

  • markdavy1982
    markdavy1982 Posts: 109 Member
    protein makes you bigger was a response when i suggested to a guy eating salad sandwiches as he's on a diet!!!!!!

    Wanted to choke him with the pickle.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    I actually had a friend say this...the lack of daylight and cold in this state is making me fat! Really it has nothing to do with the cookies, cake, take out or chips you are constantly shoving in your face. Hmmmm I will really need to rethink my own weight loss then because I live in same said state! Oh and Im losing!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    One of my co-workers is thinking about joining the gym I belong to. We were just emailing each other about going to workout tonight. Here is our honest-to-God conversation

    Me: Are you going tonight?
    Her: It’s like I have no motivation; I know I should but I don’t wanna…
    Me: I hope you find your motivation. Remember “We cannot become who we want to be by remaining who we are.” Don’t know who said that, I just like the quote.
    Her: So I guess you are going?
    Me: Yes, I feel like I wimped out yesterday (b/c I didn't go), and I don’t like that feeling.
    Her: Ok…I will go too if it’s not crowded. If it’s crowded I’m just going to go home.[b/]
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    I don't have time... That's crap. Make time.
  • Doenut2013
    I was reading a comment written by a woman who is morbidly obese but she said she intended to stay that way because she tried dieting once and was so "malnourished" that she won't put herself through that again!

    Even 1,200 calories is a lot of food if you choose the right things!
  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    "Its genetics"

    No, its really not. My entire family is overweight/unhealthy, and I am an athlete. It's not genetics, its sh***y lifestyle choices.

    Oh, and "I hate eating vegetables/I'm a super picky eater"

    Really? I hate paying my bills, yet I still do it, because I am an adult, not a 5 year old

  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    OP HERE!!!

    I requoted what i wrote on page 5 in response to those with knee issues and squatting....

    again, my apologies for the generalization.

    aaaand then i aplogize for calling you ignorant. :flowerforyou:

    i've seen other posts from people claiming to be some sort of knee/squat specialist. i'd just like to say that there are many different kinds of knee issues. and some are not simply corrected by using proper form and/or strengthening your leg muscles.

    i'm no expert. this person just has every excuse for any move... they ask what I do and this is what happens:

    person: "you're doing good. I wish i could get those results but it's not in the cards for me"
    me: "What do you mean? There's got to be something you can do. What about running?"
    Person: "no, i hate to run."
    me: "how about strength training? free weights?"
    person: "no, i don't want to bulk up. women with muscles and abs are disgusting."
    me" you won't bulk, I promise that. and they aren't disgusting. just dedicated."
    person: "well, i just want to raise my butt up and lose this spare tire."
    me" well, try squats for the butt. and cardio for the fat. i highly recommend strength training too. what about looking into classes, or even a pt for more direction?"
    person: " i don't work out in front of people, personal trainers are too expensive, and again, i don't want to bulk by using weights."

    it went on and on.... i eventually had to walk away. I understand that these reasons are very legitimate to some people. but i find it odd that every excuse applied to them. every single one.

    If you want it to happen, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. :ohwell:

    toooootally hear ya. you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themself.
  • fstfrd00
    fstfrd00 Posts: 33 Member
    I'll start tomorrow
  • kakirkpa
    kakirkpa Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    Etc Etc

    You sound like me about the time thing, except I have 2x2 yr olds who need their mommy too. I feel for you. My gym also opens at at 7 etcetc and then I feel like crap for the rest of the day...

    When someone tells you you should just "get up earlier" you can pull out the research on the long-term effects of sleep deprivation on metabolism and weight:

    If I had a lifestyle like yours I'd be prioritizing getting decent sleep and then trying to fit moderate activity in around daily tasks, rather than trying to get formal gym time in. If you're dropping below 7 hours of sleep in order to get to the gym, you're undoing a lot of what you might accomplish at the gym. Also, chronic sleep deprivation actually makes your workouts less effective in a whole bunch of ways.

    I <3 You.
  • assblaster69
    assblaster69 Posts: 47 Member
    I don't know if this fits the topic, but i dont really get what toning means. "i want to get toned", is it same as gaining muscle basically?
  • Sandreeuhh
    One of my co-workers is thinking about joining the gym I belong to. We were just emailing each other about going to workout tonight. Here is our honest-to-God conversation

    Me: Are you going tonight?
    Her: It’s like I have no motivation; I know I should but I don’t wanna…
    Me: I hope you find your motivation. Remember “We cannot become who we want to be by remaining who we are.” Don’t know who said that, I just like the quote.
    Her: So I guess you are going?
    Me: Yes, I feel like I wimped out yesterday (b/c I didn't go), and I don’t like that feeling.
    Her: Ok…I will go too if it’s not crowded. If it’s crowded I’m just going to go home.[b/]

    Not gonna lie... I absolutely hate a crowded gym.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    I don't have time... That's crap. Make time.

    precisely. even if it's doing some lunges, situps, pushups and jumping jacks in the middle of your bedroom before you get a morning shower... 25 of each, 100 quick little reps. then do them again before bed at night. that takes a whopping 20 minutes out of your day total.

    even in this thread, i am seeing reason (*cough*excuse*cough*) after reason why people are busy.

    I GET IT. People have kids, appointments, sports, work, more appointments, more work, living single, etc etc. those are all huge factors.

    BUT.... lets look at it another way. Lets say, you had some medical condition, where 4-5 days a week, you had to go see a doctor to get an injection of some sort. Lets say for allergies ((I'm fully aware people have their own allergy shots to take at home... this is HYPOTHETICAL)).... and without said injection, they couldn't live.
    sitting in a doctors office, the docs are almost never on time... so on a good day, lets say you're in and out in 30 minutes. you would HAVE to make time for those 30 minutes to sit at the doctors office... for your health.

    my point is.... perhaps consider your exercise time, even just 30 minutes 4-5 times a week.... something you HAVE to do. Some way, some how, you'd figure it out, right???

    there's always a way.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I love banannas and I eat one maybe 2 a day I could easily eat 3 or 4 but limit myself. Do you know how many times ive heard people (normally overweight ppl) tell me banannas will make me fat.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I drives me mental (more than usual) when people go on about this fad diet or that promoted book and gripe about gaining weight when they have not changed their eating or exercise habits.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member

    [2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.

    My ortho doc actually told me this, it turns out squats are only bad for your knees if you do not do them correctly. Once I started paying attention to my form, no more problems.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I don't know if this fits the topic, but i dont really get what toning means. "i want to get toned", is it same as gaining muscle basically?

    Gaining muscle does not imply getting toned. When someone tells me they what to tone, I am assuming they mean they want more definition which to me means lowering there body fat. You can get tons of muscle but still have a bunch of body fat. Sumo wrestlers come to my mind those guys are strong but there BF percentage is up there.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    While I too share your exasperation with people who opt to not be fit and then complain about it. Please be careful how you throw around comments about pain. I do not do squats or lunges because I've had reconstructive surgery on my knee 4 times and the pain is excruciating. I work on exercises to continue to gain muscle strength, but your comment was hurtful. In this community I think we all need to try to stay a little more judgement free.

    I do squats and lunges but there are genetic issues that people can have with their knees that cause them to dislocate easily.

    I have it,my nephew ( a Doctor and triathlete) have it and my seven year daughter has it.Doubt the excrutiating pain it can cause her is from not doing enough squats.
  • kakirkpa
    kakirkpa Posts: 9 Member
    Worst excuse I've ever heard was "I am a mother". News flash having children should be a reason to be fit, not an excuse to be unhealthy! This person proceeded to tell me once I was a mother I would understand and it will be all down hill from there. Come on.

    I agree. People tell me when I have kids, I won't work our so much because I won't have time. I see kids at my CrossFit gym all the time. They sit and do their homework, play video games or, watch their parents live the example of a healthy life. When I have kids, the same will happen. I need to be here for them for as long as I can, which mean I need to be as healthy as I can possibly be.

    Im making a frowning face. I cut back gym time when I became a mom. Dumping your kids in the play area for excessive amounts of time isnt being a mother. Note that I say excessive. "To be as healthy as I can possibly be" meaning tons of gym time isnt a reality of mothering. It involves spending time with your kids as well. I do work out, but I dont work out to my max potential. I dont want to be an absent mom. My kids dont do homework, and the last thing they need is to learn to sit in front of a tv. You make do with other activities, like chasing them around the playground or throwing them in the air.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    the one that I struggle with as a runner is (and I'm in no way passing judgement here) "I can't run". No excuse, no explanation, just saying "I can't run". I probably said the same thing 16 years ago when I started running and made it about 5 houses down the road. I increased block by block and now I'm running races.

    I was in a run last weekend that specifically for raising money for disabled persons and athletics. There was people in wheelchairs, people with walkers, people who were even completely blind that ran with a guide (no dogs). it was very humbling for me and made me realize how fortuante I am I still have 2 healthy legs to run on and eyesight to see where I'm going.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    I haven't always been obese. I spent the first 40 years of my struggling because I was Under-Weight. I wasn't a gym rat but I was athletic and heathy. I put on a few "happiness pounds" in my early forties and then surgical menopause trashed my body in 18 mos.

    I am 60 pounds overweight despite eating at or slightly below my target calorie goal for months (I have not neither gained nor lost more than 5 pounds in the last 2 years). I am not a junk-food junkie --- most of my meals are homecooked from fresh ingredients. I choose to drink water at meals so that my calories are saved for nutrition. My major indulgence is a large diet soda with breakfast. I choose to eat healthy whether I'm at home or traveling for work. I'm not a big veggie eater but I try to hide veggies in my food as often as I can.

    As for's a two-edged sword......I would feel better if I exercized more AND I would exercize more if I could feel better.

    I wake at 5:30am every morning to get ready for work --- 30 minute commute and at work at 7:00am. I put in a full day (unfortunately mostly at a desk), eating soup or healthy leftovers for lunch. I am out of the office between 4:00pm and 5:00pm and drive to the grocery store to plan dinner for my family. Dinner is usually on the table around 6:30pm and I sit with my family and we eat for about 45min. (I have teenagers.....they need the time). After dinner, I clear the table, clean up the cooking mess, and then it's off to bed.
    I am so exhausted by normal activity that I go to bed by 8:00pm. There is no "watching tv, playing on the internet, or talking on the phone." Weekends are a repeat of the above except when I'm not at a school function or volunteer activity, I'm trying to clean my house. Carrying all this extra weight has made the normal activities of life miserable and overwhelming.

    I have tried going to the gym at 5:30am (when the gym opens) ---- I feel like crap the rest of the day and my boss complains.
    I have tried going to the gym at 5:30pm (right after work) --- we end up eating dinner out and my husband complains.
    I don't have a "lunch hour" in which I can go workout --- I eat at my desk and they don't care if I complain.

    Fourteen months ago I did the gym 5 days a week (including two zumba classes); an unexplained change in health status took that away from me ---- I can barely do 30 minutes of light walking on the treadmill now. I've been to the doctors who just say, "you're fine, you just need to eat less and move more". I don't want a diet pill. I don't want surgery. I don't expect a quick fix. What I'm trying to find is a way to get things moving in the right direction so that I can lose enough weight that I can work out alittle and lose more weight so I can work out a little more ad infinitum. This isn't a joke or a vanity thing for me --- I spent Halloween week in the hospital with angina and shortness of breath. They can't find anything wrong with me except that I weigh 200 f'ing pounds.

    So I take the old tact that "It's not just what you're eating, it's what's eating you" and log into the message boards to see what experience, strength, and hope I can find to help me move forward just a baby step today.

    And what do I find --- hostility and judgementalism. This is supposed to be a community where we pull together and pull for each other. Would it kill one person out there to talk about how they overcame their own excuses and barriers? That's what is really going to help other people.

    I'm still trying to figure out why teenagers require 45 minutes to eat dinner. Otherwise, plan your weekly meal plan on Sunday afternoon while you are waiting for the weeks worth of laundry to dry, make a list, give it to the teenagers, let them do the shopping. Heck, let them cook dinner while they're at it. Now you have time to exercise. Added bonus, your kids will know how to shop for themselves, cook and clean up after themselves when they finally leave the nest.

    Also what's with the husband complaining, why can't he cook dinner?

    I don't understand why you're doing everything, shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning.

    In my house we all do things, my kids are still young but still help out, they need to learn responsibilities and how to be independent.

    We all get tired, sometimes I feel my eyes closing when I'm sat on the sofa, but I still make myself do a workout and I feel so much better for it.

    I completely agree. Why can't your husband or kids cook? Get them involved.I have when people say they don't have time- you have time you aren't using time correctly.