dont eat meat ever again!



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Here is the problem. I do not think you are wrong and bad for wanting to eat nothing but veggies. You however do believe you are somehow better and more evolved than those of us who eat meat. (don't deny it) You are no better than the religious zealots that run around telling people they will go to hell if they don't believe exactly what the preacher says. You are wrong. You bought into a fad and you are wasting your time and mine by trying to convince any of us otherwise.

    Wow... you are making an awfully broad assumption about a vast group of people you don't know then pushing your personal agenda on them. That's dangerous ground regardless of the issue.

    she's being a little... zealous... don't you think?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm with the majority, I don't care what you do. One thing though, a few of the vegetarians I know (not all) think they are better than everyone else because they don't eat meat and take every opportunity to tell me why I shouldn't eat meat (usually while I'm eating meat). I'm an adult, I don't need preaching to, don't think you're so hard done to :flowerforyou:
  • annanderson77985
    annanderson77985 Posts: 57 Member
    Ok.. I have to say this..

    I live where cattle are raised.. I pass pastures full of cattle every day. I see them grazing contentedly.. I see calves cavorting and playing.. I don't see how this is abuse or mistreatment..

    those are either free range farms or they're farms that haven't shipped the cattle off to the feedlot yet to be processed.

    do some research on factory farms in America and the volume of meat that comes from them vs. free range farms. Also, look into the processing practices. Or just watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated.

    Yeah, they get shipped to the feedlot.. but they don't spend their lives there.. These animals are raised for food.. They're not pets. No matter how they're slaughtered, whether it be through large processing plants or locally, they are going to be 'fed up' before that happens.. And then they're going to be killed and butchered..
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    Ever since I learned that carrots scream when picked, I cannot eat a carrot until someone invents a humane way of killing them. I am a meatarian because I don't want to see the poor little vegetables cruelly treated.

    Oh do go away.
    To be ignorant to animal cruelty is one thing, some people genuinely don't know how badly animals can be treated.
    To take the p*** is another.

    Wow, someone needs a sense of humour stat. :noway:

    Sorry, I don't mean to be miserable. I actually normally have a great sense of humour believe it or not :wink:
    It's just something I feel strongly about so it upsets me when animal cruelty gets joked about.
    I'm not out to cause an arguement, just didn't like the post.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Two members of my family are vegetarian, one for medical reasons and the other out of solidarity. Whatever they must do or want to do is their business, fine with that. Just for myself, personally, I would not give up eating meat unless the result was certain death, and maybe not then. NO meat substitues taste anywhere near as delicious as the real thing. Everyone is entitled to their own choices. The only time this subject bothers me is when vegetarians tell me that meat is "murder". I have nothing but contempt for that viewpoint.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Here is the problem. I do not think you are wrong and bad for wanting to eat nothing but veggies. You however do believe you are somehow better and more evolved than those of us who eat meat. (don't deny it) You are no better than the religious zealots that run around telling people they will go to hell if they don't believe exactly what the preacher says. You are wrong. You bought into a fad and you are wasting your time and mine by trying to convince any of us otherwise.

    Wow... you are making an awfully broad assumption about a vast group of people you don't know then pushing your personal agenda on them. That's dangerous ground regardless of the issue.

    she's being a little... zealous... don't you think?

    I am too lazy to look up the exact definition of "zealous" right now... but, methinks you may be on target.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Ok.. I have to say this..

    I live where cattle are raised.. I pass pastures full of cattle every day. I see them grazing contentedly.. I see calves cavorting and playing.. I don't see how this is abuse or mistreatment..

    those are either free range farms or they're farms that haven't shipped the cattle off to the feedlot yet to be processed.

    do some research on factory farms in America and the volume of meat that comes from them vs. free range farms. Also, look into the processing practices. Or just watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated.

    Yeah, they get shipped to the feedlot.. but they don't spend their lives there.. These animals are raised for food.. They're not pets. No matter how they're slaughtered, whether it be through large processing plants or locally, they are going to be 'fed up' before that happens.. And then they're going to be killed and butchered..

    it's really not that simple. for your perusal:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I promise not to rub meat in your face... If and only when you get off your damn high horse about being a vegetarian.

    meh. they're taking a stand (however small and personal) against the horrific treatment of animals in the industry, the destruction of our environment, and they're making an arguably better choice for their health (debatable, there's research that supports it)

    why shouldn't they be proud of it?

    And this is why some of them get on my wick. I try to only eat "happy" meat - not always easy as I'm on a very tight budget. But I don't go on about unless someone askes.

    right obviously there's a fine line and a balance, but I don't think just because people are veggie for ethical reasons automatically puts them on a "high horse" - they're just being ethically and environmentally conscious.

    if you don't care about it... well... that's fine... but it doesn't mean others shouldn't.

    There is a difference between being ethical and being obnoxiously self righteous. It's the latter that most find offensive not the former.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Ever since I learned that carrots scream when picked, I cannot eat a carrot until someone invents a humane way of killing them. I am a meatarian because I don't want to see the poor little vegetables cruelly treated.

    Oh do go away.
    To be ignorant to animal cruelty is one thing, some people genuinely don't know how badly animals can be treated.
    To take the p*** is another.

    How many slaughterhouses have you been to? Have you ever seen an ox poleaxed? I've seen animals killed humanely often and it hasn't put me off eating meat, in fact it makes me feel better that they don't suffer, most methods are very quick and the animal doesn't know what is coming. However they only exist and have any life at all because I and others like me are prepared to eat their flesh or they wouldn't be farmed. I am aware that is not the case everywhere and that cruelty to animals does exist, that is not a reason I should stop eating meat.

    And I'm sorry if my little joke hit a sensitive spot, but lighten up, I will take the p*** if I like you are perfectly at liberty to respond in a like manner.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I could not care less what others choose to eat. However, I do care when someone from the other camp intimates that I have a moral defect for the way I eat.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    When I say I am vegetarian why does the other person assume that I just asked them to not eat meat? I don't understand that. Or why they need to bring up how much they "love"bacon or say "mmmm burgers" as if I cannot have them? I can, I can have vegetarian ones or I can go get one made out of meat. I choose not to eat animals, its not that I can't. So I would like some insight from non-vegetarians, is this your reaction or what do you say to someone you meet and they say they are vegetarian? If that is your reaction, why? Is it threatening that someone doesn't eat animals? Or do you take ot as an opportunity to joke? Or what if your reaction is different?

    Also, vegetarians what reactions do you get? How do you respond? Also have you had any flack about ordering vegetarian at a resteraunt?
    My Reply? Good for You! :drinker: I do eat some meat but am selective ( If I think about some of it too long I won't eat it)
    & I grew up on a farm either, chicken, beef or pork at every meal. My parents freaked when I went vegetarian all thru HS. :laugh:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Ok.. I have to say this..

    I live where cattle are raised.. I pass pastures full of cattle every day. I see them grazing contentedly.. I see calves cavorting and playing.. I don't see how this is abuse or mistreatment..

    those are either free range farms or they're farms that haven't shipped the cattle off to the feedlot yet to be processed.

    do some research on factory farms in America and the volume of meat that comes from them vs. free range farms. Also, look into the processing practices. Or just watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated.

    Yeah, they get shipped to the feedlot.. but they don't spend their lives there.. These animals are raised for food.. They're not pets. No matter how they're slaughtered, whether it be through large processing plants or locally, they are going to be 'fed up' before that happens.. And then they're going to be killed and butchered..

    it's really not that simple. for your perusal:

    Ah wikipedia, the be all and end all of an argument. :noway:
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I believe that vegetarianism and veganism are different expressions of the same eating disorder. You're a human being, eat meat.
  • annanderson77985
    annanderson77985 Posts: 57 Member
    Ok.. I have to say this..

    I live where cattle are raised.. I pass pastures full of cattle every day. I see them grazing contentedly.. I see calves cavorting and playing.. I don't see how this is abuse or mistreatment..

    those are either free range farms or they're farms that haven't shipped the cattle off to the feedlot yet to be processed.

    do some research on factory farms in America and the volume of meat that comes from them vs. free range farms. Also, look into the processing practices. Or just watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated.

    Yeah, they get shipped to the feedlot.. but they don't spend their lives there.. These animals are raised for food.. They're not pets. No matter how they're slaughtered, whether it be through large processing plants or locally, they are going to be 'fed up' before that happens.. And then they're going to be killed and butchered..

    it's really not that simple. for your perusal:

    Yeah, it is that simple.. We have a massive population of people who cannot produce what they eat... Someone has to do that for them.. Small family farms cannot produce enough quickly enough to keep our population healthy..
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Ok.. I have to say this..

    I live where cattle are raised.. I pass pastures full of cattle every day. I see them grazing contentedly.. I see calves cavorting and playing.. I don't see how this is abuse or mistreatment..

    those are either free range farms or they're farms that haven't shipped the cattle off to the feedlot yet to be processed.

    do some research on factory farms in America and the volume of meat that comes from them vs. free range farms. Also, look into the processing practices. Or just watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated.

    Yeah, they get shipped to the feedlot.. but they don't spend their lives there.. These animals are raised for food.. They're not pets. No matter how they're slaughtered, whether it be through large processing plants or locally, they are going to be 'fed up' before that happens.. And then they're going to be killed and butchered..

    it's really not that simple. for your perusal:

    This guy...this is what I think of when I hear vegetarian.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Ever since I learned that carrots scream when picked, I cannot eat a carrot until someone invents a humane way of killing them. I am a meatarian because I don't want to see the poor little vegetables cruelly treated.

    Oh do go away.
    To be ignorant to animal cruelty is one thing, some people genuinely don't know how badly animals can be treated.
    To take the p*** is another.

    How many slaughterhouses have you been to? Have you ever seen an ox poleaxed? I've seen animals killed humanely often and it hasn't put me off eating meat, in fact it makes me feel better that they don't suffer, most methods are very quick and the animal doesn't know what is coming. However they only exist and have any life at all because I and others like me are prepared to eat their flesh or they wouldn't be farmed. I am aware that is not the case everywhere and that cruelty to animals does exist, that is not a reason I should stop eating meat.

    And I'm sorry if my little joke hit a sensitive spot, but lighten up, I will take the p*** if I like you are perfectly at liberty to respond in a like manner.

    the problem is that in America, the MAJORITY of livestock are treated cruelly. The ones that aren't are the exceptions, and thus cost more $$
  • LiquidSunnshine
    LiquidSunnshine Posts: 8 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for just over 13 years, since I was 10 years old. I was vegan for around 2 years in there as well, though for health reasons, I re-incorporated some dairy into my life.

    In that time, I have had a massive variety of reactions. I don't bring it up unless food becomes involved. For example, if we are going out to a restaurant, I will likely point out that I'm a vegetarian if I know that restaurant doesn't have options. If I know they have options then I don't bother. Before going to someone's home, I always mention that I am a vegetarian, and ask what they were planning to serve so I can bring something for myself if needed.

    I have had people who have just let it be, and not cared. I have also had people literally hold forks of meat in my face going "YUMMM". People who immediately go on about how arrogant I am for thinking that my diet is better than theirs. I have had people who seriously won't shut up about it.

    It makes me very mad to be treated this way. I do not care what someone else chooses to eat, and I have never tried to tell someone they shouldn't eat what they were choosing to. I never comment on their food choices. That said, the bad reactions are the minority of reactions I get. I just find them so rude that they stick with me more, and I generally avoid those people afterwards.

    To all the people who talk of vegetarians on their high horse (and yes some are... even I've been lectured by them and I am a vegetarian), please take a second, and check if they really are. Are they really preaching to you, or are you just reacting preemptively to an attitude they may not actually have?

    To you vegetarians who ONLY get these kind of bad reactions... I would caution you to check if you are preaching, or if you feel the need to declare your vegetarianism when it is irrelevant? If they are the only reactions you get, there probably is a reason.

    Otherwise, I expect that most people would have a similar proportion to me... some ignorant, rude people, but mostly just a "who cares" or "that's interesting - followed by questions" response.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Ok.. I have to say this..

    I live where cattle are raised.. I pass pastures full of cattle every day. I see them grazing contentedly.. I see calves cavorting and playing.. I don't see how this is abuse or mistreatment..

    those are either free range farms or they're farms that haven't shipped the cattle off to the feedlot yet to be processed.

    do some research on factory farms in America and the volume of meat that comes from them vs. free range farms. Also, look into the processing practices. Or just watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated.

    Yeah, they get shipped to the feedlot.. but they don't spend their lives there.. These animals are raised for food.. They're not pets. No matter how they're slaughtered, whether it be through large processing plants or locally, they are going to be 'fed up' before that happens.. And then they're going to be killed and butchered..

    it's really not that simple. for your perusal:

    This guy...this is what I think of when I hear vegetarian.

    You mean well educated and passionate about his choices? In that case, I agree 100%.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I am not offended by vegetarians. I am offended when a vegetarian implies they are living a more moral life than I because they eschew that which I chew. Oft times while driving a car with leather seats, toting a leather purse, and/or wearing leather shoes and belts.

    I question those who feel the need to answer a question I have not asked by announcing their vegetarianism at a restaurant. If you are coming to my house for dinner, please let me know so I can offer you food to your liking. But those who wear their vegetarianism on their sleeves like a badge of honor -- well, I take it as a slight affront. Shallow of me? Perhaps. But that is how I feel.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Also, I don't understand why vegetarians have to declare they are vegetarians.

    If someone offers you something, can't you just say "no." If you are out to dinner, can't you just say "I don't like meat". Why do you have to put a label on yourself and make it a big deal?

    Just simply say "no." It's a lot easier. When I don't want chocolate at work, I say "no.", I don't say "I'm on a diet", "I'm counting my calories", "I'm overweight" etc.
    I think "no thank you" would sound a little nicer.. Just sayin