Seeking women with open diaries



  • Michow08
    Michow08 Posts: 19 Member
    My diary is open as well! Looking for mfp friends to help keep me going and on the right path :)
    I am a mom of 4 and it definitely is hard to keep eating straight on the weekends but I'm still trying to find that balance!!
  • emmalilypad
    emmalilypad Posts: 36 Member
    Open diary here, if you add me! :) I'm always looking for more friends.
  • mljacobs23
    mljacobs23 Posts: 38 Member
    My diary is open. Feel free to add me. I also like MFP for getting food ideas from others. I log Monday - Friday. I don't restrict anything from my diet, I just try to watch the fat and calories and make sure I'm getting the protein in when working out. There are periods of time that I eat pizza weekly : )
  • TrishaRN_74
    TrishaRN_74 Posts: 102 Member
    I have an open diary, and I try not to "diet" as much as making better choices and portion control. I actually had dinner one night a few weeks ago with my son at Chick-Fil-A AND stayed within my calorie goal! As for pizza, have you ever tried making English Muffin Pizza? You can top it with whatever you like, but it's great for portion control, and it's easy to make! I'll send you a FR, because I love to motivate and be motivated as well.
  • OperationBikiniFine
    OperationBikiniFine Posts: 10 Member
    My diary is open also. I've had some great days and some not-so-great-days. Enjoy!
  • cherie515
    cherie515 Posts: 37 Member
    My diary is open. Its only been a couple days but I'm getting the hang of it. I am making the decision to not track on Saturdays, not even gonna make myself feel bad. I need one day to grab a cheat meal and not give a crap. Other than that, game on ;-)
  • upnorthmj77
    upnorthmj77 Posts: 38 Member
    My diary is open!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I started over 2 weeks ago and have been really good at keeping track of everything. I have changed my eating habits and have incorporated alot of variety, many low cal foods and meals including fruits and veggies. I try to walk some, on most days which accounts for most of my exercise (not a ton of exercise but way more than before, which was basically none at all.) I'm going for the long haul. Glad and willing to swap ideas, and cheer each other on! :D
  • LHnH4L
    LHnH4L Posts: 29 Member

    Mine is open. I have over the past few years varied between omnivore-vegetarian-vegan. Right now, I try to eat mostly fruits and veggies. I don't always to so well though lol

    If anyone else wants to friend me, it would be nice to have some friends here :)
  • PlantBasedGrace
    PlantBasedGrace Posts: 64 Member
    My diary is open! I'm an omnivore who only eats birds and fish haha... Trying to eat healthier and cut out the junk but it can be difficult so I need motivational people! Feel free to add me :)
  • zacbe
    zacbe Posts: 10 Member
    I just opened mine today! I try to eat clean most of the time and have a chocolate or ice cream now and then.. I looove tea too!
  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    Open to friends. Only thing I don;t log is water :)
  • MissFayeT
    MissFayeT Posts: 22 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to add me :)
    I eat healthy-ish or at least i think i do:P
  • laurajcrampton
    I am female and my diary is open :D I've added you, others on here can add me too :)
  • skinnyme444
    Hey, I have an open diary :-) I also have some treats through out the day and stay under! and make home-made pizza - I've added you. Please add me peopel! x
  • melbournemummy79
    Mines open for all too see. I log everything. Easter was a bit hit and miss but I am back on track.
    Your welcome to add me.
    Best of luck
  • Roxie8611
    Roxie8611 Posts: 39 Member
    My diary is open - feel free to add me :)
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Mine is open to friends...feel free to friend me. I'm not a clean eater and log what I eat regardless of whether its healthy or not :)
  • FitnessCharl
    My diary is open to friends (although I only have....1 *sob*). I dont have any hard and fast rules but I set myself little goals and see how long I can go without certain things - feel free to add me if you log every day
  • alexmalc
    alexmalc Posts: 2
    Me too and I'm quite good at the moment at updating! Feel free to add me! x
  • amusedchrissy
    My diary is open and I'm trying to make sure I log everyday. Had a few trips away recently when I haven't recorded my food, mainly because I don't know where to start.
    I do have the odd day where I totally blow my calorie count but I'm trying hard to keep them in check.... At a wedding tomorrow so hoping I have a bit more will power than normal.

    I also log my exercise but never my water. I make myself drink a two litre bottle at work Mon-Fri but not sure how much at the weekends.

    I eat and drink everything anything! On the basis that I want it to be a long term change to the way I eat not a diet.

    Anyone is welcome to add me :-D