Just an opinion: Clean-eating vs IIFYM



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    junk food is for fat people. if you don't wanna be fat, don't eat junk food. arguing won't change that.

    Arguing won't but a dose of reality will. Anorexia kills.

    ?? not eating junk food won't make someone anorexic buddy.

    Labeling food as "junk" is a bad precedent and can lead to disorders. There is no such thing as "junk" food, just food with different nutrient compositions.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I thought it was Jack Lalanne who said "if man makes it, don't eat it". To me, that defines what is a clean food and what isn't. :happy:

    What if a woman makes it?



    Only if it's BBQ pulled pork. I dunno how to make anything else. :noway:
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I guess, essentially what I'm saying is that happier people live longer so do what makes you happy.

    My mom was one of the happiest people I ever knew. She died of obesity related complications at 60 years old. So, my experiences vehemently disagree with your opinions on this issue.

    I eat clean most of the time. I eat clean because I want to fuel my body with foods that work most effectively. I eat clean because I want to stop putting garbage into my body. I eat clean because I feel better when I do. And yes, I eat clean because I want to continue to maintain my health, fitness and hopefully live a long long life.

    I'm with you, here. I don't get why IIFYMers constantly try to bash those who CHOOSE to eat clean because they want to as a new lifestyle, not because they feel forced to "give up" certain things. I don't have a clean diet by any stretch of the imagination currently, but I dream wistfully of the day when I will salivate looking at a ripe piece of fruit, instead of donuts or chips or whatever else. I want to want healthy, clean foods MORE than the junk, and that will eventually mean eating almost no junk at all! And I don't see anything wrong with that, whether it prolongs my life or not.

    This morning, I pigged out and ate some Reese's minis. The sugar rush that ensued made me feel a little dizzy and almost sick to my stomach for a few minutes. When I eat very salty foods, or pizza, or fried foods, I get awful heartburn and indigestion. These things never happen when I eat clean foods!
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I don't have any studies for you...just a funny story.

    An 80 year old man goes in for his annual physical exam. After the doctor is all done he tells the old man that he really needs to stop smoking, drinking, and chasing women.

    The old man asks if that will make him live to be 100.

    The doctor says no...but it will sure seem like it.:wink::laugh:
  • fitandgeeky
    fitandgeeky Posts: 232 Member
    I like to "eat clean" as best I can:

    - I often cook my own foods and try to limit eating overly processed, preservative laden stuff.
    - I don't do artificial sweeteners - my preference.
    - I limit soy because of the GMO factor + it not being good for thyroid issues.
    - I avoid MSG and HFCS.

    That said, I know I'll never be a 100% clean eater - there are just too many foods I'll never be able to give up:

    - Pizza
    - Garlic wings
    - Bacon
    - Wine
    - Fried Shrimp or Clam Strips
    - Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits
    - Oreos

    ...you get the picture. :laugh:

    I also don't preach to others based on my consumption preferences, I really don't care what others' put into their mouths!

    This is me more or less. I don't shove my eating habits down other people's throats either. I try and eat as clean as I can, but I'm not strict about it. I do it because it makes me feel better and I actually like healthier foods. Not to say I don't indulge every once in a while. I have a thing for mint chocolate chip ice cream and I'll never give that up :laugh:
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    junk food is for fat people. if you don't wanna be fat, don't eat junk food. arguing won't change that.

    You're going to get ripped up....
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I guess, essentially what I'm saying is that happier people live longer so do what makes you happy.

    My mom was one of the happiest people I ever knew. She died of obesity related complications at 60 years old. So, my experiences vehemently disagree with your opinions on this issue.

    I eat clean most of the time. I eat clean because I want to fuel my body with foods that work most effectively. I eat clean because I want to stop putting garbage into my body. I eat clean because I feel better when I do. And yes, I eat clean because I want to continue to maintain my health, fitness and hopefully live a long long life.

    I'm with you, here. I don't get why IIFYMers constantly try to bash those who CHOOSE to eat clean because they want to as a new lifestyle, not because they feel forced to "give up" certain things. I don't have a clean diet by any stretch of the imagination currently, but I dream wistfully of the day when I will salivate looking at a ripe piece of fruit, instead of donuts or chips or whatever else. I want to want healthy, clean foods MORE than the junk, and that will eventually mean eating almost no junk at all! And I don't see anything wrong with that, whether it prolongs my life or not.

    This morning, I pigged out and ate some Reese's minis. The sugar rush that ensued made me feel a little dizzy and almost sick to my stomach for a few minutes. When I eat very salty foods, or pizza, or fried foods, I get awful heartburn and indigestion. These things never happen when I eat clean foods!

    There is obviously nothing wrong with wanting to eat more nutritious foods. I do think there is a line some people cross that causes them to either stress or become miserable because they've made their diet too restrictive. At that point, there is a decision to be made. Do you continue with an extremely restrictive diet because you think certain foods are "bad" for you, even though you are miserable, or do you develop your eating to fit in things that will make you happy while still maintaining deficit and macros/micros?
  • JenniferMary_9169
    I thought it was Jack Lalanne who said "if man makes it, don't eat it". To me, that defines what is a clean food and what isn't. :happy:

    What if a woman makes it?



    Only if it's BBQ pulled pork. I dunno how to make anything else. :noway:

    Would you like a steak & cheese with peppers, onions & mushrooms? :happy:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    junk food is for fat people. if you don't wanna be fat, don't eat junk food. arguing won't change that.

  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I guess, essentially what I'm saying is that happier people live longer so do what makes you happy.

    My mom was one of the happiest people I ever knew. She died of obesity related complications at 60 years old. So, my experiences vehemently disagree with your opinions on this issue.

    I eat clean most of the time. I eat clean because I want to fuel my body with foods that work most effectively. I eat clean because I want to stop putting garbage into my body. I eat clean because I feel better when I do. And yes, I eat clean because I want to continue to maintain my health, fitness and hopefully live a long long life.

    I'm with you, here. I don't get why IIFYMers constantly try to bash those who CHOOSE to eat clean because they want to as a new lifestyle, not because they feel forced to "give up" certain things. I don't have a clean diet by any stretch of the imagination currently, but I dream wistfully of the day when I will salivate looking at a ripe piece of fruit, instead of donuts or chips or whatever else. I want to want healthy, clean foods MORE than the junk, and that will eventually mean eating almost no junk at all! And I don't see anything wrong with that, whether it prolongs my life or not.

    This morning, I pigged out and ate some Reese's minis. The sugar rush that ensued made me feel a little dizzy and almost sick to my stomach for a few minutes. When I eat very salty foods, or pizza, or fried foods, I get awful heartburn and indigestion. These things never happen when I eat clean foods!

    There is obviously nothing wrong with wanting to eat more nutritious foods. I do think there is a line some people cross that causes them to either stress or become miserable because they've made their diet too restrictive. At that point, there is a decision to be made. Do you continue with an extremely restrictive diet because you think certain foods are "bad" for you, even though you are miserable, or do you develop your eating to fit in things that will make you happy while still maintaining deficit and macros/micros?

    Agreed. IIFYMers dont bash "clean" eaters just to bash them. It is usually to correct the bad information when they tell everyone they "HAVE TO" eat clean to get results or be healthy.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    When people say "clean eating" what do they mean? When they say "if it fits into your macros" what does that mean exactly? You see, I try to eat healthfully because I generally have more energy, I feel better, my blood work looks great. I like to eat whole food and food that isn't heavily processed. I like ice cream and cookies--I'd just prefer that they not have 15 ingredients (12 of which I need to read twice in order to pronounce). In some ways I feel like I fall into both camps.

    I also don't believe in lecturing people on what to eat. If the food choices you make work for you-- then go for it! :flowerforyou:
  • xxanishxx
    xxanishxx Posts: 212
    IIFYM allday erday brahh

  • blaiseastra
    I haven't read this whole thread--just popped in to say that before I saw it, I hadn't heard of IIFYM. After googling it and playing around with calculators, I found out that my current meal plan (around 1700-1800 cal/day) is WAY below my TDEE. Rather than the recommended 15-20% less, it's like 50% less! I should say that I'm a fattie, so I'm sure that's why my TDEE is so high, but I'm really satisfied with my current calorie intake. Is the implication of IIFYM that I would lose weight (or body fat?) more quickly by eating more calories? That seems counter-intuitive--I don't think my body is in starvation mode or anything. In any case, the IIFYM recommendations would actually be physically impossible for me to do: according to the formula, I'd apparently be eating so much protein and fat that I would have to eat negative carbs. I haven't figured out how to do that yet! :huh:

    I wouldn't go around saying I'm a "clean eater" mostly because I don't like to sound holier-than-thou (and because to look at me I definitely don't LOOK like a clean eater!), but privately that's sort of how I think about it (without having read much about clean eating--this is just my layperson's understanding). To me that means I mostly eat whole foods, not much that is processed or having artificial ingredients (though I make some limited exceptions to that), and no refined sugar or flour. It's pretty simple because I don't really like to complicate my eating plan. I don't do my version of "clean eating" because I think it's the best or only way to lose weight; I do it because I've determined that I'm a sugar addict and that highly processed foods trigger my urges to binge. Eating this way allows me to not overeat. It's great that some of you can practice "everything in moderation," but for me, it's much, much easier to have zero cookies than it is to have just one. :wink:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    junk food is for fat people. if you don't wanna be fat, don't eat junk food. arguing won't change that.

    Umm yeah.
    Looks down at abs,man I am so fat.

    Bro sci meets bro sci, and only bro sci remains.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Labeling food as "junk" is a bad precedent and can lead to disorders. There is no such thing as "junk" food, just food with different nutrient compositions.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    In any case, the IIFYM recommendations would actually be physically impossible for me to do: according to the formula, I'd apparently be eating so much protein and fat that I would have to eat negative carbs. I haven't figured out how to do that yet! :huh:

    You must have been looking at keto. IIFYM doesn't prescribe 0 carbs. That's not even possible.
  • kalieah
    kalieah Posts: 143 Member
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I think that there is something that may need to be cleared up. IIFYM is not some developed way of eating that someone wrote a book on. The term came from the bodybuilding.com forums when people kept asking if they could eat cheese or poptarts or granola or drink milk. One guy always gave the same answer to those questions, "If It Fits Your Macros." It has taken a life of its own from there. It's simply flexible dieting. Allowing yourself to eat 15-20% discretionary calories as long as it doesn't compromise your entire day.

    What it doesn't mean is that your can eat non-nutritious foods only on a consistent basis while staying within your calorie and macro count.
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    i feel like if you're having anxiety about eating, you probably have some sort of eating disorder...
  • kalieah
    kalieah Posts: 143 Member
    In my opinion, clean eating is not limiting any foods. Its not depriving yourself from anything. It's eating healthily about 80% of the time, and letting yourself indulge about 20% of the time. Thats what woks for me, and I'm going to continue doing it that way. Im a happy person, and i eat clean. But i let my self indulge. Thats the key, moderation.