15 year age difference in dating.



  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    It depends on whether she is a gilf or a milf...gilf a are considerably more impressive but you'll never beat a milf
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My wife is 14 months older than I am. It has certainly caused complications because of things she's lived through that I haven't, and we don't always see eye to eye because of it. But the important thing is that we're zodiologically compatible and that transcends age. You can be any distance in years apart as long as you don't try to stick your Taurus in a Virgo.

    With love,

    I had the same problem in my marriage. He was 26 days older than me, and we just couldn't seem to get on the same page. Plus, we were both Tauruses with is a HUGE zodialogical error. We were doomed from the beginning. Divorce was inevitable.
  • crawford4398
    crawford4398 Posts: 441 Member
    I have heard the rule for creepiness cut-off is half your age plus 7...

    Not sure that would work. I am 35, so by the math it says a 24.5 year old would be ok. Haven't met that many mature 24 year old women!! I am sure they are out there, but few and far between. Not enough to call that "rule" ok in most cases!

    To the OP: you said yourself that you had a great time together and the dating schedule is perfect for you both. What's the problem? It's not like you are committing to marriage or anything yet. Just take it easy and see how it goes.

    Completely Agree with this!!
    I have dated one fellow in this sense and while there were differences in ideas and thoughts regarding the future, other areas were "Untouchable" Amazing. All that being said it was never meant for long term in my situation.

    I honestly prefer older men for meaningful relationships, all the way around!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    some people have to call ashleymadison or cougarlife to get a women like that. you are getting her for free! proceed! and enjoy!
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    Age is just a number. What is the worse that can happen? It doesn't work out? Go for it. Don't let opportunities pass you by.

    I agree with this. What's the harm in just seeing where it takes you? Who cares about the age difference?
  • Tinkerbutton
    I was out and about 2 weekends ago and met a girl at a local bar. I knew when I approached her, that she was considerably older. She was very attractive, so I really didn't care too much. I introduced myself and worked my way into her group of friends. We ended up talking most of the night and exchanged numbers and had a nice kiss as we left the bar and went our separate ways.

    Last weekend we met up for dinner and had a fantastic time. She was funny, flirty, and great to talk to. She sent me a friend request on FB and found out that she's turning 46 in two weeks (I'm 30). I knew there was a big age difference, but it doesn't affect me as much as I think it should.

    She's basically my ideal woman. She's very high maintenance looks (stylish, tanned, in shape, big boobs, etc), but is looking for a very low maintenance relationship. She's very straightforward with me and says she wants something committed, but pretty much a "weekend relationship". We're both very busy professionals and have hectic work/workout/gym routines, so this totally works for me.

    I know I could go out and meet a 25 year old and have a traditional type of relationship. But, this traditional dating thing does appeal to me that much at this stage in my life. I have zero interest in anything very serious (marriage, kids) in my life at this point, so I think this arrangement works for me.

    What kind of experience (good or bad) does everyone have in dating someone considerably older? I'd be interested in hearing other guys experience with this type of situation.

    Dude run with it. She's upfront with you about what she wants and you guys are comfortable. I'm in my mid 30's and have dated as young as 25.

    Everyones experience is different.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    im 25 and my oh is 44 and were happy thats 19yrs gap try it you may like it x
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    When I was 16, I was always more interested in men in their 30's, at 16 years old it is certainly a taboo subject! However I turned 18 and fell in love with a 29 year old man. We discussed all the time how funny the age gap was, how people react when they find out about it, how awkward it is telling your family. But more importantly we realised that most of our issues lay on what people thought about us, not what we thought of each other!
    My older boyfriend taught me a lot and I in turn also taught him a lot.
    Both our families got over it and we turn our noses up at the people who turn theirs up at us.
    7 years later we are still together and planning our wedding :-)
    My two brothers also cottoned on and are now in long term relationships with women 14yrs their junior! I joke that men are mentally immature and women are always 10 yrs older than their D.O.B. so it evens out ;-)
    When me & my OH hear people gossiping and saying "oh my god she's 5 years older" etc etc, we both agree it actually shows off that persons immaturity!
    I say go for it xx
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Dude she wants to see you EVERY weekend.

    Sleep with her and lose her number.

    WAY too much commitment right there bud. You can do better.

  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    All I have got to say is.......

    She is going to ROCK your world........ :wink:

    Us old ladies can be very .....ummm..... open minded...
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Dude she wants to see you EVERY weekend.

    Sleep with her and lose her number.

    WAY too much commitment right there bud. You can do better.


    you are a real peach...... so typical....

    Maybe she wants to ROCK his world each weekend..... and then not have to see him week days....

    Does she sound "clingy" now, like you were implying ?
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Dude she wants to see you EVERY weekend.

    Sleep with her and lose her number.

    WAY too much commitment right there bud. You can do better.


    you are a real peach...... so typical....

    Maybe she wants to ROCK his world each weekend..... and then not have to see him week days....

    Does she sound "clingy" now, like you were implying ?

    I think they were being sarcastic. At least that's how I read it.
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    Age is just a number. What is the worse that can happen? It doesn't work out? Go for it. Don't let opportunities pass you by.

    ^^^ This!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Mrs. Robinson. lol jk. I mean...if this is what you want? I don't think the age difference is a big deal. I don't have a good vibe from her though. I am just going to be honest with you. But, if you want to pursue her then it is your choice ultimately.

    You've met her?!
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    When I was in my early 20's I dated somebody in their late 40's.... Went really well and I loved it! Only reason we split is because he wanted more serious but I was too young to get that serious and settle down. I still enjoyed having too much fun

  • SlimSharonSlim
    SlimSharonSlim Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, Don't even go there (it's wrong on so many levels) a couple of year's either way should be enough :) I mean a 16yr old with a 31yr old (see what I did there - could of said 15 & 30) or a 50 yr old with a 65 yr old YAK !!! - just my opinion folks - don't reply to me ok lol
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I think it's fine if thats what you want. But, you have to think if you want kids in the future. Obviously you will not be able to have kids with her in the future.....but like you said it isn't anything serious. So, on that note, Have Fun! Go with the flow.
  • hopeuconsiderit
    8 years ago, I was attracted to a woman at work 16 years younger, but felt that was way too creepy, even though lots of people thought we seemed perfect for each other. On Thursday, we celebrate our 4th anniversary. You never know.
  • nhsoprano
    nhsoprano Posts: 129
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    There are 11 years between my husband and me. We have never really thought a lot about it and have been married for 21 years.