People minimizing our success



  • Ignore people like that - they're just jealous. We all know there is no 'secret' - it''s all down to hard work and motivation, so you go for it!! x :wink:
  • you should have told her ur "magic secret" was healthy diet and working out...thts the only real secret everything else just leads to short term success.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I work from home and only go into the office 1/week. Just this morning someone commented that I looked like I had lost weight (yeah!!!). Another asked how I did it. I said that I had been working out 5-6 times a week and had cut out my snacking and was logging what I ate. Her reply "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret". I felt like crap for about a half hour afterwards but now I'm just angry and want to tell her if anyone can do it then get off your fat *kitten* and work out...lose the weight! I'm pretty proud of the fact that I manage to work out almost every day while I'm home with 2 little kids and still manage to fit in work, playdates, preschool drop offs and all that other crap. I know it shouldn't matter what other people think and I'm doing this to make myself healthy but it's hard when people completely don't get it

    You shouldn't feel like crap over that. It's a very ignorant remark! Anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, huh? But how many DO IT?!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Tell them you drink a cup of vinegar with castor oil and cod liver oil every day, LOL
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    She said it because she is jealous that you have more discipline than her to be able to lose the weight.

    Tell her to keep watching Dr. Oz. One of his "secrets" has to work eventually!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Her reply "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret".

    I don't really see the problem with this statement. I would have agreed with them in fact. Yes, anyone can lose weight using the methods I'm using.
  • herdthinner
    herdthinner Posts: 21 Member
    I don't pretend I've been anything but as lazy as I've been my whole life. In my case: eating less. Not so much of the "moving more" part, though. I expect to get to that.... eventually.

    Fortunately for me, most people don't ask me much of anything!
  • bermudamel
    bermudamel Posts: 212
    I work from home and only go into the office 1/week. Just this morning someone commented that I looked like I had lost weight (yeah!!!). Another asked how I did it. I said that I had been working out 5-6 times a week and had cut out my snacking and was logging what I ate. Her reply "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret". I felt like crap for about a half hour afterwards but now I'm just angry and want to tell her if anyone can do it then get off your fat *kitten* and work out...lose the weight! I'm pretty proud of the fact that I manage to work out almost every day while I'm home with 2 little kids and still manage to fit in work, playdates, preschool drop offs and all that other crap. I know it shouldn't matter what other people think and I'm doing this to make myself healthy but it's hard when people completely don't get it

    First off congrats! You've done a great job :-) Obv. someone is a jealous *kitten* who can't handle the fact you've lost weight. Some people can be so rude.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    why are you letting this person piss you off?

    They are correct: anyone can do it by working out that much and watching what they eat. There ARE no secrets. The difference between you and that person is you have the self control and the will to make a change in your life. That person is content to be a lazy slob.

    I see no insult to you here.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret".

    "I do. It's called working out a lot and eating healthy. You should give it a try... after all, anyone can do it."

  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member

    When I read that it translated into this in my brain ... "well *kitten*, I don't want to actually work at losing weight. Unless you are taking some stupid-*kitten* supliment that actually tastes like cookie dough or found some new-fangled machine that you only have to sit on for 10 minutes while watching television I don't want to hear it because your success reminds me that I'm lazy"

    Exactly what I read as well. Congrats to you for taking control of your life and living healthy!
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Yeah, the funny thing is that I have lost most of my weight just through diet alone. I have a special needs child, so it is hard to go to the gym at all. So, I stick to my diet like a hawk and sometimes I will dance to 6 youtube videos of my favorite musicians, so that I can get in a 30 minute. But most of mine is just through diet.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    well what did you expect her to do- admit to her own faults? LOL not gonna happen

    Keep doing what youre doing for your ownself and no one else.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I work from home and only go into the office 1/week. Just this morning someone commented that I looked like I had lost weight (yeah!!!). Another asked how I did it. I said that I had been working out 5-6 times a week and had cut out my snacking and was logging what I ate. Her reply "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret". I felt like crap for about a half hour afterwards but now I'm just angry and want to tell her if anyone can do it then get off your fat *kitten* and work out...lose the weight! I'm pretty proud of the fact that I manage to work out almost every day while I'm home with 2 little kids and still manage to fit in work, playdates, preschool drop offs and all that other crap. I know it shouldn't matter what other people think and I'm doing this to make myself healthy but it's hard when people completely don't get it

    I think it's WAY MORE ADMIRABLE to do what you're doing rather than taking a shortcut that doesn't last. By someone saying that to you, they are admitting they don't have the drive and discipline to schedule workouts and be mindful of what they are eating. WE are doing things the right way and will have long term success because of it. Give them a big "W" for "Whatever". :-)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I would feel like a pity case accepting praise for becoming normal.

    I want praise for becoming awesome. Until then you can keep your comments.
  • just a case of plain ol jealousy, keep up the work and laugh when you hear stuff like that
  • plain ol jealousy
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    transformation throws out a truth that many people cannot handle.


    Every time people see someone doing this, it is a reminder. It is a split second moment of clarity when they remember that they have the power to do this as well! But then they shut it down because they dont want to tdo the work, dont think they deserve the results, feel guilty about both of those things, realize they kinda suck, slide into a defensive mental state and then BOOM - 3 seconds have passed and they insult you.

    It isn't jealousy.

    It's fear, envy and disappointment in themselves for not being one of the brave ones.

    Just keep being a shining happy example of what transformation truly means.

  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    "Oh....anyone can lose weight if they work out that much, I thought you had some great secret".

    They want a magic, pill watch Dr. Oz.. :laugh:
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Seriously good for you and they can kiss of. It takes work and dedication. Do not let one person ruin your day!