

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    I haven't always been obese. I spent the first 40 years of my struggling because I was Under-Weight. I wasn't a gym rat but I was athletic and heathy. I put on a few "happiness pounds" in my early forties and then surgical menopause trashed my body in 18 mos.

    I am 60 pounds overweight despite eating at or slightly below my target calorie goal for months (I have not neither gained nor lost more than 5 pounds in the last 2 years). I am not a junk-food junkie --- most of my meals are homecooked from fresh ingredients. I choose to drink water at meals so that my calories are saved for nutrition. My major indulgence is a large diet soda with breakfast. I choose to eat healthy whether I'm at home or traveling for work. I'm not a big veggie eater but I try to hide veggies in my food as often as I can.

    As for's a two-edged sword......I would feel better if I exercized more AND I would exercize more if I could feel better.

    I wake at 5:30am every morning to get ready for work --- 30 minute commute and at work at 7:00am. I put in a full day (unfortunately mostly at a desk), eating soup or healthy leftovers for lunch. I am out of the office between 4:00pm and 5:00pm and drive to the grocery store to plan dinner for my family. Dinner is usually on the table around 6:30pm and I sit with my family and we eat for about 45min. (I have teenagers.....they need the time). After dinner, I clear the table, clean up the cooking mess, and then it's off to bed.
    I am so exhausted by normal activity that I go to bed by 8:00pm. There is no "watching tv, playing on the internet, or talking on the phone." Weekends are a repeat of the above except when I'm not at a school function or volunteer activity, I'm trying to clean my house. Carrying all this extra weight has made the normal activities of life miserable and overwhelming.

    I have tried going to the gym at 5:30am (when the gym opens) ---- I feel like crap the rest of the day and my boss complains.
    I have tried going to the gym at 5:30pm (right after work) --- we end up eating dinner out and my husband complains.
    I don't have a "lunch hour" in which I can go workout --- I eat at my desk and they don't care if I complain.

    Fourteen months ago I did the gym 5 days a week (including two zumba classes); an unexplained change in health status took that away from me ---- I can barely do 30 minutes of light walking on the treadmill now. I've been to the doctors who just say, "you're fine, you just need to eat less and move more". I don't want a diet pill. I don't want surgery. I don't expect a quick fix. What I'm trying to find is a way to get things moving in the right direction so that I can lose enough weight that I can work out alittle and lose more weight so I can work out a little more ad infinitum. This isn't a joke or a vanity thing for me --- I spent Halloween week in the hospital with angina and shortness of breath. They can't find anything wrong with me except that I weigh 200 f'ing pounds.

    So I take the old tact that "It's not just what you're eating, it's what's eating you" and log into the message boards to see what experience, strength, and hope I can find to help me move forward just a baby step today.

    And what do I find --- hostility and judgementalism. This is supposed to be a community where we pull together and pull for each other. Would it kill one person out there to talk about how they overcame their own excuses and barriers? That's what is really going to help other people.

    I'm still trying to figure out why teenagers require 45 minutes to eat dinner. Otherwise, plan your weekly meal plan on Sunday afternoon while you are waiting for the weeks worth of laundry to dry, make a list, give it to the teenagers, let them do the shopping. Heck, let them cook dinner while they're at it. Now you have time to exercise. Added bonus, your kids will know how to shop for themselves, cook and clean up after themselves when they finally leave the nest.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    Etc Etc

    You sound like me about the time thing, except I have 2x2 yr olds who need their mommy too. I feel for you. My gym also opens at at 7 etcetc and then I feel like crap for the rest of the day...

    When someone tells you you should just "get up earlier" you can pull out the research on the long-term effects of sleep deprivation on metabolism and weight:

    If I had a lifestyle like yours I'd be prioritizing getting decent sleep and then trying to fit moderate activity in around daily tasks, rather than trying to get formal gym time in. If you're dropping below 7 hours of sleep in order to get to the gym, you're undoing a lot of what you might accomplish at the gym. Also, chronic sleep deprivation actually makes your workouts less effective in a whole bunch of ways.
  • Bexamous
    Bexamous Posts: 6 Member
    "Just eat 1200 calories a day and exercise". No. I followed that advice and ended up fainting and breaking my wrist. Terrible advice unless you're a 6 year old girl.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have problems with my shoulders because I carry too much boob. Blunt, but that's the fact. I've been evaluated by several physical therapists and I suspect that my shoulder problems are linked to my back problems. I've been told several times now, by several physical therapists, that my back muscles are weaker than the muscles on my chest (because of my heavy chest), so the chest muscles are essentially pulling my shoulders forward. The last PT evaluated my right shoulder blade for popping I was having, actually jumped back when it popped out, told me some medical term for it, and said that the muscle that is supposed to hold my shoulder blade down isn't doing its job because it is too weak. She also went on to say that she'd seen it before, "but never to this degree, I can actually get two fingers under your shoulder blade". I've been told the popping is bone moving against cartilage. I've been working for months to strengthen my back muscles, virtually ignoring my chest muscles because I need my back to be stronger than my chest or I'm going to get a hunch. My shoulders come forward sort of like a spoon, but my right shoulder is a full inch more forward than my left one. Months of upper back exercises haven't really given me any visible results, but I keep at it and correct my posture all throughout the day when I feel myself slouching and I do the "shoulder blade pinch" thing the physical therapists have all taught me to do on and off all day long. I don't, however, use the foam roll along my spine to let my arms hang out (I guess to "open" my chest muscles) because I don't have access to one of those right now.

    The best exercises that you can do to pull your shoulders back are horizontal pulling exercises, where you try to pinch your shoulder blades together under load. Dumbbell rows, inverted rows, bent over barbell rows, etc... Wall slides are a common exercise for that, but their impact is a drop in the bucket compared to horizontal pulling. Start horizontal pulling and you'll see a ton of rapid progress in your ability to do wall slides.

    Pushups plus is the de facto winged scapula fix, here is a great link about doing them:

    Stretching your chest muscles with a doorway is a good way to loosen them if you don't have a roller.
  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    "Why are you taking protein powder? That's going to make you gain weight."

    "Wahhhhh I gained 5 pounds since last Friday and I didn't do anything different except eat out every night this weekend..... it must be muscle."

    Women: "I would lift weights but I don't want to be big like those female body builders. Just toned and sexy."

    "What's a good workout to target fat in *insert specific area*?"

    "I ran a mile today so I deserve this cheeseburger."

    THIS! All of it!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    Etc Etc

    You sound like me about the time thing, except I have 2x2 yr olds who need their mommy too. I feel for you. My gym also opens at at 7 etcetc and then I feel like crap for the rest of the day...

    When someone tells you you should just "get up earlier" you can pull out the research on the long-term effects of sleep deprivation on metabolism and weight:

    If I had a lifestyle like yours I'd be prioritizing getting decent sleep and then trying to fit moderate activity in around daily tasks, rather than trying to get formal gym time in. If you're dropping below 7 hours of sleep in order to get to the gym, you're undoing a lot of what you might accomplish at the gym. Also, chronic sleep deprivation actually makes your workouts less effective in a whole bunch of ways.

    She gets 9 1/2 hrs of sleep as it is. Knocking that down to 7-8 hrs of sleep isn't sleep deprivation.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    agree with the muscle/fat debocle. It's about the density. aaack, lol.

    not having time..... a workout is 4% of your day. Copout!

    4% Are you even joking?

    On Sunday I went for a 4 hour training run :/

    Granted I run ultra marathons, but still... 4% I wouldn't even WALK out the door for! That is pathetically short...
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm big boned....nobodys bones are that big
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    Etc Etc

    You sound like me about the time thing, except I have 2x2 yr olds who need their mommy too. I feel for you. My gym also opens at at 7 etcetc and then I feel like crap for the rest of the day...

    When someone tells you you should just "get up earlier" you can pull out the research on the long-term effects of sleep deprivation on metabolism and weight:

    If I had a lifestyle like yours I'd be prioritizing getting decent sleep and then trying to fit moderate activity in around daily tasks, rather than trying to get formal gym time in. If you're dropping below 7 hours of sleep in order to get to the gym, you're undoing a lot of what you might accomplish at the gym. Also, chronic sleep deprivation actually makes your workouts less effective in a whole bunch of ways.

    She gets 9 1/2 hrs of sleep as it is. Knocking that down to 7-8 hrs of sleep isn't sleep deprivation.

    That's what I was thinking. I go to bed at 9 to get up at 4:15. That's over 7hrs of sleep, and I feel great. My wife gets like 9 hours of sleep and feels like crap.
  • jvdx
    jvdx Posts: 57
    -you need 1g /lb protein
    -carbs after x hour are turned into fat
    -fat turns into muscle
  • CBeland2013
    Muscle does way more than fat. Of course, 1 lb = 1 lb...however, if you are working out and losing fat as you work out and gain muscle, you may not see the weight loss you expected. As you lose the fat and gain the muscle, the weight starts to even out. Is it an excuse for weight gain, no. But it can help explain plateaus and slight weight gains despite your hard work.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I really couldn't care less what excuses people have. If someone wants my advice or help and I'm able to give it I will. And my advice starts with "No Excuses" because it's what I've had to do for me and it's working. If they're serious about meeting their fitness goals, they'll take this to heart and their behavior will demonstrate their committment. If they're not, I don't really have time to spend being bothered about it.
  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    The only thing I can't stand is when people try to shove down someone's throat what THEY do and how if it worked for THEM it HAS to work for me.

    Interesting point. Because most everyone on the MFP boards tell newbies that they are not special snowflakes, and the TDEE - 20% is what works for everyone. Hmmmm....
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I can't stand "muscle weighs more than fat" Drives me nuts. 1 pound = 1 pound regardless of what it is made of. Muscle is denser than fat so 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat!

    Biggest pet peeve in excuses? "I'm scared" WTF is there to be scared of? Being fit, being thin, living longer?

    agree with the muscle/fat debocle. It's about the density. aaack, lol.

    not having time..... a workout is 4% of your day. Copout!

    4% Are you even joking?

    On Sunday I went for a 4 hour training run :/

    Granted I run ultra marathons, but still... 4% I wouldn't even WALK out the door for! That is pathetically short...

    4% is 57 minutes...pretty damn good workout for someone who works all day
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member

    2) I actually heard this: "I can't squat because I have bad knees.... besides, it's not like i use that in my everyday life."

    WHAAT?! No. You have bad knees BECAUSE you don't squat.

    And if you don't think you use it in everyday life, i'd like to know how you get on and off the toilet. :huh:

    What are some of the "myths" and excuses you can't stand to hear????

    is it ok to say i cant do squats because i have very little cartlidge or should i just suck it up
  • racergirl1991
    racergirl1991 Posts: 422 Member
    My personal favorite...from my own mother! Keep in mind she is 5ft4 and pushing 250 easily. "I just dont get why you are trying to be anorexic (her words, not mine) have had two kids and your almost 40...your not supposed to be skinny."
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    The only thing I can't stand is when people try to shove down someone's throat what THEY do and how if it worked for THEM it HAS to work for me.

    Interesting point. Because most everyone on the MFP boards tell newbies that they are not special snowflakes, and the TDEE - 20% is what works for everyone. Hmmmm....

    YOU MEAN I'M NOT A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE?!??!?!?! Wow, way to bust my bubble!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    However, saying that a pound of one thing weighs more than a pound of another is crazy talk. /end rant

    But seriously, can you find one message where someone said that 1 lb of muscle is heavier than 1 lb of fat?

    cruise the threads you will find it...

    someone will say "I gained five pounds what is going on" answer will be "you converted fat into muscle"
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My personal favorite...from my own mother! Keep in mind she is 5ft4 and pushing 250 easily. "I just dont get why you are trying to be anorexic (her words, not mine) have had two kids and your almost 40...your not supposed to be skinny."

    Ha, my mom always gives me "you work out too much, I think you are addicted to it" to which I respond "would you rather I was addicted to crack?" LOL
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    My personal favorite...from my own mother! Keep in mind she is 5ft4 and pushing 250 easily. "I just dont get why you are trying to be anorexic (her words, not mine) have had two kids and your almost 40...your not supposed to be skinny."

    LOL OMGSH!!!! are you serious!!!??? wow :noway: