8 Cups of water a day... HOW?!



  • Cameronie
    Cameronie Posts: 26 Member
    8 cups? nothin!

    I'd try to drink at least 2 Gallons of water a day when I was training for Free Slurpee Day. (got 50 free slurpees this year)

    there is an adjustment period. but you do get used to it.
    now that I've accomplished my Free Slurpee Day goal, I usually just drink like at least 1 gallon a day.
  • CaseyIsTooFat
    CaseyIsTooFat Posts: 22 Member
    I bought the new bottled water you usually buy at a gas station and fill that up its a liter. i chug it before every meal. one of it equals 4 cups......12 cups a day. If I dont drink that much water my body almost refuses to flush out fat
  • euniceling76
    i used to hate drinking water, find it hard to swallow. i can only drink 3 cups in a day and only pee once for whole day!
    but i know that's disastrous for my health so i tried to find ways.

    I bought a 1-litre bottle with a straw and place it in front of me when I work at the computer. So I can type away while just lower my head to drink with the straw. Yup, lazy method but it work! Seems like it's easy for me to drink absent mindedly and easier to swallow with a straw. You know what... now I can easily drink 2 bottles... that's 8 glasses of 250ml, plus the extra cups before and after work, I exceeded!

    Btw, peeing more often is a good sign! it means waste & toxins are flushed out of your system. =D
    I used to have serious water retention... and i was wondering why... since i drank so little.
    Then I realised it's because i drank too little and my body was holding onto the water.
    So after I drank more, my condition improves much more and I look less puff up. yeah!
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    I used to dislike water... I actually went years w/o drinking an actual cup of water... but I've noticed when I workout I crave it & can drink tons of it & now that I'm used to it I drink it all day long... Some days I've gotten up to 16 cups!
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    I drink 16ounces when I wake up. I drink 16 after breakfast, at lunch, midday, at dinner, and then if I work out I usually consume 32+ ounces. It really helps in weight loss. There are times when I know I am not hungry but in need of hydration. Before my lifestyle changes I mistook my needing water for being hungry. Keep at it and you will reach at least 8 glasses a day.

    Exactly! There are so many times that I feel like I am hungry but my body is really just craving fluid and my brain can't tell the difference. Trust me. If you make yourself drink lots of water a day (and at first you will really have to think about it and make yourself do it...but then it will come natural), you will not want to eat as much food. Plus, it helps flush the extra sodium out of your body!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I never seem to manage 8 cups of water a day, I get about three or four mainly because I drink around meal times. Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice... how people can drink eight glasses of water a day is beyond me. How'd you even fit it in? I have school and would be running out of classes all the time to pee! Am I the only one who finds this difficult??

    I drink half my weight in water each day... They say to drink the water to rid your body of the toxins mostly found in our foods. It was extremely difficult for me at first but if you prioritize it will become habit. The constant need to pee with only be in the first couple weeks of getting use to the water intake. Now I still pee more often than when I did before my addiction to water but no where near as much as I did the first few weeks, it was literally every 20-30 minutes. I have 32oz water bottle with me at all times. I drink 1 with breakfast, then I get another 32 oz with my 10:30am snack, another with lunch then another with my 3:00pm snack. Weekends are tougher for me as I have 3 kids and we are constantly on the run, but Its a funny thing about habits, even my kids will fill my bottle before we head out the door for door. I cut fresh lemons and put it in the water bottle, I use limes sometimes too just to keep it interesting.

    Benefits of the water: I am never hungry, I always feel full and satisfied even though I am eating 1200 calories a day. I had psoriosis on my legs and arms, big white flaky patches that have suddenly disappeared, my skin looks GREAT and people always compliment me on how great my skin looks. I am sleeping through the night for the first time in 12 years (not sure if this compliments of the water or cutting out processed foods from my diet all together and eating whole foods) I use to be a HUGE DIET COKE ADDICT, all I drink now is water, seltzer and beer ;) LOL

    Good luck, like I said it will take some determination at first, but then it will be habit and you literally will crave the water!!!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty. Lucky for me, water is all I drink, except for one or two cups of black coffee in the morning. And wine on weekends. But I love water and it's not hard for me to drink. I think the whole "8-cups-a-day" thing is a public health campaign to get people off the sodas and other sweet drinks, which contributes to the obesity epidemic. If you're getting the majority of your liquids from those, you end up drinking a lot of useless calories and it can lead to kidney problems down the line. Like many other diet trends (low fat, low carb, eggs are bad, eggs are good, gluten is bad, etc.), I think this water thing has been blown out of proportion.

    This is not new. Here's an article from Scientific American in 2009:

    Virtually every health-conscious person can quote the recommendation: Drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Other beverages—coffee, tea, soda, beer, even orange juice—don't count. Watermelon? Not a chance.

    There's no denying that water is good for you, but does everyone really need to drink 64 ounces or more every day? According to Heinz Valtin, a retired professor of physiology from Dartmouth Medical School who specialized in kidney research and spent 45 years studying the biological system that keeps the water in our bodies in balance, the answer is no.

    Valtin says that for people who have specific health concerns, such as kidney stones or a tendency to develop urinary tract infections, drinking lots of water can be beneficial. But after an extensive search in 2002 for the origins of what is commonly referred to as the "8 x 8" guideline and a review of associated health claims, he reports finding no scientific evidence supporting the notionthat healthy individuals need to consume large quantities of water. In 2008 Dan Negoianu and Stanley Goldfarb reviewed the evidence for the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. They came to a similar conclusion: "There is no clear evidence of benefit from drinking increased amounts of water."

    In fact, Valtin found that the 8 x 8 guideline may have originated from a misunderstanding. In 1945 the Food and Nutrition Board, now part of the National Academy of Sciences's Institute of Medicine, suggested that a person consume one milliliter of water (about one fifth of a teaspoon) for each calorie of food. The math is pretty simple: A daily diet of around 1,900 calories would dictate the consumption of 1,900 milliliters of water, an amount remarkably close to 64 ounces. But many dieticians and other people failed to notice a critical point: namely, that much of the daily need for water could be met by the water content found in food.

    The Board revisited the question of water consumption in 2004. Its panel on "dietary preference intakes for electrolytes and water" noted that women who appear adequately hydrated consume about 91 ounces (2.7 liters) of water a day and men about 125 ounces (3.7 liters). These seemingly large quantities come from a variety of sources—including coffee, tea, milk, soda, juice, fruits, vegetables and other foods. Instead of recommending how much extra water a person should drink to maintain health, the panel simply concluded that "the vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide."
    Advocates of the 8 x 8 guideline sometimes claim that thirst is a poor hydration indicator. They assert that many people are so chronically dehydrated they no longer recognize their bodies' signals for water. Barbara Rolls, professor of nutrition sciences at the Pennsylvania State University, disagrees. Her studies, she says, "found no evidence that people are chronically dehydrated." Although some drugs can cause problems with thirst regulation and the elderly may not experience thirst as intensely as younger people, Rolls maintains that most healthy people are adequately hydrated.

    Weight loss is another benefit often touted by proponents of the 8 x 8 guideline. They claim people mistake thirst for hunger, which causes them to eat when they are really just thirsty. They also allege that drinking water suppresses appetite. Given theobesity crisis, every little bit (or drop) helps.

    But Rolls disagrees, arguing that "drinking water and waiting for pounds to melt away does not work. We all wish it were that simple." She explains that "hunger and thirst are controlled by separate systems in the body. People are unlikely to mistake thirst for hunger." Furthermore, she reports that her studies "never found that drinking water with or before a meal affected appetite." Nevertheless, there are some elements of truth in the misperception. Rolls did find that water-rich foods—as opposed to stand-alone water—tended to help people consume fewer calories. And, she says, "there is a way that water can help with weight loss—if you use water as a substitute for a caloric beverage."

    Neither Rolls nor Valtin opposes the idea of including water in a healthy diet. They both note that the body needs water to function properly and that dehydration hurts the body. They do object, however, to the notion that a universally true guideline governs ideal water consumption. "Water requirements depend so much on outside temperature, activity levels and other factors that there isn't one rule that fits everybody," Rolls says. And Valtin cautions that in some situations drinking too much water can actually be dangerous, even fatal.

    So how much water should you drink? Here's their advice: If you have specific medical concerns, talk to your doctor. But if you are healthy, Rolls recommends that you "have a beverage with meals and drink when you are thirsty." In other words, heed your thirst signals, enjoy that watermelon, and stop feeling guilty for not guzzling those extra glasses.

  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I drink 16-20 cups per day. That's all I drink. Its really not that hard.