30 Day Shred - starting on Friday March 15



  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    I finished Day 5 this morning, which for me is my first attempt at Level 3, and while the moves arent difficult in theory, they are difficult to master. But I have noticed that the second day of each level is significantly easier for me than the first. I guess we will see how I handle tomorrow! I have to say though, I am really excited to go back to Level 1 on Thursday and see just how much easier it will be. This is really kind of like an experiment for me, pretty exciting!!!
  • skproctor1983
    I'm going to start tonight... as soon as I get home from work... Yep... today is the day!

    Do I need handweights or can I do without? Or use tins of beans or something? I dont have any weights :ohwell:
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    Which Leslie Sansone do you do?
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    I am on level 3 day 3 just finished..Superman and mountain climbers are hard for me..My body is changing!! YAY one month and i am down4 inches on waist, 2 inches from hips, one inch from each arm, 1inch and a half each thigh. Oh yah and i really cant do walking pushups yet I just do the regular military kind.

    to skproctor..beans will be OK at first but if you really want to see changes..the weights are better 5 lbs..
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    Just finished L1D4 and am over the hump, so to speak. I'm finally not feeling as sore as the first few days! I've seen improvement in my ability to get through the workout, but still am struggling hardcore with the pushups. I can't even make it through one set of them modified. :angry: I'm hoping that it will come with time!
  • mbar2010
    mbar2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Thats day 5 finished! Can't wait to finish level 1 as I find level 2 more fun. I always feel like a wimp when people use heavy weights - I only use 3kg but find the anterior hand raises/side lunges on level 1 really hard but am pushing through and hopefully it will get easier. I actually laugh now when Jillian says "just a few more" and "almost there" because I know that means she is lying and there's at least another 10 to do! :) I love all the support in this group, it's definitely pushing me on as I want to be able to post that I've completed the 30 days (got to about day 21 previously as fell out of the routine).
  • skproctor1983
    Well, I did it!!! Used a bottle of vinegar and jar if Dolmeo because they were the heaviest things that weighed the same haha!!! Definitely need to get me some weights... it was hard work using those. I got day 1 done though without putting it off 'because I need weights'. I have to say, I had severe case of jelly legs and jelly arms when I finished!! Can't wait for the aches tomorrow morning :-)
  • bethieb
    bethieb Posts: 24 Member
    Completed day 3 of level 1 today. Actually struggled today to get the motivation to do it but I got up and did it straight away then it was done and out of the way. So bring on day 4 tomorrow. I'm excited to see my body change. Keep up the great work everyone, you are all amazing!!!! :) x
  • reddyred7
    reddyred7 Posts: 12 Member
    Finshed day two today, feeling far more energetic and have more energy but wow do my limbs ache! Had to force myself to do the routine again even though my muscles were screaming lol

    Hopefully tomorrow will be more bearable..
  • clareiow
    clareiow Posts: 53 Member
    Have completed five days so far, had a day off today but put in a 4-mile run instead, back to it tomorrow!

    I'm not sure of my mind is playing tricks but my tummy does appear flatter...and I'm hoping to see a good number in the scale tomorrow morning! Level 2 starts next Monday...by which time I'm hoping I'll be able to do at least one proper push-up! :)
  • MissJenn33
    MissJenn33 Posts: 131
    Finished Level 1 Day 10 last night. Tonight it's on to Level 2 Day 1. :) I figure I'll be sore tomorrow. I LOVE that I can get thru all of level 1 nonstop. Makes me feel good.
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Did my second day of Level 3, so for me, its back to level 1 tomorrow. But that will be day 7 for me, which is one full week!!! Cant wait to see how I do tomorrow!!
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Just finished level 3 day 4..wow !! I am sooo beat now:yawn: ..I am much stronger in the scissor crunches and mountain climbers..This is really changing my body.
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 completed! I finally made it through the pushups! Even if they were modified, that's progress. :happy:
  • mbar2010
    mbar2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all! Everyone is doing great, keep up the good work, first week almost over! Day 6 completed - felt good after so did level 2 as well. Sweating buckets but I feel great now and definitely getting stronger. Listened to my ipod in one ear which drowned out jillian a bit, he he!
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    OK everyone, how do y'all feel?!? If you started on the 15, than today is Day7..... and I gotta tell ya... I FEEL AWESOME!!! Seriously, one week and so many people have already been telling me how they can tell I have been doing something different. I took a "during" pic this morning after I finished (but I will save it for when we finish the full 30 days for the shock factor :tongue: ) and even I could tell!!! I didnt take measurements this time, because I would have been too disgusted with myself at the beginning. I will let the pics speak for themselves.

    But I really want to know.... How are y'all doing?!?
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    I am doing day 5 today :) I feel great too! My calves have finally stopped hurting :) I am so stoked to make it through this.

    I feel tighter already! Especially in the hip area :) I took before photos and also took my measurements so I can't wait to see the changes.

    For those who are having a hard time getting motivated--I had a really hard time making myself do day four yesterday but I did it!! I was dragging my feet all day and was really close to calling it a rest day but I KNOW if I had I wouldn't continue today. I would have quit. So I DID IT and in the end I was so pumped that I ended up doing another 20 minutes :)
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    I am doing day 5 today :) I feel great too! My calves have finally stopped hurting :) I am so stoked to make it through this.

    I feel tighter already! Especially in the hip area :) I took before photos and also took my measurements so I can't wait to see the changes.

    For those who are having a hard time getting motivated--I had a really hard time making myself do day four yesterday but I did it!! I was dragging my feet all day and was really close to calling it a rest day but I KNOW if I had I wouldn't continue today. I would have quit. So I DID IT and in the end I was so pumped that I ended up doing another 20 minutes :)

    Thankyou because I really wanted to have a day off today!! You inspired me to keep going..My body hurts..on level 3..so far I have lost 5 inches in my waist thats one month I have been doing it though! I am shrinking but tired and sore
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    L1D6 Done! I am doing pretty well, and do feel a lot healthier, but I kind of wish that I had upped the weights I was using from the beginning. I'm using 2.5lb dumbbells and they are perfect for any of the squats and raises, but when I do the chest fly, I feel like I am accomplishing nothing.

    On the bright side, the 30DS is improving my POSTURE! I never would have thought that would happen! But I'm walking around feeling much taller. Lol.
  • nicoledoss72
    nicoledoss72 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on day 4 and am having a hard time today, I am so sore, every muscle aches! :sad:
    Keep on Keepin on tho!