What is "support" to you?



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Thank God, somebody hates me!
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    I would say that support, for me, is having people to talk to when I'm having a difficult time during this journey. I have a lot of weight to lose, and a history of not succeeding. Knowing that this comes from myself is one thing, but understanding how to change is another. I have friends on MFP that I'm able to talk to - they can knock some sense into me or just listen, if need be. I don't have close friends IRL (which is obviously opening me up to insults here, but I digress) and my family doesn't understand what being morbidly obese is like so they don't offer much advice. I stay away from the forums because I become discouraged by them. I don't have any close friends who post on here, and you're kind of screwed if you don't; because if you say one thing that isn't witty enough/funny/try hard cool, then you're attacked by everyone. This is just the internet, so some people can brush that off just fine, but I have a hard time with it. It just reminds me of high-school, and I don't care for it.