Seeking women with open diaries



  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    My diary is open to my friends....feel free to add me! ;)
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    Feel free to add me. I log daily and mine is open too. We can all use more support and friends, can't we!? :)
  • ErinRunsOnFood
    ErinRunsOnFood Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking for more people to connect to on Twitter if anyone is on there. I don't go in the community section here, this is actually by 1st time. If anyone is on Twitter they can follow me @5KGoal2013. I'm really looking for more people to connect to and get motivation from, bound idea's off of and just over all have a buddy going through the same process. I'm just starting out on my weigh loss journey so nothing big is going on now, but I'm starting to jog/run for a 5K (hence the Twitter name) and trying other new workout stuff.

    Thanks! :smile:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My diary is always open. My husband and I are working on eating somewhat clean this month and see how it goes so not much chocolate or pizza for now, but usually there is a healthy mix of good for me foods and good foods in general.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    My diary is open to everyone...didn't log much over Easter since I was out of town, but before that it's mostly there. Can't help with the pizza: it's one of my hot food items that I decided to just avoid since I can't control myself with it ;)
  • riverboat2001
    riverboat2001 Posts: 9 Member
    My diary is open, we eat a lot of salad and chicken wraps at the moment for our packed lunches.
    We both work shifts so our diaries don't always make sense.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    My diary is open to friends...add me if you'd like :drinker:
  • keets502
    keets502 Posts: 34
    I need new friends! I'm very new to the site - my log starts April 1. I"ll send a request!
  • BugGirl2014
    BugGirl2014 Posts: 8 Member
    Mine is open, and I eat frequently.
  • kimberly728
    kimberly728 Posts: 124
    mines open!!! I added you....
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    My diary is open but be aware my food intake has just starting to be under control lol and now I'm leaving for Vegas so it's going to look terrible lol!! Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • MadisonLeo
    My diary is open and I log daily. I eat clean, however, I also like to enjoy certain foods like pizza on days I know I have a longer workout planned. I am all about NET calories lol.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    My diary is open and I am 20 days into logging. I would love to get new eating ideas from other mfp buddies. Please feel free to add me. I log everyday!

    New friends welcome:smile:
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    My log is open and waiting for expanded viewership! Feel free to send me a friend request, OP and any others interested :bigsmile:

    I log 98% of what I consume--I typically don't log stuff like a drizzle of honey on yogurt, my one glass of sweet tea/day, and the few tbsp of coconut oil I try to take every day. I have been logging faithfully for 95 days now, but started logging mid-November. I have managed to stay under goal on all but a handful of days, though I have adjusted my calories a few times over the months so it may look "off".

    I am a total omnivore and there are few foods I don't like. I love to cook and try to prepare most of my meals; usually manage to eat at home 6 nights per week. I don't necessarily eat "clean", but I have done a lot to cut out overly processed foods, junk foods, fast foods. When I eat out, I prefer to eat where I know a lot of fresh ingredients are used and there is care put into the preparation. I have cut way back on sweets but for 41 years had a serious sugar/chocolate addiction. Still enjoy them but try to make it very sparingly.

    I get my 8 glasses+ of water every day but sometimes forget to log that. I drink mostly water but make room for 3 espresso or cofffees per day, plus some occasional red wine or beer.
  • SECOLE22
    SECOLE22 Posts: 15
    My diary is open and I need more friends for support as I am getting back into the swing of things and would love to encourage and support others.
  • DLH45
    DLH45 Posts: 44 Member
    My diary is open to friends. Feel free to add me. I log daily, its not always pretty and I like booze but its all there.
  • jenlucas1981
    jenlucas1981 Posts: 10 Member
    I just sent you a request!! I log everyday except my cheat day on sundays..
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    My diary is open :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Seeking women.

    I could care less if your diary is open.

    Add me.
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    My diary is open. I eat a lot maybe that's why I can't lose weight!