Where's the evidence re: aspartame, msg, carbs, gmo etc?



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    As I said, after she stopped with the aspartame her symptoms immediately stopped getting worse. As I said, her symptoms had been getting worse each day at an alarming rate. Then when she stopped the aspartame the symptoms stopped getting any worse. And after a few months off of it she did start to make some improvements (as her nervous system began the task of trying to repair itself I would assume). ANd yes this is an anecdotal story. Did I say I am an expert? I began by saying that this happened to a friend and when I see others that I care about consuming a lot of sugar free stuff I feel compelled to share this story and information I have read regarding this stuff. Relax.
    If your friend instead suffered the same from a peanut allergy, would you advice people not to eat peanuts?
    It's quite possible I could suffer in the same way - I don't like peanuts, so wouldn't know if I was specifically allergic to them as I never eat them intentionally. However, I do consume food that has them in.

    I am, I found out, intolerant to Casein (in powdered form, at least) - that doesn't mean I go around telling others not to have it - quite the opposite actually.

    What if someone researched a link between 'natural products' and 'bad things', would they find one?
    I'd bet they could find many just as conclusive as the ones being posted.

    I always liked this, most of it is 'backed up' with 'research';
    Fantastic post. I doubt you will get any response though.

    Bashing peanuts is not as hip as bashing aspartame and GMO products.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Science is a tool that can help feed the planet. Yes, there are checks and balances built in. Any useful tool can be manipulated by the political giants but it doesn't negate the tool.
    The magical thinkers that don't use replicable, controlled experiments will drag us back into the dark ages. I prefer enlightenment.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Science is a tool that can help feed the planet. Yes, there are checks and balances built in. Any useful tool can be manipulated by the political giants but it doesn't negate the tool.
    The magical thinkers that don't use replicable, controlled experiments will drag us back into the dark ages. I prefer enlightenment.

    So, I shouldn't worry that my friends cousin got a headache 2 days after she put some Nutrasweet in her coffee?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Science is a tool that can help feed the planet. Yes, there are checks and balances built in. Any useful tool can be manipulated by the political giants but it doesn't negate the tool.
    The magical thinkers that don't use replicable, controlled experiments will drag us back into the dark ages. I prefer enlightenment.

    So, I shouldn't worry that my friends cousin got a headache 2 days after she put some Nutrasweet in her coffee?

    Yeah, you should worry. It takes 2 days for Nutrasweet to cause brain tumours. I read it in a book. I think it was called The Big Book of Things That Cause Tumours.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have only anecdotal evidence.. which is why I advocate an elimination diet for those who think that they MAY be sensitive to certain things. I am 100% sure that I am sensitive to aspartame and wheat. I don't need evidence or anything else. I only have to listen to my own body... Aspartame, in quantities equal to more than 16 ounces of crystal light in a day, WILL give me a raging headache. EVERY TIME.

    As for the wheat, I'd always been skeptical of all of these people and their intolerance... until I found I was going home from work every day and having to put my feet up for hours after work. And the joints in my hands ached so bad I could hardly open and close them. I did a 30 day juice fast to see if it could help me with my joint issues and OMG, it worked.. but after the fast, even with the inclusion of juice in my diet, my joint pains came back.. Then I learned that some people possibly have a reaction to wheat (not the same as celiacs who are sensitive to gluten) And whattaya know, for me wheat-free = pain-free.

    Do I think that everyone should give up aspartame and wheat at once? Hell no. BUT if someone is thinking that something they're eating is making them feel sick, then I'm a big advocate of trying an elimination diet to see if it really is something they're eating. There are a LOT of people out there who are sensitive to aspartame and wheat, it's not a hoax or a fad.
    OMGMSG Posts: 1
    I love MSG. That is all.

    Me too!

    It's comforting that they've been eating refined MSG in Japan for over 100 years (and high-free-glutamate foodstuffs like dried kombu since forever), at much higher levels than the US, and are just about the longest-living, healthiest people on earth. They've only started having an obesity problem now that they're eating more like Americans.

    Kinda suggests that the problem with fast food is that it's oversized and generally unhealthy--not that evil "chemicals" pervert it.

    I think MSG can be profoundly useful for healthy home cooking--put it in home made vegetable soups and satisfying spicy brown rice. The only problem with MSG is we're used to seeing it work for the dark side. Most Americans only experience it with stuff like KFC, pork ribs, and Doritos. Use it for good and in moderation and I guarantee it can help people eat healthier.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I call shenanigans on the OMGMSG person whose first post was on this thread.... I call double IDs.......

    just sayin.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I am trying a low MSG diet with me and my family. Will let you know how it turns out. We are 1 week into it.

    We gave up aspartame a several years ago, after I read a large scale study between diet soda and kidney disease.

    I am giving up MSG because I know it makes food (factory food) taste good, which leads you to eat more & more. Also, I am close to three people who have/died of ALS (Lou Gherig's disease). Our war veterans who ate MREs are at high risk, and I can tell you that personally. MSG is implicated in ALS (as is asparatame). MSG is also suspect to be part of other nervous system disorders, including ADHD.

    MSG is used in almost everything in a box or can, canned soups, restaurant chicken, powdered cheeses, and it hides under other names (including, "other natural flavors'). The FDA does not require manufacturers list MSG as a separate ingredient or give the grams per serving. If MSG is controversial, then the FDA should require it be listed.

    I am also lowering our consumption of bromanated flour. Bromate has a direct link to cancer. It is used to make cheaper breads because it allows the dough to rise higher. Europe and even China! has banned it. Alot of our breads use it, as do fast food buns. Nature's Own and Pepperidge Farms are safer choices.
  • ummmcam
    ummmcam Posts: 3 Member
    general medical officers?