Where's the evidence re: aspartame, msg, carbs, gmo etc?



  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I am not aware of problems relating to GMO to people, but there are issues with GMO crops, namely gene transfer from the crops to weeds, instigating a sort of arms race, to make ever more powerful herbicides as the "weeds" become as resistant to it as the crops are. The herbicides have environmental effects, sometimes pretty severe.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    So you don't think if you didn't have them so often you might increase your life span????

    Not really

    Consumption of sucrose and high fructose corn syrup does not increase liver fat or ectopic fat deposition in muscles http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/apnm-2012-0322

    Causes of type 2 diabetes
    Development of type 2 diabetes is usually multifactorial - that is, several factors combine to cause it. The most important of these is genetics. Children of people with type 2 diabetes have a one in three chance of developing the condition themselves.

    In this type of diabetes, the receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insulin fail to be stimulated by it. This is known as insulin resistance.

    In response to this, more insulin may be produced and this overproduction exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas. There is simply insufficient insulin available and the insulin that is available may be abnormal and so doesn't work properly.

    The following risk factors increase the chances of someone developing type 2 diabetes:

    •Increasing age
    •Physical inactivity

    In regards to HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), its molecular makeup is essentially identical to sucrose (table sugar) - it is composed of glucose and fructose in nearly identical quantities as sucrose. Just as with sucrose, consumption in excess (creating a caloric surplus) can lead to weight gain - but there is nothing "dangerous" about HFCS, any more so than with glucose, fructose or sucrose.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    SO you think people get illnesses and disease just by chance?

    Since when was genetics "chance" ....
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    So you don't think if you didn't have them so often you might increase your life span????

    Not really

    Consumption of sucrose and high fructose corn syrup does not increase liver fat or ectopic fat deposition in muscles http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/apnm-2012-0322

    Causes of type 2 diabetes
    Development of type 2 diabetes is usually multifactorial - that is, several factors combine to cause it. The most important of these is genetics. Children of people with type 2 diabetes have a one in three chance of developing the condition themselves.

    In this type of diabetes, the receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insulin fail to be stimulated by it. This is known as insulin resistance.

    In response to this, more insulin may be produced and this overproduction exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas. There is simply insufficient insulin available and the insulin that is available may be abnormal and so doesn't work properly.

    The following risk factors increase the chances of someone developing type 2 diabetes:

    •Increasing age
    •Physical inactivity

    In regards to HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), its molecular makeup is essentially identical to sucrose (table sugar) - it is composed of glucose and fructose in nearly identical quantities as sucrose. Just as with sucrose, consumption in excess (creating a caloric surplus) can lead to weight gain - but there is nothing "dangerous" about HFCS, any more so than with glucose, fructose or sucrose. Context and dosage is relevant (but widely ignored by those with an axe to grind).

    One typical pop tart:

    Vitamin A 10% RDA
    Thiamin 10% RDA
    Riboflavin 10% RDA
    Niacin 10% RDA
    Iron 10% RDA
    Vitamin B 10% RDA
    Vitamin B 10% RDA

    Poly and monounsaturated fats 2.5g
    Carbs 36g
    Protein 2g

    SO you think people get illnesses and disease just by chance?

    Genetic disposition would be more of a cause I'd think. I haven't had even a cold in a decade.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I went to look at sweet'n'low and I noticed they removed the "this causes cancer in lab rats" clause. Guess it's safe now :D

    I believe that. I think they now use MSG to give test rats cancer so they can test cancer treatments on the rats. that's messed up.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    So you don't think if you didn't have them so often you might increase your life span????

    Not really

    Consumption of sucrose and high fructose corn syrup does not increase liver fat or ectopic fat deposition in muscles http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/apnm-2012-0322

    Causes of type 2 diabetes
    Development of type 2 diabetes is usually multifactorial - that is, several factors combine to cause it. The most important of these is genetics. Children of people with type 2 diabetes have a one in three chance of developing the condition themselves.

    In this type of diabetes, the receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insulin fail to be stimulated by it. This is known as insulin resistance.

    In response to this, more insulin may be produced and this overproduction exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas. There is simply insufficient insulin available and the insulin that is available may be abnormal and so doesn't work properly.

    The following risk factors increase the chances of someone developing type 2 diabetes:

    •Increasing age
    •Physical inactivity

    In regards to HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), its molecular makeup is essentially identical to sucrose (table sugar) - it is composed of glucose and fructose in nearly identical quantities as sucrose. Just as with sucrose, consumption in excess (creating a caloric surplus) can lead to weight gain - but there is nothing "dangerous" about HFCS, any more so than with glucose, fructose or sucrose. Context and dosage is relevant (but widely ignored by those with an axe to grind).

    One typical pop tart:

    Vitamin A 10% RDA
    Thiamin 10% RDA
    Riboflavin 10% RDA
    Niacin 10% RDA
    Iron 10% RDA
    Vitamin B 10% RDA
    Vitamin B 10% RDA

    Poly and monounsaturated fats 2.5g
    Carbs 36g
    Protein 2g

    SO you think people get illnesses and disease just by chance?

    Genetic disposition would be more of a cause I'd think. I haven't had even a cold in a decade.

    nearly identical is not identical. It just seems clear to me that the rise in high fructose corn syrup consumption matches the rise in type 2 diabetes and obesity.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    Personally insulting me does not change the fact that's your statements were incorrect.

    You don't understand. I didn't want to mention any names so you didn't feel insulted but you weren't understanding.
    What i said, was directly related to the people in the little clique you hang around with. Knowing that, my statement is correct. That's who the entire topic was directed at.

    I am pretty sure "those people" haven't been severely obese, and really can't help someone who is. You guys give cookie cutter
    answers. 20% cut, 1g of protein minimum of LBM. Fat 0.35 per lbs fill the rest with carbs.

    What if someone is so fat you can't even measure their BF within reason? What if they never exercised one day in their life? If they're constantly binging? If they can't even walk 5mins.? Protein or carb sensitive?

    I hope my assumption is wrong, but i assume you guys wouldn't even know where to begin.

    Calling me a troll is a personal insult. Also, I hear a lovely guy called Ed loves ice cream - you know the one who was over 500lb and has lost over 300lb.

    He didn't call you a "troll". He said you "troll" (as in an action). Not "troll" as in name calling. Many see you as someone who does this and you have a group which follows you or you follow them and hit every thread making sure it isn't a positive experience. So many on here are trying to avoid the bites you and your clique take at us. If it stopped, this would probably be a really nice place to be where people didn't have to be afraid to ask questions. So many of us are trying to learn and to grow by using these boards, yet we also try to avoid, that 'one group' who does the trolling, the laughing, the sarcasm.

    For one, I have three questions I would really like to ask the board to help with my progress, but I don't dare, because I am afraid you and your group will invade and tear me up for asking "dumb questions" just because "you know the answers and I don't". I am not even sure it is worth it.

    Well put. This could be a nice supportive site without the trollers.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    For one, I have three questions I would really like to ask the board to help with my progress, but I don't dare, because I am afraid you and your group will invade and tear me up for asking "dumb questions" just because "you know the answers and I don't". I am not even sure it is worth it.

    You should go ahead and ask your questions. You know who the trollers are, and you can predict their snarky remarks. Just ignore them. You will get genuine answers too.

    You could also target your questions to specific group boards. For example, if it's a low carb kind of question, there are groups on MFP specific to that where you will get actual helpful responses.

    Good luck.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    Yes i do agree genetic disposition is a big part of it, but I believe it's not the full picture.

    If someone had a genetic disposition to a disease, you think they will more likely get the disease eating a "cleaner" diet, or more of a "junk food diet?"

    Of course these terms are slightly relative.

    Not everything has a clear cut single cause. It's probably a variety of factors, genetics being one of them. It's pretty clear that there is a subsection of the population that is more prone to type 2 than others. I have a parent with type 2, but I have celiac disease which actually is related to the genetics involved with type 1. And of course, wheat is one of the culprits involved with celiac, but there is a variety of factors going on because not everyone gets it who has the genetics for it. One of those factors that you would not ordinarily think of: breast feeding. Breast fed infants have a lower risk than bottle fed. Which points at the population of gut bacteria as a large part of the pathogenesis. (fun fact, bacteria outnumber your own cells 10 to 1)

    Eating "clean" is one of these extremely vague notions that means something different to everyone who says it. So I avoid it like plague. I believe that cooking is a good thing in general though... but not every food additive is necessarily bad for you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Personally insulting me does not change the fact that's your statements were incorrect.

    You don't understand. I didn't want to mention any names so you didn't feel insulted but you weren't understanding.
    What i said, was directly related to the people in the little clique you hang around with. Knowing that, my statement is correct. That's who the entire topic was directed at.

    I am pretty sure "those people" haven't been severely obese, and really can't help someone who is. You guys give cookie cutter answers. 20% cut, 1g of protein minimum of LBM. Fat 0.35 per lbs fill the rest with carbs.

    What if someone is so fat you can't even measure their BF within reason? What if they never exercised one day in their life? If they're constantly binging? If they can't even walk 5mins.? Protein or carb sensitive?

    I hope my assumption is wrong, but i assume you guys wouldn't even know where to begin.

    Calling me a troll is a personal insult. Also, I hear a lovely guy called Ed loves ice cream - you know the one who was over 500lb and has lost over 300lb.

    He didn't call you a "troll". He said you "troll" (as in an action). Not "troll" as in name calling. Many see you as someone who does this and you have a group which follows you or you follow them and hit every thread making sure it isn't a positive experience. So many on here are trying to avoid the bites you and your clique take at us. If it stopped, this would probably be a really nice place to be where people didn't have to be afraid to ask questions. So many of us are trying to learn and to grow by using these boards, yet we also try to avoid, that 'one group' who does the trolling, the laughing, the sarcasm.

    For one, I have three questions I would really like to ask the board to help with my progress, but I don't dare, because I am afraid you and your group will invade and tear me up for asking "dumb questions" just because "you know the answers and I don't". I am not even sure it is worth it.

    I would like you to go through my posts and tell me that I do not try to help a lot of people with solid advice. I may joke occasionally but please take the time to actually look to these accusations. Talk is cheap as they say.
  • KathrynKennewell108
    KathrynKennewell108 Posts: 72 Member
    Haven't you heard of litigation? Why do you think they use rats so much? How many human studies on ANYTHING do you think are floating around out there? Be realistic.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206

    ETA: it's not reading comprehension. It's called putting in very little effort to debate with people who aren't even in the field of science and don't know how it works.

  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    It's good every now and then to air stuff...let the crap roll, if you will. If people want to get healthy, and they are Unhealthy...FIRST try DOING the OPPOSITE of what You did to get that way.

    Example: If you drank Sodas - Stop; If you ate fried chips - Stop; If you get headaches, joint pain, allergies...Eliminate some of the things known to cause them...Gluten, Sugar, peanuts... Gettin' Healthy ain't complicated when you keep Everybody out of your "Bidness"! The problem is with all of these "Gurus" and "Non-Gurus" and Everyone with an opinion about what YOU do. Another problem is when someone is doing really well at something, they "just gotta share" so when you do, WATCH OUT, You will get somebody's "Knowledge" about what you are doing wrong. Also, keep in mind, some people call getting slim, healthy...so many people are NOT even on the same page!!!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Whoa, I'm so damn confused. I seriously do not understand. :noway: There's been so many conflicting posts.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    For one, I have three questions I would really like to ask the board to help with my progress, but I don't dare, because I am afraid you and your group will invade and tear me up for asking "dumb questions" just because "you know the answers and I don't". I am not even sure it is worth it.

    You should go ahead and ask your questions. You know who the trollers are, and you can predict their snarky remarks. Just ignore them. You will get genuine answers too.

    You could also target your questions to specific group boards. For example, if it's a low carb kind of question, there are groups on MFP specific to that where you will get actual helpful responses.

    Good luck.

    Thank you for this because I didn't know there were "groups" on here. I am going to look into that now.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    *editted for spelling

  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    It's good every now and then to air stuff...let the crap roll, if you will. If people want to get healthy, and they are Unhealthy...FIRST try DOING the OPPOSITE of what You did to get that way.

    Example: If you drank Sodas - Stop; If you ate fried chips - Stop; If you get headaches, joint pain, allergies...Eliminate some of the things known to cause them...Gluten, Sugar, peanuts... Gettin' Healthy ain't complicated when you keep Everybody out of your "Bidness"! The problem is with all of these "Gurus" and "Non-Gurus" and Everyone with an opinion about what YOU do. Another problem is when someone is doing really well at something, they "just gotta share" so when you do, WATCH OUT, You will get somebody's "Knowledge" about what you are doing wrong. Also, keep in mind, some people call getting slim, healthy...so many people are NOT even on the same page!!!

    LOL. I actually do get muscle and joint pain if I eat too much sugar. It saddens me. I love sugar. I just have to be careful.
  • pronetocrash91
    pronetocrash91 Posts: 125 Member
    This was a great read. Thanks guys! lol
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Personally insulting me does not change the fact that's your statements were incorrect.

    You don't understand. I didn't want to mention any names so you didn't feel insulted but you weren't understanding.
    What i said, was directly related to the people in the little clique you hang around with. Knowing that, my statement is correct. That's who the entire topic was directed at.

    I am pretty sure "those people" haven't been severely obese, and really can't help someone who is. You guys give cookie cutter answers. 20% cut, 1g of protein minimum of LBM. Fat 0.35 per lbs fill the rest with carbs.

    What if someone is so fat you can't even measure their BF within reason? What if they never exercised one day in their life? If they're constantly binging? If they can't even walk 5mins.? Protein or carb sensitive?

    I hope my assumption is wrong, but i assume you guys wouldn't even know where to begin.

    Calling me a troll is a personal insult. Also, I hear a lovely guy called Ed loves ice cream - you know the one who was over 500lb and has lost over 300lb.

    He didn't call you a "troll". He said you "troll" (as in an action). Not "troll" as in name calling. Many see you as someone who does this and you have a group which follows you or you follow them and hit every thread making sure it isn't a positive experience. So many on here are trying to avoid the bites you and your clique take at us. If it stopped, this would probably be a really nice place to be where people didn't have to be afraid to ask questions. So many of us are trying to learn and to grow by using these boards, yet we also try to avoid, that 'one group' who does the trolling, the laughing, the sarcasm.

    For one, I have three questions I would really like to ask the board to help with my progress, but I don't dare, because I am afraid you and your group will invade and tear me up for asking "dumb questions" just because "you know the answers and I don't". I am not even sure it is worth it.
    Sara being a troll? You can't be serious. She is one of the most helpful members on these forums.

    Pu, I sent Alan a message. I hope he responds.