why do girls only have 14 good days a month?



  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    :frown: I hear ya, sista! :frown:
    P.S....The older you get...the worse it gets.:sad:
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I know this will make some people crazy. I'm not on the pill, uterus is intact, and I take no drugs. I quit dairy (which is full of hormones that they give to cows to produce milk) and my pms symptoms are gone. No kidding. It may not work for everyone. I'm not pushing this on anyone. Just a note though, it is free to try and if you don't like it or it doesn't work you can always go back. Also I have nothing to gain if you try it. So what do you have to lose other then pms symptoms?

    Okay, I'll bite.

    Is quitting dairy the only change you have made in the time that your PMS symptoms disappeared? Or did you also start eating differently in general and perhaps exercising more? Because exercise is a proven factor in decreasing the severity of PMS. I would like to see some evidence that dairy intake produces the same effect size.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I used to have to have the first day off school when my period first started, and I was only 11.
    I noticed that as I hit my mid 30s, they became much heavier, with the PMT symptoms starting much earlier. The moods have also become more extreme, think holes in plasterboard walls and broken things. The cravings and hunger can be insanely intense, and the cramps sometimes have me in pain for hours. I do notice they are less severe if I have kept to exercising consistently though. I am wary of birth control, not sure the longterm effects, not keen on putting medication in my body unless I absolutely have to. Plus, with mood issues already part of my makeup, I would not wish to risk additional hormones making it worse.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Most women are not that affected by their cycles. I'm sorry you are. I personally don't get a lot of pre period symptoms. sometimes a headache (easily remedied by a couple tylenol). Maybee crave sweets? No big deal. I think a LOT of enjoying your life ALL THE TIME has to do with your attitude. Take a midol and carry on!

    I'm glad yours are not bad, but some of us SUFFER. My "attitude" could not fix it. I used to have miserable, Oxycontin worthy pain. MIdol was worthless for me. Thank goodness for my hysterectomy. If you are blessed to have it easy, then great. No need to minimize the suffering of others.

    WOW ! The woman who said "Most women are not that affected by their cycles" is terribly wrong and rude! Most woman do suffer A LOT, myself included. I have a beautiful life and a wonderful attitude, and taking midol just isn't gonna cut it sweetheart!
    ...there truly is NO need to minimize the suffering of others.

    bye bye.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I. Love. Birth. Control. 3 day periods, no PMS? Please and thank you!

    Bingo! good bye 7 day period. good bye horrible cramps for ALL 7 DAYS. Midol and pamprin were a friggin waste of time. generally felt like crap but oddly enough I never really had drastic changes in my mood - at least i don't think I did.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    you got it bad? we're the ones that have to deal with you!!

    You wouldn't be "unlucky" to deal with this. I don't PMS...I have a high pain tolerance and suffer by myself.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I swear I was thinking the same exact thing recently. When I was younger (I'm 40), I would only have one bad week but it's definitely two bad weeks a month now.

    However, I'm doing a low carb, low calorie diet now and the bloating is virtually gone. I'm ending week 4 on this diet and the difference is amazing!
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I just remembered what the initial conversation was about...I was telling someone it sucks most of the month, because my pre-TOM symptom is very.very.hard boobs...they get rock hard and heavy (and he likes to squeeze a lot) anywhere from 1-2 weeks before....so 2 weeks of that and 3-7 days of bleeding...UGH! Other than that, my TOM isn't that miserable.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I know this will make some people crazy. I'm not on the pill, uterus is intact, and I take no drugs. I quit dairy (which is full of hormones that they give to cows to produce milk) and my pms symptoms are gone. No kidding. It may not work for everyone. I'm not pushing this on anyone. Just a note though, it is free to try and if you don't like it or it doesn't work you can always go back. Also I have nothing to gain if you try it. So what do you have to lose other then pms symptoms?

    I wish that worked. Did nothing for me.

    For me it took two cycles and I just had my third. It got better each time. I realize it might not work for everyone but it works awesome for me.

    I make sure to only get hormone-free dairy. My PMS symptoms reduced to practically nothing and greatly reduced my endo symptoms too.
  • anon189
    anon189 Posts: 42
    Ughh it freakin sucks huh!? I can't be on birth control because the hormones make me a psychopath! I usually gain several pounds before and during. What's even more awesome is we'll be on vacation next week during it and I'm gonna be in swimsuits and shorts. Awesome. :(

    Me too, makes me a total psychopath! I was on birth control for 8 years straight (age 16-24) and it really messed with me. ugh!!!
    I'm almost 34 years old now, and I refuse to go back on BC.

    I tried it for only one week and was losing it. I had a REALLY hard time after having my daughter though, too with the hormone fluctuations. Bad PPD. My body just freaks out if my hormone levels are off. Honestly though, it doesn't sound like I can complain too much. My only real symptoms are sadness/hopelessness, ravenous appetite and the bloating/slight weight gain. Before having my daughter I got TERRIBLE cramps, but since I've had more of the mood changes instead of cramps.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    Mine were horrible! Sore boobs for the week before and the week during, acne, headaches, cramping to the point that I couldn't even walk, and it would be about a week long.

    I get the depo shot now and I haven't had one for 2 years...it's heaven :laugh:
  • anon189
    anon189 Posts: 42
    Ughh it freakin sucks huh!? I can't be on birth control because the hormones make me a psychopath! I usually gain several pounds before and during. What's even more awesome is we'll be on vacation next week during it and I'm gonna be in swimsuits and shorts. Awesome. :(

    Me too, makes me a total psychopath! I was on birth control for 8 years straight (age 16-24) and it really messed with me. ugh!!!
    I'm almost 34 years old now, and I refuse to go back on BC.

    I tried it for only one week and was losing it. I had a REALLY hard time after having my daughter though, too with the hormone fluctuations. Bad PPD. My body just freaks out if my hormone levels are off. Honestly though, it doesn't sound like I can complain too much. My only real symptoms are sadness/hopelessness, ravenous appetite and the bloating/slight weight gain. Before having my daughter I got TERRIBLE cramps, but since I've had more of the mood changes instead of cramps.

    I should add too that the mood swings are usually only the day before, then I'm fine again. I can always tel when it's that time if I'm depressed completely out of the blue. lol
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I'm about to say eff it, get that birth control shot and call it a day

    Anyone know if losing weight can make your period heavier or longer than usual?

    Or if gaining weight does the same thing?

    I gained 35 pounds on that birth control shot.. and losing weight has made my periods lighter and cutting carbs has lessened the crampy bloated 'fat cow' feeling..
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    So glad it isn't just me!! My TOM is late (had a baby in June, and my body is still ..... screwed!) and I stay bloated until that SOB decides to show up, ruin my week and leave >.<

    someone mentioned getting on the depo shot, I gained 40 pounds on that mother and STILL got knocked up >.<
    and LOL at u ladies talking smack because your period makes you think about rainbows and unicorns some of us are actually in pain during that time on the month. Who knew .. our bodies are different?! Wtf
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Don't complain, girls, here's what you have to look forward to; night sweats, random soreness, painful uterine cramps but no bleeding, then heavy, and I mean heavy, bleeding after six months of nothing, then another six months of no bleeding. And hot flashes that will have you chilled one minute, then getting way overheated and throwing all the covers off, then three minutes later piling the blankets on again, with subsequent loss of sleep. In my case this went on for six years, nonstop.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    you got it bad? we're the ones that have to deal with you!!

  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    OMG i think this all of the time! its a WTF kinda thing! If only we just didnt have to deal with cycles to have babies :sad:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    same here I was thinking the same thing about three hours ago because I just gain five pounds and a few days ago I was 6 pounds heavier a few minutes ago and I gain 7 pounds when my period is here.
  • JaziH
    JaziH Posts: 19 Member
    Birth Control does help ALOT ! But in my case I value beaing able to breathe more than being great, not retaining water, no pms-ing and all that other jolly stuff. We really do get the crappy end of the stick, but I still LOVE being a woman ! ! !