


  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    It's obvious that some people already are.


    Would you guys stop breathing for a few days to clear the toxins out of your lungs? No? Don't you want to give that very nesscary part of your body the chance to clear out?

    What's that? Don't want to stop breathing because you need to breathe?

    Oh yeah. You kind of need to do the same thing with eating.

    You do not have to stop eating to cleanse. That is fasting.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    no I have not

    And you have no reason to. None.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    It's obvious that some people already are.


    Would you guys stop breathing for a few days to clear the toxins out of your lungs? No? Don't you want to give that very nesscary part of your body the chance to clear out?

    What's that? Don't want to stop breathing because you need to breathe?

    Oh yeah. You kind of need to do the same thing with eating.

    You do not have to stop eating to cleanse. That is fasting.

    True! A cleanse and a fast are two different things. Both do cleans the body, but they aren't one in the same. A fast is just ONE form of cleansing.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I was thinking about doing a cleanse while my husband is away for training...was curious if anyone knew of a good one for a cleanse vigin lol tia

    I'd like you to take a look at this link please, before you make any decisions. I think this is an accurate assessment:
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    It's obvious that some people already are.


    Would you guys stop breathing for a few days to clear the toxins out of your lungs? No? Don't you want to give that very nesscary part of your body the chance to clear out?

    What's that? Don't want to stop breathing because you need to breathe?

    Oh yeah. You kind of need to do the same thing with eating.
    Lungs have a different job than the liver. The liver's job is to clean, when it gets an overload it stores away the excess while it continues to work to cleanse the crap that is being dumped in the body. If it is constantly being given an overload, it can't get to the stored and backed up toxins. If you give the liver a break from it, it can get to the stored toxins and expel them. People who are overweight are the ones who have this "overload" issue the most.

    Yes, the lungs have a different job than the liver. Brilliant analysis! The point is that each organ serves a specific funtion, and will continue to do so unless there is a medical condition preventing it from so doing. It doesn't need your help. Your body is a brilliant thing if you will let it be.


    What kind of medical condition? I mean we are not the healthiest nation. Why are you on here anyway if your body works so well?
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I was thinking about doing a cleanse while my husband is away for training...was curious if anyone knew of a good one for a cleanse vigin lol tia

    I'd like you to take a look at this link please, before you make any decisions. I think this is an accurate assessment:

    I would like you to try a cleanse before you give any advice. It's only fair. The advocates here speak from personal experience. How can you be an expert of something you have not only not fully researched, but not even tried.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    i have never jabbed a fork into my eye socket, but i know that it would be:

    1) painful
    2) pointless with respect to my health

    my objection to detox cleanses is not personal. it's scientific and rational. if you would take the time to learn how your body actually works, you would laugh at the whole concept of a detox cleanse too. it's bogus. it's non-scientific. it's a scam.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    That's fine. I don't particularly understand punishing your body by putting it through several days of weakness, shakiness, headaches, and whatever else extreme hunger pangs produce just to feel "cleansed" from foods I already pooped out days or weeks ago.

    I don't think I'll ever understand that.

    I don't have any of those problems on a cleansing diet. The main thing is to get all your calories and lots of fruits and vegetables, some meat, [I like tuna, salmon, elk, organic chicken (a bit more expensive but worth it)] and seed grains like amaranth, quinoa, or buckwheat. Some of the stuff is expensive but I try to eat cheap stuff like carrots, cabbage, and celery to make up for it.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    Yes, I have. A few, and there was zero discernible improvement in anything. Do you honestly mean to say that people are fat because their liver and kidneys don't function at peak performance? There is nothing civil that I can say to that. I'm leaving now before all remaining sense in the universe is swallowed up by the nonsense in that statement, and in what I fear is going to follow. Best of luck on your journey.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    It's obvious that some people already are.


    Would you guys stop breathing for a few days to clear the toxins out of your lungs? No? Don't you want to give that very nesscary part of your body the chance to clear out?

    What's that? Don't want to stop breathing because you need to breathe?

    Oh yeah. You kind of need to do the same thing with eating.
    Lungs have a different job than the liver. The liver's job is to clean, when it gets an overload it stores away the excess while it continues to work to cleanse the crap that is being dumped in the body. If it is constantly being given an overload, it can't get to the stored and backed up toxins. If you give the liver a break from it, it can get to the stored toxins and expel them. People who are overweight are the ones who have this "overload" issue the most.

    Yes, the lungs have a different job than the liver. Brilliant analysis! The point is that each organ serves a specific funtion, and will continue to do so unless there is a medical condition preventing it from so doing. It doesn't need your help. Your body is a brilliant thing if you will let it be.


    What kind of medical condition? I mean we are not the healthiest nation. Why are you on here anyway if your body works so well?

    One can be overweight with a body that has normally functioning organs. This is a fitness site, this is not myorganpal. There are plenty of people who are here to lose weight, or gain weight, or maintain weight, or just track nutrients. These things are all independent of organ function.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    It's obvious that some people already are.


    Would you guys stop breathing for a few days to clear the toxins out of your lungs? No? Don't you want to give that very nesscary part of your body the chance to clear out?

    What's that? Don't want to stop breathing because you need to breathe?

    Oh yeah. You kind of need to do the same thing with eating.
    Lungs have a different job than the liver. The liver's job is to clean, when it gets an overload it stores away the excess while it continues to work to cleanse the crap that is being dumped in the body. If it is constantly being given an overload, it can't get to the stored and backed up toxins. If you give the liver a break from it, it can get to the stored toxins and expel them. People who are overweight are the ones who have this "overload" issue the most.

    Yes, the lungs have a different job than the liver. Brilliant analysis! The point is that each organ serves a specific funtion, and will continue to do so unless there is a medical condition preventing it from so doing. It doesn't need your help. Your body is a brilliant thing if you will let it be.


    What kind of medical condition? I mean we are not the healthiest nation. Why are you on here anyway if your body works so well?

    One can be overweight with a body that has normally functioning organs.

    If you are overweight, your organs are stressed. Your liver has too much work and your heart is having to work harder than it should. Mind you fat is toxic. The more you have, the more toxic you are. That is more work for the liver than it can handle. That is what "overweight" means. It happened bc you gave it more than it could handle and the organs either were not able to do their job or are not functioning properly.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    Yes, I have. A few, and there was zero discernible improvement in anything. Do you honestly mean to say that people are fat because their liver and kidneys don't function at peak performance? There is nothing civil that I can say to that. I'm leaving now before all remaining sense in the universe is swallowed up by the nonsense in that statement, and in what I fear is going to follow. Best of luck on your journey.

    It is probably a good idea that you leave, because I was going to ask you which cleanses you did and for how long.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    i have never jabbed a fork into my eye socket, but i know that it would be:

    1) painful
    2) pointless with respect to my health

    my objection to detox cleanses is not personal. it's scientific and rational. if you would take the time to learn how your body actually works, you would laugh at the whole concept of a detox cleanse too. it's bogus. it's non-scientific. it's a scam.

    Science has never tested cleanses like this, the medical industry doesn't want it proven. If you listen to all the right people that know it works or try the right cleanses for yourself you will be amazed at how you feel and look. Detoxes can be explained scientifically by the vitamins and minerals they contain and what the liver needs for the phases of detoxification.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place.

    Are you suggesting that all overweight people have impaired liver and kidney function?

    No. Are you trying to make up another argument?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place.

    Are you suggesting that all overweight people have impaired liver and kidney function?

    No. Are you trying to make up another argument?

    Not at all. I'm trying to understand your assertion that "If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site".

    But I think I've covered this adequately in a previous reply.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    i have never jabbed a fork into my eye socket, but i know that it would be:

    1) painful
    2) pointless with respect to my health

    my objection to detox cleanses is not personal. it's scientific and rational. if you would take the time to learn how your body actually works, you would laugh at the whole concept of a detox cleanse too. it's bogus. it's non-scientific. it's a scam.

    Science has never tested cleanses like this, the medical industry doesn't want it proven. If you listen to all the right people that know it works or try the right cleanses for yourself you will be amazed at how you feel and look. Detoxes can be explained scientifically by the vitamins and minerals they contain and what the liver needs for the phases of detoxification.

    double-you-tee-eff is that? :laugh:
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    i have never jabbed a fork into my eye socket, but i know that it would be:

    1) painful
    2) pointless with respect to my health

    my objection to detox cleanses is not personal. it's scientific and rational. if you would take the time to learn how your body actually works, you would laugh at the whole concept of a detox cleanse too. it's bogus. it's non-scientific. it's a scam.

    If you are overweight, your organs are stressed. Your liver has too much work and your heart is having to work harder than it should. Mind you fat is toxic. The more you have, the more toxic you are. That is more work for the liver than it can handle. That is what "overweight" means. It happened bc you gave it more than it could handle and the organs either were not able to do their job bc they were overloaded or aren't at functioning level.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Can you define the word toxic? That has to be what I am missing here. I suspect we have very different meanings.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I don't understand this idea of giving your liver and kidneys a break. Unless you have a medical condition...your organs do what they are supposed to do. Do you also need to give your heart, lungs, and brain a break the same way you do with your liver and kidneys? It doesn't make sense.

    Let's face it. If our livers and kidneys were at peak performance, none of us would be on this site in the first place. Have you tried any form of cleanse ever?

    Yes, I have. A few, and there was zero discernible improvement in anything. Do you honestly mean to say that people are fat because their liver and kidneys don't function at peak performance? There is nothing civil that I can say to that. I'm leaving now before all remaining sense in the universe is swallowed up by the nonsense in that statement, and in what I fear is going to follow. Best of luck on your journey.

    Poor wording on my part.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Ginger tea with the juice of a lemon and fresh mint.

    I'm planning on giving this recipe a try: