Wonder why you can't lose weight??



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    THATS why I got fat!!
    Case closed...

    lol jeez...
    Yes, some people react negatively to MSG. Same with gluten, dyes, lactose....
    You will ALWAYS find things that contribute (or "cause") weight gain if you google the right phrase!

    I blame it on the formula my mom fed me as a baby.

    That 9 months of my life made me fat 29 years later.........it couldn't have been the massive amounts of food I was eating or all the couch sitting I did. Nope, no way.

    Obesity is a complex disease and we do not know how genetics interacts with food in the earliest stages of life to set off a metabolic cascade that is very resistant to change. I grew up "addicted" to sugar and wheat. In many ways, it is similar to addiction to alcohol. Sometimes radical approaches are both beneficial and necessary to curb it. Just as a recovering alcoholic knows that he should refrain from alcohol for the rest of his life, so I believe that it is a good idea for me to stay away from sugar and wheat. I wish I'd done it years ago. The benefits have been great---and I have been off sugar for about three years (and wheat for about a year). :smile:

    Having many family members who are actually alcoholics and drug addicts, I struggle with people who want to define overeating as an "addiction". That said, you're entitled to whatever dogma you need to "recover" from obesity, I suppose. I'll just stick to moderation and will power.

    I do not believe that being fed formula as a baby set off a "metabolic cascade". I was a normal weight child, ate a mostly healthy diet and was physically active. I was hardly ever sick. My daughter, who is 4, was also fed formula and is now a healthy weight, active child. She is rarely sick. Given a choice, she will pick an apple over a piece of candy. We literally throw away holiday candy because she doesn't even ask for it.

    I got fat because I got lazy and I ate too much food. It's that simple. But, my story is the same as yours - anecdotal. You can say you were addicted to sugar, but it's just a story about yourself that you are telling. Just like me. We're not that special.

    Who ever said bring fed formula set off a metabolic cascade? Some formula fed infants are obese because they are being force-fed. As a former WIC worker in various neighborhoods, I would see mothers preoccupied with getting their infants as heavy as
    possible. Some parents always want the child to finish the bottle so nothing goes to waste. This doesn't happen in breast feeding because infants are remarkable in their ability to know exactly how much nutrition they need. Its when adults interfere with their biases that obesity and other eating disorders may occur.

    There are plenty of healthy weight formula fed infants.

    Now back to MSG...

    And I certainly never said that being fed formula set off a metabolic cascade. I said we don't know how an individual's genetics will interact with the food that is given to him/her. I was breast-fed as an infant but I was also given pablum at an early age--two months, I believe. They did that in those days. And that may well be one of the causes of my condition of being overfat as an infant and young child. Since there is a lot of Type II diabetes in my family, I suspect that I inherited a genetic predisposition to high blood sugar, when given simple carbs to eat. I didn't choose my genetics but I now know how to play the genetic cards that were dealt to me.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    The difference between naturally occurring chemicals and those that are man made/altered or added is astounding.

    My only excuse for being the weight I am is I liked big portions of unhealthy foods but not anymore. :~)

    Better living through natural law, not chemicals.

    Hey, look, I get it; You posted some half-@ssed study and can now see that it really proves nothing whatsoever, feel stupid and embarassed, and want to keep defending it.

    It might be better to just say "Gee, I don't think I really thought this through... interesting points everyone!"

    If you choose not to consume MSG for any reason that is totally your choice and you should be happy with that, but just don't expect that others will follow suit.

    haha.. i don't feel any of those things. MSG is bad for you. Man-added checmials are unhealthy. I dont' care if people want to defend it a fact is a fact. You can eat a lot of very unhealthy things and not get sick or fat if you over compensate in other ways. That doesn't mean you are healthy from a nutrition stand point or will be for the long haul. There are smokers who don't get cancer.. doesn't make smoking healthy (no.. not comparing smoking to MSG.. jsut an example) I defend what I know to be true. Adding chemicals to foods in unhealthy. Whether you want to accept it or not.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    Strong username to post-content ratio.