women with MUSCLES...



  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    So I'm confused...you state you want to gain muscle yet you want to look like a picture of someone who has no muscle, and don't want to look like the picture of someone that has muscle???

    Maybe the pictures are a bit confusing.. I love the first pics leg muscles.. I even like the second pic's leg muscles.. However I do not want my arms like the second pic.. I like lean tone arms but not like 2nd pic.

    Does that make more sense?

    Like they said, you aren't going to accidentally get arms like hers, nor legs, nor abs nor anything else. It is her job to work and look like that and I am positive she spends hours per day doing it. Like others have said, do a slight calorie deficit, eat good lean proteins and lift weights in the 6-10 rep range. If you start looking like her I'll send you a check for a million dollars.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I need advice.. I want to lose weight and gain muscle.. I need to lose about 30 pounds or so.. but I do want to gain muscle. I am aware that if I gain muscle the scale will go up and that is fine as long as I am getting results I want.

    I just dont know what foods I should be eating to get this way.. I know I need to lift heavy and do some cardio.. but what about the foods??

    I want to look like this...


    I love her body figure..

    I do not want to look like this.

    that is just to much for me..


    I wouldn't mind looking like either of those!! LOL

    1 gram protein per lb lean body mass. I am sure it has already been said!! Lots of water too!!
  • NakedLunchTime
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I can appreciate that you have a certain preference to how you want to look. Each and every one of us has a target body type that we are shooting for. Nothing wrong with that.

    My advice is always that same. Worry only about what body type you wish to achieve. Waste no time fretting about what you DON"T want to look like. Life is short, training is hard, and the road is long. You will NEVER look like what you don't wish to achieve because woman you don't wish to look like works day and night for that body. Her training schedule, her eating schedule, her supplements, even her sleeping schedule is all focused on having the body she wants.

    Way too many people think they are going to start some random training dvd or program and wake up one day with this 'EWW SO BULKY' body that they never wanted. Ain't gonna happen. Never has, never will.

    Spend all your time and efforts working toward your goals, not working away from someone else's goal.

    Now THIS is good advice!!! I like it! Very motivating!!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Don't care, I'm slim and sexy and can do this- http://youtu.be/E3N-v5Y-2fs
    and this -
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I can appreciate that you have a certain preference to how you want to look. Each and every one of us has a target body type that we are shooting for. Nothing wrong with that.

    My advice is always that same. Worry only about what body type you wish to achieve. Waste no time fretting about what you DON"T want to look like. Life is short, training is hard, and the road is long. You will NEVER look like what you don't wish to achieve because woman you don't wish to look like works day and night for that body. Her training schedule, her eating schedule, her supplements, even her sleeping schedule is all focused on having the body she wants.

    Way too many people think they are going to start some random training dvd or program and wake up one day with this 'EWW SO BULKY' body that they never wanted. Ain't gonna happen. Never has, never will.

    Spend all your time and efforts working toward your goals, not working away from someone else's goal.

  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    You can look like a super model if you are the following:

    age 16-25
    weigh 100 lbs
    are 5'10" + inches tall
    have legs longer than a Giraffe (which will be elongated in Photoshop)
    get a makeup artist
    a groovy hair stylist
    an expert lighting specialist
    1 kick *kitten* photographer
    plus a kick *kitten* post production photoshop person for fun and voila! You're a super model.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Don't care, I'm slim and sexy and can do this- http://youtu.be/E3N-v5Y-2fs

    LOL! Alright already, you can do that! (But yes, it is amazing :) )
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I'd bet money that Jamie's biceps are no bigger than 12" flexed probably smaller (that's what mine are and I'm 7" taller and higher body fat). If your husbands biceps are smaller than 12", HE should probably he the gym....
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    also: Your definition of "having muscles" needs some adjustment. That is all.

    Well, you might not think I have muscle, but I can do what these guys are doing. Ohh,,Ghetto! http://youtu.be/E3N-v5Y-2fs

    I prefer function over aesthetics.

    I wasn't saying that you, the OP, nor Underwood didn't have actual muscles. But generally speaking, when someone says that want ALL CAPS "MUSCLES" they are speaking of a body type much more defined than Miss Underwood's. And probably yours too, EA
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I'd bet money that Jamie's biceps are no bigger than 12" flexed probably smaller (that's what mine are and I'm 7" taller and higher body fat). If your husbands biceps are smaller than 12", HE should probably he the gym....

    Oh, wait, they are 11".

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    also: Your definition of "having muscles" needs some adjustment. That is all.

    Well, you might not think I have muscle, but I can do what these guys are doing. Ohh,,Ghetto! http://youtu.be/E3N-v5Y-2fs

    I prefer function over aesthetics.

    What is wrong with both? A lot of those peeps have visible muscles and can do it.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Edited to say My Question was Asked and Answered. I should have read the other responses before I posted:blushing:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I'd bet money that Jamie's biceps are no bigger than 12" flexed probably smaller (that's what mine are and I'm 7" taller and higher body fat). If your husbands biceps are smaller than 12", HE should probably he the gym....

    Oh, wait, they are 11".


    Mine are 12"

    I"M GROSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    I would start by following HER meal and workout routines. I got awesome results.

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I'd bet money that Jamie's biceps are no bigger than 12" flexed probably smaller (that's what mine are and I'm 7" taller and higher body fat). If your husbands biceps are smaller than 12", HE should probably he the gym....

    Oh, wait, they are 11".


    Mine are 12"

    I"M GROSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So are mine...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Mine are 12" also. :sad:

    I've posted these before. Jamie's arms when she's cut and flexing.


    Jamie's arms when she's at a slightly higher body fat and not flexing.


    If you don't want her arms, don't go competition level lean (which ain't easy!) and don't walk around fully flexed.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member

    I don't want to look like that either. I'd rather stick with this -victoria-secret-models-5.jpg

    better start practicing your Photoshop skills then. Because even *they* do not look like that.

    I can just imagine how photoshoped those VS girls are!


    What you say now?
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Cardio 2-3 days/week, weights 2-3 days /week. Moderate weights. She definitely works those legs...those don't happen by accident. I think she looks great...a bt skinny at times, but healthy overall. You can tell she works hard.

    Most of Carrie underwood is diet though. High protein, low fat, moderate carb, I assume.

    If you don't want to look like a fitness model, that is your preference. I would ignore the dissenters. :-)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I do not want to look like this.

    that is just to much for me..

    Really? I'd love to look like that. You do realize that Jamie Eason is flexing and posed to clearly show off her muscles, while Carrie Underwood is just...standing there. Their legs look pretty similar to me, so I'm guessing it's Jamie's upper body definition you want to avoid?

    If you don't want to look defined, then don't let your body fat % get too low.
    I would love to look like that too.

    This is out of a magazine as she poses for a shoot. There are ways to look that muscular right before a shoot the same way figure competitors do it before the contest when they are dehydrated and do carb loading and depleting to hit it

    kudos to the dude that posted the other photo of her not flexing and tanned up
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear from the get go... Im not saying I dont want to look like the 2nd pic.. I think she looks amazing.. and that is way better than what I look like now.. or I wouldnt be here.. I just dont want to have arms bigger than my husband.. LOL.

    I'd bet money that Jamie's biceps are no bigger than 12" flexed probably smaller (that's what mine are and I'm 7" taller and higher body fat). If your husbands biceps are smaller than 12", HE should probably he the gym....

    Oh, wait, they are 11".


    lol! I have a rule - if my biceps (insert muscle) are bigger than yours then no you may not have my phone number! My boyfriend jokes that he'd better start lifting or I might break up with him. :)