Things that make you lose respect for the human race....



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    2. The obvious gay agenda that has allowed almost every one of my classes to force me to write something, read something or participate in a discussion group about it, as if they are the most important people in the whole wide world. We get it, okay? How would you like to have to read about, write about and discuss the Bible in every college class? Yeah thought so.

    BAH! :laugh:
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    people that take religion to a whole new level. I am what I am, you're what you are. lets leave it at that.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...

    QFT. Honestly, if you're on the side of taking away basic rights from a group of people, then you are seriously on the WRONG side........I don't see how one can't realize the arrogance of wanting others to be denied basic human rights.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...

    Thanks for proving the point. Although you don't know either of us/our belief system/politics, you still ASSUME that just because we don't agree with everything that may ever come out of your mouth, we must be hateful, anti civil rights bigots. Get a life and stop being drama queens, welcome to the real world where people have diverse opinions.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...

    QFT. Honestly, if you're on the side of taking away basic rights from a group of people, then you are seriously on the WRONG side........I don't see how one can't realize the arrogance of wanting others to be denied basic human rights.

    Unfortunately there is no stability regarding the prescription of civil rights. Governments prescribe civil rights. Left wing vs. right wing. Generally, what the politicians consider harmful or non-harmful decide the course of civil rights. At one point gay people were considered harmful, then the collective opinion changes and it will change again. The point that makes this a loss of respect is that governments are driven to be partison, not what's right but what favours the party's agenda. We being citizens end up being the victims of partison politics. edited for spelling again and again lol
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...

    Thanks for proving the point. Although you don't know either of us/our belief system/politics, you still ASSUME that just because we don't agree with everything that may ever come out of your mouth, we must be hateful, anti civil rights bigots. Get a life and stop being drama queens, welcome to the real world where people have diverse opinions.

    which response was more respectful? mine, or the one where you tell me to stop being a drama queen and get a life?

    heh. irony.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    people who blame the victim--be it a poor person, a rape victim, a battered woman. Stop judging. There, but before the grace of the Gods go you...Try a little compassion. See how it feels.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...

    Thanks for proving the point. Although you don't know either of us/our belief system/politics, you still ASSUME that just because we don't agree with everything that may ever come out of your mouth, we must be hateful, anti civil rights bigots. Get a life and stop being drama queens, welcome to the real world where people have diverse opinions.

    which response was more respectful? mine, or the one where you tell me to stop being a drama queen and get a life?

    heh. irony.

    That was a collective get a life to anyone that actually will be that dramatic over something so trivial. Stop looking for things to be offended by, not being left wing /= being a hateful bigot.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    That abortion debate made me die a little inside as someone whose birth mother was in an abortion clinic when a nurse there told her she had a friend who couldn't have kids and was looking to adopt. She decided to have the baby (me) and give me up at birth. Maybe I was an inconvenience and should have been aborted instead of causing my birth mother to suffer lifelong trauma? :indifferent: I dunno, I'm very mixed on the issue so I don't ever debate it. I just present my story when the debate comes up as a bystander.

    Aaaaaaaaaanyway, I hate txt spk. It makes my blood boil and my blood pressure rise. I have deleted people on both here and facebook because I can't stand it. Type out your words. It takes me longer to read your stupid writing. Stop ruining a perfectly fine language.

    Kids who have a ridiculous sense of entitlement. You're a kid!

    Why are people taking what I say out of context? I'm FOR adoption IF the woman CHOOSES to do so! Your birth mother changed her mind and chose adoption. That means she was probably not going to abort in the first place and just needed that little push. That's okay and I support her choice. HOWEVER, I'm AGAINST women being EXPECTED to go the adoption route. I'm AGAINST women being FORCED to be broodmares for the state. I told of one women who was negatively affected by the adoption process. I'm sure there are others who were as well. I don't deny that there are also women who are hurt by abortion AND even motherhood. That is why I'm pro-CHOICE. I want women to decide which choice is appropriate FOR THEM.

    Is that a little bit clearer? I wasn't bashing adoption. Just stating that it's not the cure-all solution. That is all.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    1. Having left-wing values shoved down my throat in every single class in college even though I'm not allowed to shove my beliefs down anybody else's throat, not that I would.

    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    If one view is tolerated, so should another. People can think what they like.

    yyyyeahh.... but one side supports equal civil rights... and the other side... well... doesn't. So.... there kind of IS a right and wrong...

    Thanks for proving the point. Although you don't know either of us/our belief system/politics, you still ASSUME that just because we don't agree with everything that may ever come out of your mouth, we must be hateful, anti civil rights bigots. Get a life and stop being drama queens, welcome to the real world where people have diverse opinions.

    which response was more respectful? mine, or the one where you tell me to stop being a drama queen and get a life?

    heh. irony.

    That was a collective get a life to anyone that actually will be that dramatic over something so trivial. Stop looking for things to be offended by, not being left wing /= being a hateful bigot.

    did you just call civil rights trivial?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    the maury show, the jerry springer show, MTV, honey boo boo.
    Dr Oz. the fact that Oprah has been on television for 20 years. Ricky Lake having a talk show again. Survivor being in season what ever. The Hangover II. Hell, most movies these days. Jurassic Park re-release now in 3D? Really?

    you don't like many things do you? :tongue:
    No, no, I really don't. Society coddles the stupid, incompetent and the weak. We have things as absurd as "no fail tests". If you can't fail it, then it's not a test. Winning is frowned upon. I mentioned warning labels already. Personal responsibility is a thing of the past, as is respect for your fellow human. It's all about me, me, me. We build new football stadiums while cutting back on classes in college. We spend billions upon billions invading, destroying and then attempting to rebuild another country while our own infrastructure crumbles around us.

    I wish I could live in happy ignorance of the things around me, as most people seem to. I'm sure I would be a happier person. Instead, I'm astounded by the shortsightedness, greed and general stupidity exhibited by most humans on this planet.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Willful ignorance and apathy towards others. I think that pretty much encompasses everything, although the things that truly piss me off are road related. PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!! If you can't do that, you shouldn't have a goddamn license.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    One thing:

    These days everyone is so quick to blame their problems and bad habits on someone or something or both, even pretending it's a disease, instead of accepting responsibility for themselves and their actions.
  • Autumnsun26
    Autumnsun26 Posts: 83 Member
    I second that!
  • H357
    H357 Posts: 2
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    I agree. And if you disagree with these 'values', you're a bigot.

    I am not entirely convinced you have a handle on why you are being called a bigot.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Religion...Can't believe the stupid things you can get people to believe!

    Hey, there's money in running a church. My fiance jokingly said we should make up a religion and bring forth a church. lol
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