dont eat meat ever again!



  • xunderwoodx
    I personally don't understand it. We are suppose to eat meat we are omnivores. I love all different types of meat and all of my meals are based around it. I think most people just don't understand it because it has been apart of our lives for ever. I couldn't even imagine life without it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Really? Who the hell cares...and just 'cuz....MMmmmmmm Bacon and broccoli and spinach and brussels sprouts Really, I think people are just far too sensitive. One comment from one person becomes "everyone is picking on me." Please...
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Most vegetarians I am friends with aren't arrogant/self-absorbed enough to declare to every person they meet that they are vegetarian and therefore it is not a big issue.

    When someone asks them they say, 'Yes, I'm vegetarian' and everyone carries on as normal. Why is this an issue?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    My dad gets annoyed by veggies on the basis that when they come to yours, your are expected to cook something different for them - but they won't do the same for you. It's a fair point, but I'm fine with veggies as long as they don't ram it down my throat.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I've been vegetarian for almost 3 years and have never felt better. Does this mean the entire world should be vegetarian? NO!!! It just means that it works for me. There's no need to get all worked up if someone says something about you not eating meat...there's nothing worse than a vege-nazi. I've also learned that the entire world does not want to constantly discuss calories & macros and what I don't usually bring up my eating habits unless someone asks.

    Also, if I go to someones house for dinner, I will usually bring something I know I can eat, but I sure don't expect someone to make me something special because of a dietary choice that I make. If someone that comes to my house that eats meat (which is pretty much everyone I know), I make really good food that just happens to not have meat in it, like make your own burritos/nachos, Corn chowder, potato soup...things like that.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I guess it depends on the friends you have. I *think* I have some vegetarian friends IRL, but it's never come up in conversation - we generally don't critique each others food choices

    Well - other than "what do you MEAN you don't like COFFEE??!?"
  • kknfyd
    kknfyd Posts: 9
    Hello redraidergirl!

    I stopped eating meat in Aug 2011, which was my choice. When my friends became aware of it, they gave me the label "vegetarian". Okay, I can live with that!
    I do remember going to a Boy Scout Little Philmont meeting and being told the menu, I responded, "I do not eat meat". The reply, "You don't eat chicken?".
    The last time I checked chicken was part of the meat category. I am not offended by the comments of others, although, I have had to rein them in. The longer I have kept to my food routine, my friends have become more accepting and some friends now look for restaurants that offer vegetarian items so that I am included.
    Your life is your story, live it the way you want!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yesterday there was a thread where someone was asking why meat eaters don't just substitute morning star products for their meat. That sort of thing doesn't go over well.

    I have no problem with vegetarians. I have a problem with anyone who gets evangelical about their food choices, whether they be vegetarian, Paleo, clean eaters, whatever.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    ughggghh this is gonna explode.

    (but that was probably the intention...)

    So far that has not been the case.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    I have friends vegetarians and i don't care what they eat. They don't mind me eating meat also. BUT... i have met some people that wanted to turn me into vegetarian. I hate when people do that. I once offered my vegan friend chips with bacon and she said "no thank you" and that's all. Then i realised what i just did and said "sorry" but she wasn't ofended bcause she knew it wasn't something i did on purpose.
    I would NEVER make fun of vegetarians. But some of them are just nasty... one girl told me i'm a bad person for eating animals... geez
  • xunderwoodx
    Forgot to add that most vegetarians are also very pushy and act disgusted toward people who eat meat. Like its a crime or something to eat animal (even though god put them on this earth for us to eat). I have no problems with vegetarians but don't try to act like your above me or that I'm doing something wrong because i like to eat meat.

    There is a reason we have sharp canine teeth in our mouths.........just saying
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Also, I don't understand why vegetarians have to declare they are vegetarians.

    If someone offers you something, can't you just say "no." If you are out to dinner, can't you just say "I don't like meat". Why do you have to put a label on yourself and make it a big deal?

    Just simply say "no." It's a lot easier. When I don't want chocolate at work, I say "no.", I don't say "I'm on a diet", "I'm counting my calories", "I'm overweight" etc.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I eat meat and I dont really give a **** if people are vegetarian. thats their life choice, not mine. as long as you dont shove your peta bull**** down my throat or try to convert me, i dont have any problems with them. I also do not shove my beliefs down a vegetarians throat because its just plain rude.

    And to the people that poke fun at vegetarians or make comments like "i love bacon" or "mmm burgers" when learning some one is a vegetarian are dumb.
  • susiesweets
    I am not vegetarian but my daughter just went through a long stretch of going without meat for a year. She did it to see if she could not because of some spiritual or ideological philosophy. It was particularly irritating to have her pout when she would come home and smell a roast in the oven like I was torturing her. She is grown and we never know when she is coming home or not. I don't cook based on the assumption that she will be dining with us as she rarely does.
    If you want to be a vegetarian, more power to you! Just don't try to impose your lifestyle on others. Same goes with Carnivores if you eat meat great! Don't expect to convert a vegetarian or invite them to your dinner table without meat free options.
    I think people are just surprised when someone chooses to do something very differently from what they have done for long periods of time. I do a LOT of cooking and sometimes I ask the question "do you have any diet restrictions or allergies?" because I plan on making something for them or to share at work or a get together. EAT AND LET EAT. Why get offended if someone is curious or being ignorant? Shrug it off and remember why you're making the lifestyle choice you've chosen regardless of what it is.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I see many of you have brought up that you don't have an issue unless they try and push it on you but does this happen more often than not or? Also, vegetarians has anyone pushed meat on you like " go on have some of this soup there's just little bacon in it"? Like its not a big deal. I am in this case speaking to ethical vegetarians, not those that choose ot for health or other reasons where that might not be as rude.
  • bayoucitygirl
    bayoucitygirl Posts: 54 Member
    Yesterday there was a thread where someone was asking why meat eaters don't just substitute morning star products for their meat. That sort of thing doesn't go over well.

    I have no problem with vegetarians. I have a problem with anyone who gets evangelical about their food choices, whether they be vegetarian, Paleo, clean eaters, whatever.


    Also, some people (myself included) cannot go vegetarian for health reasons. I've been told by MULTIPLE doctors now (and confirmed through tests) that I have issues taking in non-animal proteins, so monthly cheeseburgers for me!
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    read "Living Among Meat Eaters" and "Vegan Freak" for a look at why people react this way, and how YOU can respond lovingly and stay sane :)
  • xunderwoodx
    Some people consider meat to be pork and cow, and chicken poultry. just depends on how you were taught it..... don't take offense.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I don't care if someone is a herbivore. I love animal's but I'm still a carnivore lol. I actually hear more instances where a vegan or vegetarian (not sure the difference) will get on a "flesh eater" for eating meat. By the way I used words such as herbivores and carnivores because I have only heard vegetarians call people by that lol. But regardless of any of that, I think a person has the right to eat whatever they want, regardless if thats meat or just veggies etc.
  • dawnfto
    dawnfto Posts: 79 Member
    I have been a vegetarian all my life. When I was a infant school they were told that I was Vegetarian and that I would not be eating meat. Well, I was made to sit there in the dinner hall one day and eat what was on my plate (sausages) and was told that I would not be leaving until it was all gone. I was about 7 and thought that was true. So I ate it and no sooner had I finished it I threw it all back up over the teacher! Lets just say, what with that and my parents going to the school and having some very strong words with the head teacher, they always made me something else!

    I have never told anyone that being Vegetarian is better that not being one and my boyfriend eats meat and that is his choice. However, I will not cook it! At the end of the day it's personal choice and I will not preach and I expect to be treated with the same respect.