The stupidest thing you used to think...



  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I used to think I was fat, and got really weird about eating and too embarrassed to exercise. This led to me actually becoming fat. Pretty flipping stupid in retrospect.
  • Chameleongal
    I used to think that there was an invisible man in the sky who watched everyone every second of the day. He had 10 rules we couldn't break and if we did he'd punish us for eternity in a very hot place....BUT...he loved us.:wink:

    George Carlin RIP, now he was THE MAN.

  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    i used to think that someone or something other than me was probably responsible for all the bad things that happen to me (like getting fat.....that's just bad luck, or maybe karma, or its the fault of the people who make all that processed food...don't they know what it could do to me?)
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    Oh, while we're branching away from fitness:

    I used to believe in the "five second rule", and would eat anything off of any surface so long as I snatched it up quick enough. I shudder to think of what I ingested as a teenager...!

    Ummm...mine is the 10 second rule and I'm still alive and well. A good testimony to our immune system...hehe.

    Well I never suffered for it either, but now I am more discerning about which surfaces I'll still pick it up off of :P if I'm just at home, I probably will. Public cafeteria? Nooooo way. Outside? Yeccch! :laugh:

    LOL...but think of all those useful microbes you're missing!!!

    I dont care if it's been there for 10 days. If I can wipe the visible stuff off I'm eating it.

    I used to do this till I got a quick dog - well now forget it - it's gone....:smile:
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    The stupidest thing I used to think.....that there was no way that I was capable of making life changing healthy choices, eating better, or becoming physically active.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    That maintenance would be a breeze after losing 100+ pounds.

    Duh! There's a reason so many people gain the weight back after they hit their goal... because maintenance is hard! And it doesn't matter if you lost 10 pounds or 100 pounds... maintaining is the hard part!
  • disco1111
    That I would always be fat and there was nothing I could do about it.
  • CrystalRenee2013
    CrystalRenee2013 Posts: 25 Member
    I was born with AMC & my family was told that no matter how much exercise I did it would never be enough to keep the weight off because I am limited in my mobility. So I was never much active in my younger years but here I am 22 pounds lighter in a two month period!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    As a kid I thought that all Bruce Springsteen songs were actually sung by Don Johnson (Miami Vice).
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I used to think I should avoid fat and eat only non fat or low fat products, cook with canola oil, etc.
    I used to think I was too fat to go to the gym.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    1. I used to think if I sat really still in the car that people passing me would think I was a statue.

    2. That the car didn't move, the road moved and the gas pedal and steering wheel just controled how fast the road moved
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    When I was a kid, I used to think that we were all just characters in books. When we were awake and moving around it was because someone was reading our book. We went to sleep when the book was put down.

    This is amazing. I love this. lol
  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    I used to think exercising was embarrassing to do when you were fat. That everyone would look at me and judge me poorly in the work-out clothes and wonder why a fat girl would even bother. Then I realized that people either don't care or it is the opposite and they admire you for trying to change your life for the better.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I blame my mother for this one: As a diabetic I can't have any type of sweets in any way. Dietitian said that's not true. I can, as long as it's in moderation.

    Sugar-free means healthier. Not true! I saw on a bag of Russell Stover's sugar-free caramels that it still had the same amount of carbs as the regular caramel, thanks to the sugar alcohol! Besides, any sugar-free junk leaves a horrible aftertaste in my mouth!

    Getting diagnosed with diabetes was the end of the world. Definitely not! For me, it was the best thing to happen because it was just what I needed to start taking care of myself and have done so ever since!

    And finally, just for fun: I could only watch the Pretty Cure anime on YouTube and Amazon. Wrong! A region-free DVD player + Region-Free DVDs from Malaysia = I can finally watch it! (Already have Smile, with Heartcatch coming in the next few weeks. Now if only the others could come along...)
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    That I could start my lifestyle change tomorrow....
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    That restaurant portions were of a normal size and it wasn't only natural, but maybe even necessary to clean the plate--fries and all.

    Now I stop when I am full but it took FOREVER for me to break that "clean your plate" habit!

    I was raised on the "clean your plate" rule. Grew up low budged so my family couldn't afford to throw away food. It's seriously a hard habit to break. Now I portion control at home (you can clean your plate if you put less on it), try to find out BEFORE ordering how many calories are in a restaurant meal, and split half into a to-go box before I start eating.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    That I wasn't good enough compared to my sisters. Still a work in progress, though! I'm improving every day. :)


    My sisters have always been super skinny and I always thought that made them healthier than me. Never crossed my mind that I was actually physically stronger, dispite being younger than them. I also ended up with bigger boobs lol.
    FASTFUELXXX Posts: 89 Member
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I used to think I was fat, and got really weird about eating and too embarrassed to exercise. This led to me actually becoming fat. Pretty flipping stupid in retrospect.

    right there with you
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    That eating half a plate of baked potatoes and skipping the roast was healthy because potato is a vegetable

    What, that's not true?

    Greetings from Idaho... :laugh: