why do girls only have 14 good days a month?



  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I know this will make some people crazy. I'm not on the pill, uterus is intact, and I take no drugs. I quit dairy (which is full of hormones that they give to cows to produce milk) and my pms symptoms are gone. No kidding. It may not work for everyone. I'm not pushing this on anyone. Just a note though, it is free to try and if you don't like it or it doesn't work you can always go back. Also I have nothing to gain if you try it. So what do you have to lose other then pms symptoms?

    I wish that worked. Did nothing for me.

    For me it took two cycles and I just had my third. It got better each time. I realize it might not work for everyone but it works awesome for me.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    So I am just venting...7 days before my time of the month I am bloated,hungry, moody and weigh more... Then 7 days during my time of the month I am crampy, bloated, moody and again weigh more...
    We only have a good 14 days a month...Ughhhh...

    Vent away.....I totally agree! I'm exactly the same as you! I get 2 weeks of happiness, energy, normal appetite and where I can kick butt in my workouts, then 1 week of cranky, bloating and extreme hunger... then 1 more week of cranky, extreme bloating and hunger, plus; pain, lack of sleep, no exercise. just awful! Makes me really sad, and I think about this issue often.
  • anon189
    anon189 Posts: 42
    Ughh it freakin sucks huh!? I can't be on birth control because the hormones make me a psychopath! I usually gain several pounds before and during. What's even more awesome is we'll be on vacation next week during it and I'm gonna be in swimsuits and shorts. Awesome. :(
  • Ickle_Star
    Ickle_Star Posts: 19 Member
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Yikes! So happy I don't menstruate. You can always choose to stop having periods. There are birth control pills where you take an active pill every day and there's also novasure. There's no medical need to menstruate.
  • Ickle_Star
    Ickle_Star Posts: 19 Member
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    you got it bad? we're the ones that have to deal with you!!

    LMFAO! Never a truer word spoken.
  • Jessiedarr
    Jessiedarr Posts: 2 Member
    you got it bad? we're the ones that have to deal with you!!

  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I know this will make some people crazy. I'm not on the pill, uterus is intact, and I take no drugs. I quit dairy (which is full of hormones that they give to cows to produce milk) and my pms symptoms are gone. No kidding. It may not work for everyone. I'm not pushing this on anyone. Just a note though, it is free to try and if you don't like it or it doesn't work you can always go back. Also I have nothing to gain if you try it. So what do you have to lose other then pms symptoms?

    Interesting, maybe I will try this, because I get the worst PMS and painful cramps etc etc...
    Although I wonder about meat? Meat has all those hormones too. I try to always buy the stuff without hormones or antibiotics, but who knows what we're really eating, the labeling could just be BS! Not sure I'm willing or ready to cut out meat and dairy. But I will look into this for sure. thanks! :)
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    So true! It makes me so mad. :explode: :mad:
  • 25carrie76
    I agree....! I have an out loud conversation with myself during that time (to keep calm about the whole thing):wink: , because of the weight gain. Then after "it's" over usually I've leveled off or have lost some.:wink:
  • Sweetums71
    Sweetums71 Posts: 6 Member
    ah, but there is the wonderful thing called menopause (or in my case hysterectomy). I feel wonderful all month long and love it. :)

    I can't wait, my appointment for some period stopper is coming up fast. I can't wait for it to be a less crappy time for me.
  • SquidandWhale
    1. Ladies I love you all.

    2.My babybox has been on a bloody rampage for the past month and a half. Bleed for 1.5 weeks, 1 off, and repeat. Constant PMS, moodswings, food cravings, and tears over nothing. I hate it so much and my doctor won't up my birth control because 'break through bleeding is normal.' It's only normal if it's not your body ruining everything.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Most women are not that affected by their cycles. I'm sorry you are. I personally don't get a lot of pre period symptoms. sometimes a headache (easily remedied by a couple tylenol). Maybee crave sweets? No big deal. I think a LOT of enjoying your life ALL THE TIME has to do with your attitude. Take a midol and carry on!

    I'm glad yours are not bad, but some of us SUFFER. My "attitude" could not fix it. I used to have miserable, Oxycontin worthy pain. MIdol was worthless for me. Thank goodness for my hysterectomy. If you are blessed to have it easy, then great. No need to minimize the suffering of others.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    This does not apply to all women. I have an IUD and get a very light period every few months.
  • 0408boys
    0408boys Posts: 72 Member
    This is the truth!
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Most women are not that affected by their cycles. I'm sorry you are. I personally don't get a lot of pre period symptoms. sometimes a headache (easily remedied by a couple tylenol). Maybee crave sweets? No big deal. I think a LOT of enjoying your life ALL THE TIME has to do with your attitude. Take a midol and carry on!

    I'm glad yours are not bad, but some of us SUFFER. My "attitude" could not fix it. I used to have miserable, Oxycontin worthy pain. MIdol was worthless for me. Thank goodness for my hysterectomy. If you are blessed to have it easy, then great. No need to minimize the suffering of others.

    This. Prior to finding a birth control that actually helped my symptoms, hysterectomy was on the table for discussion. I'm 24. Taking a Midol and carrying on was not an option, and I think that minimizing the suffering of others is more indicative of an attitude problem than rough periods are.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Ughh it freakin sucks huh!? I can't be on birth control because the hormones make me a psychopath! I usually gain several pounds before and during. What's even more awesome is we'll be on vacation next week during it and I'm gonna be in swimsuits and shorts. Awesome. :(

    Me too, makes me a total psychopath! I was on birth control for 8 years straight (age 16-24) and it really messed with me. ugh!!!
    I'm almost 34 years old now, and I refuse to go back on BC.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I. Love. Birth. Control. 3 day periods, no PMS? Please and thank you!


    I couldn't function for a few days a month due to the pain, bloating and tiredness I had before going on birth control.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Most women are not that affected by their cycles. I'm sorry you are. I personally don't get a lot of pre period symptoms. sometimes a headache (easily remedied by a couple tylenol). Maybee crave sweets? No big deal. I think a LOT of enjoying your life ALL THE TIME has to do with your attitude. Take a midol and carry on!

    Wow... just wow.

    COunt yourself lucky you don't have to deal with some of the things others have to. Attitude has nothing to do with what some ladies have to put up with. Take a midol and carry on? Seriously... be in my shoes before my birth control or any of these other ladies and you will change your attitude real quick.

    Not everyone can pop a midol and carry on like everything is peachy and great. I had pain so bad prescription meds wouldn't help it. Advil did nothing... Tylenol did nothing... and you can be sure Midol was a waste of time. My pain was so bad I couldn't move for two days out of the month at least.

    Most women ARE affected by thier cycles unless they take some form of medication (example, birth control). You may be part of the lucky few who can carry on like the world is the greatest place... not everyone can.