.
  • tryinghard71
    I use to think you had to starve to lose weight. When it came to working out I use to think there was things I was not capable of doing and that was for "fit" people. Not understanding doing those things (even if I had to modify in the beginning) is what gets fit people fit.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    I thought that if you don't eat you lose only fat (and not muscles)
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    I use to think I was destined to be overweight. That I could never be one of those people who could exercise daily.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    When I was 5 I thought I could see germs on my hands... my older brother tried to convince me of the truth but I wanted no part of it! LOL
  • Ilyandra
    Ilyandra Posts: 5 Member
    I used to think people would judge me (unfavorably, of course) if I didn't look like them (fit, tanned, thin), and I used that rationalization to avoid exercising around other people. As if I would magically wake up one morning and have a swimmer's body without stepping foot into the pool...and only then could I participate.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    that I needed to spend lots of money in order to get healthy and/or lose weight... That Weight Watchers was better than MFP...

    That my mom would live to be 100...
  • oOMusicBabii
    I use to think I was destined to be overweight. That I could never be one of those people who could exercise daily.
    I definitely used to think this way and I bet a ton of other people on MFP did too!!

    I also used to think 1200-1400 calories per day (and not eating exercise calories back) and hamster-wheel cardio mega sessions were the only way to lose weight. And I fell prey to the pink Barbie weights because I didn't want to bulk up.

    Now, I've found eating 1800-2100 calories a day (depending if it's a lifting or cardio day) is optimal for me. And the best thing that ever happened to me was having the motor on my treadmill burn I love running outside when the weather is nice and for the days it isn't, I walk at home with Leslie Sansone. I am also starting to lift and can't wait to have some nice muscles and be able to lift with the big boys :3

    It's kinda nice to reflect back on where I was and look at where I am now. Can't wait to see me in another ~6 months.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    That I "just wasn't meant for fitness" because I sucked at anything athletic-related. I sucked at sports in high school (like, literally zero skills), so no one ever encouraged me to get better, and I remained terrible. Bit of a vicious cycle.

    Once I was older I realized I could be in awesome shape without being able to do a layup or spike a volleyball.

    This! Constantly failing to keep up in gym class and hating all the stupid activities they made us do made me think I was a failure at exercise. Love growing up and finding out that kayaking and dancing are both exercise too! Not to mention walking.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Happy hour starts at 3pm/
    This is not stupid.

    Yah, everybody knows it starts at noon! 11am when you're camping :drinker:
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    The stupidest things I use to think.

    1. You can't have junk food on a diet.
    2. That I couldn't eat anything I want and lose weight.
  • oOMusicBabii
    Happy hour starts at 3pm/
    This is not stupid.
    Yah, everybody knows it starts at noon! 11am when you're camping :drinker:
    If you're not drinking at breakfast while you're camping, you're not doing it right :tongue:
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I used to think I would be thin all my life
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Sometimes I still think this, but I know it's stupid:

    There are things I "just can't do."

    I used to think, "well, I'm just not a runner" "I just can't lift" "I'll just never be flexible." Now, I run, I lift and I can put my legs behind my head. I just never really practiced before. Now I have to keep reminding myself as I try to run further that my body is designed to run, it's just my stupid brain that thinks I can't.
  • jamantha
    jamantha Posts: 118 Member
    When I was about 15 and a bit overweight, but not ridiculously so, I used to think that if you weighed more than 8 1/2 stone you were abnormal. And as I could tell I was never going to weight less than that, I thought well, if I can never be a normal weight then what's the point in trying to lose a bit of weight or be healthy.

    I also thought that because some of my best friends had legs that were the same diameter round the thigh as they were round the ankle, that I was abnormal because my legs curved, and got wider as they went up. I realise now that my legs had muscles (ok, yeah, there was fat too) and they were possibly malnourished, but again at the time I thought it just meant I was destined never to be normal, so what was the point trying.

    I hope I've got my ideas right about what a healthy body is now. Shame it took until I'm in my 40 to work it out.
  • clpeterson11
    clpeterson11 Posts: 5 Member
    That I wasn't good enough compared to my sisters. Still a work in progress, though! I'm improving every day. :)
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I blame stupid gym class for this one - I thought I wasn't "athletic" and therefore I shouldn't bother exercising, because I was bad at sports. They handed us a football and said, "play football!" - how the heck did they think that was going to work? Football, as it turns out, has rules. Also skills. And if you don't know those rules and have never practiced those skills, guess what? You're going to suck at football! I'm still pissed at the PE teacher who kept screaming at me to "choke up on the bat" - WTF does that mean, jerkwad? (Ok, I do know now, but in 4th grade I didn't and he chose to yell the same thing over and over instead of explaining what I was supposed to do in non-jock language.)

    The first time I lost a significant amount of weight, I thought I was magically transformed into a skinny person and could from then on out eat whatever I wanted. That was pretty stupid. And apparently common - the other day a coworker asked why I go to the gym every day, since I'm already in pretty good shape. :noway:

    And I believed that I couldn't lose weight because I was too old and my hormones were all screwed up after I had my second baby. They were, but that didn't actually make them the boss of everything. Turns out the "I eat pretty healthy" diet (you know, the one that involves pounds and pounds of "pretty healthy" food, along with daily treats to reward yourself for being so healthy) kind of had more to do with my weight gain than my body trying a little harder to hang on to fat than it used to.
  • kaelynAvery
    kaelynAvery Posts: 18 Member
    The dryer shrunk my clothes lol
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    That I would never be over weight (when I was 16 y/o & a size 3)

    Since being fat that I could lose 5 pounds a week by being takes longer :sad:
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    You can't have sweets or "bad" foods... if you do, you are a failure.

    Some friends will still make comments on some of the things I eat, or the quantity... and now I just look at them and say " I can eat 1800 calories a day and how I choose to spend them is none of your business. but thanks for being concerned." I made my first goal today of 20 lbs lost by St. Patricks day. So now they really can't say anything to me seeing as I am still losing weight, exercising and eating sensibly (but NOT crazy clean... that doesn't work for me. it is unrealistic)