
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    On a lighter note, I am going to lose my damn mind about the muscle vs fat thing. It seems PERFECTLY clear to me whenever anyone says "muscle weighs more than fat" that they are talking about volume. Unless you are intentionally reading it wrong, it's obvious when someone says this they mean that muscle is denser, so a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. I SERIOUSLY do not understand why people insist on assuming that people making that statement are ACTUALLY SAYING that if you put a pound of muscle and a pound of fat on a scale you'd get different readings when that has NEVER been the case anywhere in the history of weight loss forums, as far as I can tell.


    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I kept thinking this but was too lazy to write it. Whenever someone says "muscle weighs more than fat" I simply assume a parenthetical "for the same volume" instead of assuming that they don't know that 1=1.

    Believe it or not I had to explain this too someone- actually a group of women last week at work. They didn't understand. When they finally got it- the light bulb went off....they at least started laughing.
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    I exercise - alone and in a class - and believe me when I tell you there are LOTS of exercises I flat out cannot due because of my stupid knees! I usually jog or walk in place while they are counting those out so I can keep moving - but believe me doing those squats will do a lot more damage than good for me in my situation. It isn't an excuse - it is a reality. Don't judge.
    As for most of the other reasons people give for not exercising overall - everyone is right - there is always time and there is always a way. I started out with chair exercises until I could work up to my current routine.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    Excuse: I can't go to the gym because people at the gym are mean and judgy! They will say mean things to me and look at me and stuff.

    Ok...*rolls eyes* Have been to many gyms and although I am less of a Fatty McFatperson today, I'm still a great big fat girl, and I have never once had anybody say anything to me. I'd complain if it happened. Grow some and stand up for yourselves.

    And I am a special snowflake with a serious congenital deformity but geez people, find a way to work around it. Ask questions, get other advice, find something that works for you and accept that you are just the one snowflake, so all the advice you see for the other snowflakes doesn't apply. Don't use the excuse that not being able to do SOMETHING means you can't do ANYTHING. I hate hearing how mean and judgemental people are because they give advice you don't like. It's worth what you paid for it.

    The myths that set me off are all about food, specifically beliefs that certain foods/food types/food additives are making you fat. Um, no? Stuffing food in your mouth is making you fat. Do less of that, or chose foods that allow you to stuff the same amount in without the same amount of calories. Whether those calories are GMO or wheat or sugar or aspartame ridden (or not) or anything else makes no difference. If it makes a difference to YOU, you're a special snowflake. See above.

    The time excuse gets me, too. I work full time, I'm a mature aged law student, have six pets that need my attention, a 17 year old that needs my attention, and my husband is gone for work for weeks at a time. I'm up at 5am doing what I gotta do. If you can't find a half an hour four or five times a week, then you are indeed a special snowflake, see above..
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    The best exercises that you can do to pull your shoulders back are horizontal pulling exercises, where you try to pinch your shoulder blades together under load. Dumbbell rows, inverted rows, bent over barbell rows, etc... Wall slides are a common exercise for that, but their impact is a drop in the bucket compared to horizontal pulling. Start horizontal pulling and you'll see a ton of rapid progress in your ability to do wall slides.

    Pushups plus is the de facto winged scapula fix, here is a great link about doing them:

    Stretching your chest muscles with a doorway is a good way to loosen them if you don't have a roller.

    Thanks for the link, once I get my kid in bed I'll take a look.

    I do the shoulder pinch thing (but not with weight, I wouldn't know how to add weight into that), I also have a resistance band (red) that I use to pull out with my arms straight out in front of me per a physical therapist's recommendation. I do rows with the seated weight machine (the one where you face the weights and pull the handles back all giggity giggity-like if you know what I mean) I make sure to pull back as far as I can, and try to hold while pinching my shoulder blades when it's back, I can only do about 60 pounds on that one though, any more and I can't get through my reps without compromising my form and engaging other muscles to assist. I also do the knee and hand on bench with barbell (10lb) in hand off the edge of the bench pulling up thing. The only row I know is with the rowing machine (the real one) and also the pull/rowing weight machine. Unfortunately, the gym I go to doesn't have a real rowing machine, they have about every piece of weight lifting equipment imaginable though, I just need to learn to use it all.
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    Ok the thing that drives me nuts..."Well who wants to live to be 90, and be in a nursing home? I would rather eat what I want, do what I want, and die young!" IT'S NOT ABOUT YOUR 90 YEAR OLD SELF. IT'S ABOUT YOU, TODAY! DON'T YOU WANT TO FEEL BETTER, LOOK BETTER, LOVE LIFE, TODAY?!?! I sure do!!!!!

    And if you live a healthy lifestyle, 90 will see you chilling on a beach somewhere, still enjoying and and maybe chasing your grand-kids around.

    It's not about you at all! Lose for yourself but think about those around you. The people who will be taking care of the 90 yr old you or the 60 year old you who wasn't healthy! My dad died in November at 72. Before he died, we spent years battling knee problems. (He didn't squat, I suppose! :happy: ) Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney failure. My mom, also a diabetic and with COPD, struggled to keep him home. My sisters and I did all we could but have families too. It was much harder than it had to be if he had been healthier! That is what restarted me on this journey and 1 of my sisters as well. I don't want to do that to my kids. And I sure as hell don't want THEM picking my nursing home!! :wink: Instead, I am choosing to get healthy and be that spry 90 year old lady who can get away with saying ANYTHING!! :tongue: Added benefit - much better role model for my children to follow.

    Well this is all true too. My bro-in-law kept saying he didn't want to live to be 90 etc. etc. and we kept telling him Think of your kids and grandkids! They want to have you around! (VERY loving and close-knit family) Well guess what. He's gone, had a heart attack while driving and slammed into a concrete truck. A year later and the whole family is still grieving. Greg is you had ONLY taken better care of yourself you would still be here with us!!!!
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Not exactly myths but the guys and gals who try so hard to go against the extremism/myths in the fitness industry (6-8 meals a day, "clean eating") that they end up becoming extremists themselves (the other extreme, 1 meal a day of just brownies and poptarts because calories in < calories out). Hope that made sense.

    Edit: Also people misinterpreting "NOT AS IMPORTANT AS" with "NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL" (ex. meal timing).
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    99.99% of the crap floating around this website and being touted as fact. And anything that comes out of the mouth of dr. oz.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    the money one i get, and yet... i still oppose it.

    Yes a gym membership is expensive.

    Yes healthy food costs more versus quick crap food.

    But... fast food lasts you one "meal"... you can cook a weeks worth of meals, and at the end of the week, it'll probably be less than what you spend if you eat out every lunch and every other dinner. Not to mention, your body will be thanking you!!

    it's an investment in your health. I'd rather spend the extra money on good groceries, than spend the money on medical bills for my diabetus, high cholesterol pills, heart medication, etc... somewhere down the road.

    So far, my $45/mo gym membership has helped me eliminate the need for about $80/mo of prescription drugs.


    that's fantastic!!!
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    When people eat processed sugary junk and their excuse is "I need the sugar", ipjewfdalojwlfjlwjhlwdclwdjciq NO.

    Sugar is not junk. There's your first mistake.

    note that they said "processed" sugar...
  • nm8962
    nm8962 Posts: 43 Member
    You gotta die of something? Dang, that's my answer to anyone who is asking, " Are you suppose to be eating that?" Guess I gotta come up with a new response. LOL
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Myth: You are not a individual (special snowflake) with different medical requirements.

    I believe you are. If your not a special snowflake how do you explain that God made you special or that your finger prints are different than everyone else in the world? The base formula is the same across the board (food Vs.Activity Vs. Sleep).

    Yep, when people say I'm not a special snowflake I say, yes YES I am, because my body does not work the same way yours does no matter what is SUPPOSED to happen. If our bodies were all working the same we'd all be fat or we'd all be skinny or we'd all have cancer, or no one would have cancer.

    What?!?? :huh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    I really hope your are just joking. If you are being serious then I have to tell you that this is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard. Weight is a function of density. Would you say that gold weighs more than feathers? 1 pound of gold = 1 pound of feathers correct? So why then do we say that gold weighs more than feathers? For the same reason that muscle weighs more than fat. It takes less fat to equal 1 pound then it does fat just like it takes less gold to get to one pound then it does feathers. By your logic everything weighs the same because 1 pound of X will weigh the same as 1 pound of Y.
    ETA: Um....a pound = a pound. The amount it takes to make the pound is irrelevant

    Not when you're talking body image. If a lb of Fat took up 20 sq inches and a lb of muscle took up 8 sq inches. What would you rather have on your body?

    I was responding to "By your logic everything weighs the same because 1 pound of X will weigh the same as 1 pound of Y."

    A pound weighs a pound. 500 pounds weighs 500 pounds.

    The amount of space they take up is density, not weight.

    Using your skewed logic, every person of the same size would weigh the same because a 1 lb - 1lb.

    And yet they don't. *boom* Mind blown.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Fitness myth:

    You can't possibly reach your fitness goals unless you do squats!
  • JerseyGirlinTN
    JerseyGirlinTN Posts: 144 Member
    Running is horrible for you! It destroys your knees and ankles!

    Really?! Because sitting your butt, not moving at all, is SOOOO much healthier!!!

    :rolls eyes:
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    Pretty much any excuses, but especially "I don't have time." No, you don't make time. And that's fine if you have other priorities, but dag, own your choice.

    Yes yes yes well said!
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    It must be water weight, or you probably gained muscle, if someone has put on a pound or two in a week ... Just because you eat under calories, if you eat 6 helpings of chicken nuggest, its not gonna do you a damn bit of good ... and walking on the elptical 3 times a week for 10 minutes is not going to make you gain muscle, im sorry sometimes you just need to give yourself and internal check and realize, I didnt watch my diet, i ate like crap and now i have to pay for it.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    My mother and my aunt have both told me that it is impossible for women in "this family" to lose weight and that I could try for years and never lose my pregnancy weight. :huh:

    I turned and proved them wrong. Pre-pregnancy weight was 196lbs (a fact I am not proud of), had my son Dec 2011 with a postpartum weight of 260lbs and by July 2012 I was 196lbs. I've gain a little back since then (about 20lbs), but I plan to get that off too and get back down to the weight I looked the best. :laugh: I will not let their excuses crush my spirit.
  • dlveck
    dlveck Posts: 51 Member

    And the other excuse that really bothers me is "I just don't like water so I can't drink it."

    Admittedly, I used this excuse for years. If I want to drink something, I want it to taste like something. So, I drank Pepsi instead....and ZERO water. In the 6 months I've been on MFP, I've had maybe 5 Pepsi's and I drink water now everyday. Granted, I use the MIO stuff to make it taste like something but's better than Pepsi!
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    The thing that annoys me the most comes from my partner. "I don't have time, it's all nice for you, but I have to work 10 hour shifts. I don't have the time to count calories and exercise." I'm like REALLY?! How do you think every other person on the planet works out and loses weight? *facepalm* She can be so infuriating at times.