Fears are like underwear...



  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I don't fear clowns, I DESPISE them. I fear extremely closed spaces, like being in an MRI "tube". I also fear not being able to provide for my family. Speaking of underwear, , , God bless the man that invented boxer-briefs. They've solved all my underwear dilemmas:bigsmile:
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    I don't fear clowns, I DESPISE them. I fear extremely closed spaces, like being in an MRI "tube". I also fear not being able to provide for my family. Speaking of underwear, , , God bless the man that invented boxer-briefs. They've solved all my underwear dilemmas:bigsmile:

  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    tornadoes and escalators :cry:

    Um, you know the people who hear there's a tornado coming and go outside to see if they can spot it???


    That would be me.

    Me too! And this is why we're friends. Also, I used to be afraid of escalators but somehow got over it. Although, getting off the escalator still makes me a little nervous.
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    uhg!!! my hubby does too, and I am in the basement crying, or just shaking and he is on the front porch yelling across the street to the neighbors. and escalators used to be a huuuuuuge fear, that episode of rescue 911 when I was a kid, AND i had fallen down an escalator once as a child too. I will get on one if I have to but if you are anywhere near me there will be nails in your arm
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    The dark
    Something happening to one of my children
    Trusting men
    My ex husband being released from prison before my children are grown