Drama & Naysayers



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Nobody says me nay. Beyond "they're just jealous", there lies "people fear my fitness". You know you're there when people are afraid to make eye contact and get the eff out of your way. Don't be jealous. You'll get there.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I too can't believe they are that mean to you...they need to get out of high school ! You're gorgeous, so maybe they are just jealous !

    This is probably not the reason OP.

    This is just what you might like to hear.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There's a bike path where I used to roller blade regularly (I need new ones, so haven't been in a while) and some of the bikers were kind of rude and weirdly territorial. Other than that, nothing of that nature has ever happened to me.

    I had a similar experience, only it's a bike/running trail. There's pavement to run on, but they made a bunch of cut throughs in the woods for bikes. The first few times I went out there I got scowled at, and one guy almost ran me over. (and yes I was going with the flow of traffic and all that) After they saw me a few times they seemed to lighten up though.
    Where I go is a paved path. You see walkers/runners, bikers, rollerbladers and even kids who live in houses along the path playing. Most people are very polite, but every once ina while ...

    I always stay as far to the right as I can while still being on pavement. Most bikers will yell out to let you know they're there. One guy passed me full speed as close as humanly possible and almost knocked me down. There was no one coming in the other direction. I yelled at him and he claimed he yelled out and blamed my headphones for me not hearing. I was listening to NPR and had the volume pretty low. I'd never had a problem hearing anyone else. Oh, and he yelled out right in my ear as he passed.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I've found that A LOT of women are jealous. It doesn't make me feel good at all, I would rather receive no attention than negative attention or comments. Once again, maybe that is not your experience or your oblivious to it, but I'm sure it happens to most women that are attractive and in shape.


    the hotter your body starts to look, the meaner the women will be. It's a shame how much looks play a role in how you are treated, but it does. Women are usually very nasty to each other. Oprah once said, she didn't want to lose all her weight, bc it would hurt her ratings bc studies show women don't like "in shape" women as much as ones who are either more like them or out of shape. Not sure of the exact quote, but that is basically what she said.

    I had a pretty damned hot body most of my life. I have an hourglass figure, DDs on my chest, hair complete strangers stop me in Walmart or the line at an airport or pretty much every time I leave the house to compliment and I was never above a size 6 until I was nearly 30 years old, currently a size 8.

    I have NEVER had an experience like you describe. Ever. Once or twice some random chick flirted with my BF in front of me, but never said anything nasty to me personally. I just laughed it off and thought she should count her blessings I'm not the jealous type.

    I think if you're getting this kind of treatment, it's more to do with the attitude you project and maybe your own behavior than what you look like.

    EDIT: I have a large circle of close female friends, most of whom are very beautiful inside and out. I guess I'm just lucky, but I haven't experienced the female nastiness I see so many women talk about. Maybe because I'm not that type of person myself, so I don't attract women like that into my life.

    In reference to the bold part-- that kind of blanket statement is incredibly unfair and more than a little ludicrous. Just because you have been fortunate enough to not be subjected to the kind of cruelty that OP and others have described does not make you a better person, attitude or otherwise, and it does not mean that the people who have been picked on have bad attitudes! That is essentially the "she's asking for it with that short skirt" logic, which is preposterous. People don't 'attract' jerks to them, they encounter them unwittingly just like the rest of us. If you haven't come across many jerks in your life, you're lucky, that's all.
    I think her statements in this thread speak for themselves. I stand by what I said.

    To the person who thinks I'm referencing The Secret: Um, no. Just the old "birds of a feather" adage.

    The misogyny statement was about the meme and the general stereotype that women are jealous, bitter, nasty creatures. The poster in question did state that in this thread and also accused everyone who disagrees with her of being nasty and jealous of her.
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    Never in the UK but when I lived in Paris it was constant, never from other joggers but just walkers. One time a guy tried to run beside me (because - funny?) and slipped on ice, fell on his butt and his head smacked on a handrail. I turned around, pointed and laughed and flipped him off. Felt so good.
    It was mainly guys, actually it was never women ever.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    nope this has never happened to me and i hear it here all the time which makes me wonder if people arent creating these situations in their own head as an easy "out".


    That or my obvious awesomeness scares them off.
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    I find other people are incredibly polite and encouraging while I'm out exercising. If we have dogs with us they'll play while we have a quick chat, and if not it's just a smile as I plod along. Maybe it's politeness out of pity, who can say? I suppose I do exercise in a really nice park. Not sure why women would be especially horrible. I have friends who are out there doing 10k runs after work and they've met plenty of warmup/down buddies out while exercising. Some of their running friends are even my friends now and it's a fairly even gender split.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,627 Member
    jeeze where do you live? was it central park? lol never had any strangers say anything to me. the people i know are typically supportive. i did have one friend say that i was headed in the direction of an eating disorder (because i count calories and because she has a sister with an eating disorder) and that same friend said i was "obsessed" because i had my workouts planned out on my calendar for the month. i feel like she is just jealous doesn't want me to look better than her. everyone else has told me that i'm doing a great job and they are proud of my dedication and the changes i am making. one person referred to me as a health/fitness freak. compliment? lol
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Bumping for entertainment value...
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    jeeze where do you live? was it central park? lol never had any strangers say anything to me...

    Aaw, that's cute. Have you ever been to New York City? The only people who talk to you on the street are either crazy/homeless or tourists. Either way, you should look away without acknowledging them.

    Nobody talks to anybody in Central Park. Occasionally a biker will shout at you to get out of the way if you're walking too slow (again, tourists).
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Just hug it out