Why you shouldn't shop at thrift stores if you do already



  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I burn my clothes when I'm done with them, because I'll be damned if any poor person is going to wear something I wore once.
    Who do these poor people think they are wanting us to donate our Lucky jeans? Wtf people?

    I didn't know that shopping at thrift -- or 2nd hand -- stores made you poor. I think it says a lot about someone's intelligence and grasp on what's important out of life. A name brand tag on your pants doesn't make you any more attractive, appealing or 'cooler'. Matter of fact, your blatant bitterness toward people that aren't as materialistic as you actually puts you as the epitome of the common Douche Bag.

    I'm fairly certain that the OP's post was in jest. And even if it wasn't, the premise of the thread is so ridiculous that it seems equally ridiculous to be upset by it. I don't see anyone indulging in any serious slamming of the poor or classism.

    And this coming from a chick who can only afford to shop SOLELY at thrift stores.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I burn my clothes when I'm done with them, because I'll be damned if any poor person is going to wear something I wore once.
    Who do these poor people think they are wanting us to donate our Lucky jeans? Wtf people?

    I didn't know that shopping at thrift -- or 2nd hand -- stores made you poor. I think it says a lot about someone's intelligence and grasp on what's important out of life. A name brand tag on your pants doesn't make you any more attractive, appealing or 'cooler'. Matter of fact, your blatant bitterness toward people that aren't as materialistic as you actually puts you as the epitome of the common Douche Bag.

    I'm fairly certain that the OP's post was in jest. And even if it wasn't, the premise of the thread is so ridiculous that it seems equally ridiculous to be upset by it. I don't see anyone indulging in any serious slamming of the poor or classism.

    And this coming from a chick who can only afford to shop SOLELY at thrift stores.

    Just another tasty treat from QT
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    Edited to make more sense to poor people.

    omg this made me laugh even harder!!!
  • ericmessier
    ericmessier Posts: 235 Member
    God I love you people. <3
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm hot, swallow and shop at thrift stores. Now get in my basement.

    Don't forget to log those 5 calories!!
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