Things that make you lose respect for the human race....



  • jackedphilosopher
    Justin Bieber
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    One of the things that really irritates me are motorists who blow their horns at learner drivers at intersections or traffic lights while they're having driving lessons. Like they weren't once in that same situation themselves. But then I suppose maybe they started driving the moment they came out of their mother's womb and therefore didn't need driving lessons like the rest of us mortals!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Jeremy Kyle.
    Just.. ugh.

    yea, how does that guy have a tv show?
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    warning labels
    If you aren't smart enough to realize you shouldn't hold the chainsaw by the sharp end when starting it, that preperation H is not to be taken orally, that electrical devices don't belong in water or that you shouldn't stick your hand under a running lawn mower, you're taking up oxygen better used for other purposes.

    Ha ha this is true. I once read a warning label for a blow dryer that red "do not operate while sleeping". I worry for the individual who needed THAT warning. Lol.
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    People who abuse animals. I hope there's a special place in hell for them.

  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    the maury show, the jerry springer show, MTV, honey boo boo.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member

    warning labels
    If you aren't smart enough to realize you shouldn't hold the chainsaw by the sharp end when starting it, that preperation H is not to be taken orally, that electrical devices don't belong in water or that you shouldn't stick your hand under a running lawn mower, you're taking up oxygen better used for other purposes.

  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    the maury show, the jerry springer show, MTV, honey boo boo.
    Dr Oz. the fact that Oprah has been on television for 20 years. Ricky Lake having a talk show again. Survivor being in season what ever. The Hangover II. Hell, most movies these days. Jurassic Park re-release now in 3D? Really?
  • meaningful99
    The comments on news websites. People write the most hateful, stupid, half-informed garbage there, especially on stories about politics. It really does make me lose faith in humanity.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    the maury show, the jerry springer show, MTV, honey boo boo.
    Dr Oz. the fact that Oprah has been on television for 20 years. Ricky Lake having a talk show again. Survivor being in season what ever. The Hangover II. Hell, most movies these days. Jurassic Park re-release now in 3D? Really?

    you don't like many things do you? :tongue:
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    I hate the term "homophobia" we don't call a racist "blackophobic" do we? Hate of another person is not a phobia, it's hate. No need to give douchebaggery a nice name.

    I know this sounds annoying and pedantic, but the term is used to connote FEAR of homosexuality. Phobia is fear, so in a sense, when one is homophobic, they are fearful of any and all homosexuals. This doesn't necessarily mean they hate them, they just fear them. I tend to believe that people who are homophobic are that way because they somehow feel their own sexuality is at risk of being questioned or attacked. Or perhaps they are afraid the homosexual man or woman will hit on them.

    One who does not approve or accept a homosexual lifestyle is not necessarily homophobic. And one who fears homosexuals is not necessarily hateful of them.

    I am fearful of birds flying in my face, but I don't hate birds.

    If that makes sense.

    The fear has also has roots in interpretation of being homosexual. I was taught that being a male homosexual meant that you abused little boys. This was also taught in public school to beware of homosexual men that will offer you candy, offer car rides etc. Interpretation has change, but phobias are often rooted due to interpretations of the time period, sorry to say. Just another sad note regarding loss of respect for the human race is misinterpretation and the prejudices that follow....
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    People who write "loose" instead of lose and people who say "aks" instead of ask. And who on earth started off the whole "I can't be asked" phrase, wtf??
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    the maury show, the jerry springer show, MTV, honey boo boo.
    Dr Oz. the fact that Oprah has been on television for 20 years. Ricky Lake having a talk show again. Survivor being in season what ever. The Hangover II. Hell, most movies these days. Jurassic Park re-release now in 3D? Really?

    she has another show? oh, n kudos for being the only other person than me that I know of for saying douche nozzle.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    1. people who are bullies. I tend to stand up for the underdog

    2. people who don't respect our veterans who have risked their lives for our freedom

    3. people who think they know everything and can't learn from you
    4. people who take the easy way out to lose weight because they are to lazy to make the effort to do so.
    5. people who think they know what works for everyone without proper research to back up their claims
    6. people who are politicially correct and compromise their intregrity as not to offend for fear of backlash
  • emixxxxx
    emixxxxx Posts: 2
    I feel annoyed when people show lack of respect for teenagers.. I mean, hey, we have all been there, remember those times when we wanted everybody to treat us as adults. People please, show some respect for the youth.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Not so much lose respect just damn annoying.....

    The people who get in the middle of the intersection knowing the light is turning red and then block the whole lane so 1 or maybe 2 people can get through the entire green light and then they look up like a "B" when you look pissed.

    That and the people who trash talk no matter how a person is....such as "you never do anything active" when you are fat and then when you are thin they are the same people that say "you are obsessed with this and need to stop losing weight". One or the other people.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Dumbass motorist cowards who shout out the window at pedestrians and speed away. Had that happen yesterday while my fiance and I were on our way to Target. Some *kitten*, who was an adult, screamed "freaks!" out the window at us and sped off.

    If you're going to be a jerk and shout at us, at least have the balls to say it to our face outside of your vehicle.
  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    2. The obvious gay agenda that has allowed almost every one of my classes to force me to write something, read something or participate in a discussion group about it, as if they are the most important people in the whole wide world. We get it, okay? How would you like to have to read about, write about and discuss the Bible in every college class? Yeah thought so.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    -People that take laziness to an extreme new level and still have the cheek to complain.
    -People that are offended by anything/ everything that doesn't concern them and make sure they are heard.
    -People that have double standards.
    -Feminism ( I will get hate for that one, but I really don't give a damn)
    -Abuse to anyone vulnerable, old, young or any animal. If you choose to be an *kitten*, the very least you can do is pick on someone your own size.
    -People that sleep around/treat the other sex like crap and wonder why no one will go out with them. Both sexes.
    -Young girls with no self respect, you will regret it someday.
    -Disrespectful people. There is no need for it, manners are free.
    - In agreement with one above, people who think it is 'cool' to hate the police/authority. Tell me that when you are screaming for help someday.
    -Cliches. In all walks of life. Don't live up to a cliche, be yourself.

    There are many, many more but I can't think right now... A lot of things annoy me, and I probably annoy a lot of people too. Thus, life.
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