Looking for some Christian weight loss buddies!



  • tilagarza
    tilagarza Posts: 35 Member
    What's it like then?
    Why do you need christians for support? LOL. That makes absolutely zero sense.
    It's kind of like if you're into crossfit and your looking for others who do crossfit too, who can support you. - I hope that helps. :smile:

    It's actually nothing like that.
  • iamnotspam
    iamnotspam Posts: 34 Member
    You know what, everbody?


    Just... God's not dead.

    Whoooo!! :D
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    this Christian needs to lose some weight!!

  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Why do you need christians for support? LOL. That makes absolutely zero sense.

    probably thge same reason i like having phish fans and deadheads as my friends. it gives us a common interest.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    As an non-theist, I feel left out.

    It's ok, I'm here, I've always lived my life like WWOD, What Would Optimus Do!
  • abetterbrandi
    Only with the power of santa claus will I lose this weight. Looking for other clausians add me!
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Only with the power of santa claus will I lose this weight. Looking for other clausians add me!

    Hilarious. No.. really.
  • abetterbrandi
    Thank you. Its essentially the same thing. Although santa is a bit more plausible.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Non-religious Jew here - I don't 'friend' (or 'un-friend') due to religious beliefs............

    I look for common weight loss goals -

    And/or liberal-minded beings................
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Thank you. Its essentially the same thing. Although santa is a bit more plausible.

    And the "burns" keep coming... Thanks for your thoughts--not sure I could go on without them.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    For the wages of sin is death. A wage is something that you have worked for and due. Don't call God unfair when he only gives you what you are owed. One's non acceptance of something that is true does not negate its truth. Truth is ALWAYS true even before it has been discovered. At one time science thought the world to be flat once they discovered the truth they changed their position.

    This kind of stuff scares the hell out of me....

    I do agree with you on your last sentence though....although your premise is flawed ("science" never thought the world was flat), the point is science changes when presented with new evidence. I absolutely agree with this statement. That's why it's a better method for discovering truth than religion, which claims to know truth with no evidence, and even IN SPITE of evidence in many cases. Science isn't a body of knowledge...it's a process for explaining and describing the universe....and the best one we have at the moment.

    Excellent bwats33, couldn't agree more!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Another thread risen from the dead. Weird.

    It only took jesus 3 days, this thread took 11 months to respawn! jesus > this thread!
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    This kind of stuff scares the hell out of me....

    I do agree with you on your last sentence though....although your premise is flawed ("science" never thought the world was flat), the point is science changes when presented with new evidence. I absolutely agree with this statement. That's why it's a better method for discovering truth than religion, which claims to know truth with no evidence, and even IN SPITE of evidence in many cases. Science isn't a body of knowledge...it's a process for explaining and describing the universe....and the best one we have at the moment.

    I could not read this without wishing to add my few cents' worth. One has to understand that all religions are faith-based and seldom backed by enough evidence to convert the average atheist. The argument often includes the statement that science and religion cannot coexist because we cannot discover anything through religion. Fair enough, I buy that since there is nothing in the Bible to teach us how to build spaceships or how the planets go around the Sun. However, to further argue the Earth/Universe was not created by God because God has nothing to do with science is the same as saying a chair was not created by a man because the man may not know anything about science.

    So how was the chair made? Most likely you never saw the chair as it was being made, but you believe it was made by a person because that is what you choose to believe. No one saw the Universe being made, but I believe it was made by God during the Big Bang because that is what I choose to believe. We can see echoes of its creation 300,000yrs after the Big Bang, which was a hypothesis proposed in 1927 by, of all people, a Catholic priest.

    I believe Jesus existed, was crucified, and rose from the dead because there is too much written to ignore, and not just in the Bible. Tacitus, a Roman historian and Senator documented Jesus' life in his writings. The Jewish historian Josephus also documented Jesus' life. Within the Bible, Paul and the Gospels wrote their testimonies within 30-60 years after Jesus' death. Interesting that more than 500 people witnessed Jesus after his crucifiction, yet not one of them contradicted the writings of Paul and the Gospels. Imagine this in today's terms. For example, if someone wrote lies or made up stories about JFK, wouldn't you think someone would come out and discredit the author? The Jewish pharisees and Roman soldiers would have been the first to do so, yet they didn't. And before anyone says "well, those were written 30-60 years later and facts may have been forgotten or made up", keep in mind that everything we know about Alexander the Great was written 500 years after his death, yet no one has a problem with his story.

    I am in no way trying to convert the non-believers in this thread. I will admit, as a science teacher, I found it difficult for most of my life to simply "have faith" something exists without proof. I struggled for decades over this. If you are in this same predicament, read "A Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel who originally wanted to write how Jesus could not have been our Savior, but became a Christian after research and interviews with professors and historians.

    Today, I am a firm believer we are all saved through Jesus' sacrifice and whether you wish to agree or not, there will be a time when you will stand before him and be judged. I pray when that time comes you will have already become a believer.
  • abetterbrandi
    This kind of stuff scares the hell out of me....

    I do agree with you on your last sentence though....although your premise is flawed ("science" never thought the world was flat), the point is science changes when presented with new evidence. I absolutely agree with this statement. That's why it's a better method for discovering truth than religion, which claims to know truth with no evidence, and even IN SPITE of evidence in many cases. Science isn't a body of knowledge...it's a process for explaining and describing the universe....and the best one we have at the moment.

    I believe Jesus existed, was crucified, and rose from the dead

    Rose from the dead. How can any logical person conclude this to be true. I mean...really. As a man of science as you say, please elaborate on how many times a person has been dead for an extended period of time and then magically reanimated himself. Its just completely laughable. No one is going to judge me, I have one life to live and I'll live it to the fullest. The thought of some zombie-type judging me when I croak is something straight out of a bad scifi movie.
  • Lizplus3
    Lizplus3 Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. The Lord laid it on my heart this year to lose the weight and take care of the temple that He gave me so I can honor Him. :-)
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Hmm.... I'm a Christian, but put no restrictions on the religions beliefs of those I associate with. You can add me, but I may not be the kind of Christian you'd like...
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    This kind of stuff scares the hell out of me....

    I do agree with you on your last sentence though....although your premise is flawed ("science" never thought the world was flat), the point is science changes when presented with new evidence. I absolutely agree with this statement. That's why it's a better method for discovering truth than religion, which claims to know truth with no evidence, and even IN SPITE of evidence in many cases. Science isn't a body of knowledge...it's a process for explaining and describing the universe....and the best one we have at the moment.

    I believe Jesus existed, was crucified, and rose from the dead

    Rose from the dead. How can any logical person conclude this to be true. I mean...really. As a man of science as you say, please elaborate on how many times a person has been dead for an extended period of time and then magically reanimated himself. Its just completely laughable. No one is going to judge me, I have one life to live and I'll live it to the fullest. The thought of some zombie-type judging me when I croak is something straight out of a bad scifi movie.

    Logically, how do you determine anything to be true? What is your standard for truth? To determine that anything is true, you would have to borrow from the Christian worldview. Its impossible to even do science without borrowing facts from the Christian worldview.

    The bible says that you know that there is a God, but that you suppress the truth in unrighteousness. You would rather pretend to act like you don't believe in a God (and make fun of others) than deal with the fact that you will be held accountable for your actions and be judged by God one day. I believe the bible.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Add me too, I am a Christian and I need to lose 60 more lbs.
  • abetterbrandi
    Are you really sitting there telling me science is derived from the bible and thus everything in the bible is to be taken as facts? Do you understand how ignorant you look right now?

    I am not 'pretending' not to believe. I don't. I'm not going to quiver in fear of being judged by some mythical being. If you choose to think the fate of your entire life and existence rests on that then right on live your life that way.

    I choose not to follow a bigoted book with teachings of...

    1. How gay people are lesser beings.
    2. How women are lesser beings, and are to be subservient to men. (This includes men being given the A-OKAY! to beat his wife).
    3. Incest.
    4. Rape.
    5. Sexual Slavery.

    I could go on all day. But, Christians like you love to pick and choose their bible verses. Would you like to be beaten every day and passed around from man to man as property? No? Might want to look a bit more into the book you are praising.

    Thats not even getting into zombie jesus and the whackjob of a tall tale that is.

    Be informed. Dont be a sheep.
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