Do the people you live with support your healthy eating?



  • laursoar
    laursoar Posts: 131 Member
    I currently live alone in a different state than my family for graduate school. This has made my life a lot easier by putting me in complete control over what I keep in my apartment. I work at the university I attend, which means I get extra vacation time for the holidays. I will be spending both a week for Thanksgiving and two weeks for Christmas at my parents' house. Although both of them are very supportive of the idea of my new lifestyle, they aren't exactly the best influences for healthy eating. I'm going to have to buy my own options to eat while visiting and resist temptation around every corner. I'm already trying to bring up how I don't want extra junk food "treats" when I visit. My mom tends to be big on putting out seasonal candy dishes and making baked goods. Although I eat everything in moderation, I still want to have healthier eating days while visiting! They also are big on going out to eat. I think it's going to be particularly tough for my parents to understand that I won't be able to go out to eat as often despite being home for an infrequent visit.

    I think the hardest part is that this is how I've grown up my whole life. With time, I'm sure they'll learn to adapt to my eating habits being different. They're generally incredibly supportive of me.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 128 Member
    My husband is pretty supportive, he eats whatever is on the table. If it isn't enough for him (whether it be portion or taste wise) he quietly makes himself a snack after the meal once I'm out of the kitchen. The first four months after I made the decision to change my lifestyle, I requested we keep certain foods/drinks that were too tempting to me out of the house, most of them have come back in now that I have adjusted, but there are a few that I just can't resist that have to stay out. My school aged kids hate it! lol. They rarely like any of "Mom's foods' and complain constantly. As I understand, I'm not the only mom on the block with this problem so I don't sweat it. Most outside family/friends that I frequent are not very helpful. For celebrations and parties I have accepted I will, at the very least, get looks for taking small portions or skipping certain food items all together. Many of them seem to relish in offering my cakes and sweets as soon as I walk in the door. I've learned to accept this is how most of the culture is around me and to not take it personally.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    YEAH everyone around me is totally supportive. My co-workers, my bff guy friend, everyone!! i have no one forcing me to eat fattening food, i have people giving me compliments, my coworkers are telling me they notice the weight loss, its great!! i have no one telling me im getting to skinny and i must eat cake. its wonderful.

    but i want to get down where when i lose 100 pounds where it makes a huge difference so that it really shows.
  • minniemanion83
    minniemanion83 Posts: 13 Member
    For the most part, not really on my end. My boyfriend will try to eat better since I am. He doesn't put my choices down or push me in a negative way. His family on the other hand is famous for bringing in fried chicken and junk, and cooking all things fried and loaded in butter.
  • smithed812
    Nope. Not my parents, not ex-boyfriends, not roommates. Nobody! Lol.
  • Foxymoron59
    This morning I walked into the kitchen to see my husband cooking numerous pieces of bacon and two eggs absolutely swimming in oil and butter. He is grossly overweight and paying a lot of money for cholesterol and heart meds. I didn't say anything but opened all the windows and put on the exhaust fan to get rid of the smell (I had had my healthy breakfast). I suspect he does stuff like that on purpose but that's okay. I'll live longer. ;)
    So the short answer is, no.:laugh:
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Yes, I have a lot of support but no one in my household eats the way I do. I usually a cook meat of some sort and and a couple different sides for my husband and myself since he doesn't like vegetables or anything remotely healthy! I have a good friend that goes out with me when I exercise to make sure I'm safe. (I live in a questionable area) he's taken to skating beside me because he can't keep up anymore.
  • LouLoulost
    LouLoulost Posts: 181 Member
    This morning I walked into the kitchen to see my husband cooking numerous pieces of bacon and two eggs absolutely swimming in oil and butter. He is grossly overweight and paying a lot of money for cholesterol and heart meds. I didn't say anything but opened all the windows and put on the exhaust fan to get rid of the smell (I had had my healthy breakfast). I suspect he does stuff like that on purpose but that's okay. I'll live longer. ;)
    So the short answer is, no.:laugh:
  • LouLoulost
    LouLoulost Posts: 181 Member
    YEAH everyone around me is totally supportive. My co-workers, my bff guy friend, everyone!! i have no one forcing me to eat fattening food, i have people giving me compliments, my coworkers are telling me they notice the weight loss, its great!! i have no one telling me im getting to skinny and i must eat cake. its wonderful.

    but i want to get down where when i lose 100 pounds where it makes a huge difference so that it really shows.
    me too :)
  • dizzow
    My daughter supports me 10000%. My dh, not so much. When I tried to eat healthy in times past, he grumbled and complained A LOT about the food and also sometimes sabotaged my efforts. I think he was afraid I would run off with someone else if I got thin. He had a health scare last spring and he stopped complaining about the food. He is morbidly obese. He doesn't WANT to eat healthy but I am the one doing the cooking and shopping. I try to keep heart healthy nuts in the house for us girls to snack on, but if he finds them he will eat the whole container himself (within a day or two). He does not like the idea of paying out money to go to the gym and he doesn't like it if my working out cuts into his time "with me" at home. But, as long as he has food to eat, and clean clothes to wear, he doesn't really say much.
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    No. My dad gets really offended when I refuse to eat what he's prepared for dinner and make my own healthy dinner instead. Mum is happy to see me exercising and eating well again, but I was hoping to be a good influence on them both but instead they're eating McDonalds and pizza at home, AROUND ME. *sigh*

    My boyfriend however is very supportive and understanding and is also cutting down on junk food.
  • chezzamanezza
    Yes. My partner Chris is amazing. He has held me far to many times while I cried about how fat and unhappy I am or watched me worry about what I look like if we have to dress up nice to go somewhere. He knows all my fears and my hang ups. I do have problems with other family members though but I don't live with them so it is ok.
  • chezzamanezza
    Many of them seem to relish in offering my cakes and sweets as soon as I walk in the door.

    My Nan is the worst for this - in an hour she will offer me a cake, a biscuit tin, crisps, chocolate and icecream. Then get astrology when I decline all
  • samammay
    No - my wife is constantly telling me "eat this" or "just try this" or "your calorie count doesnt matter... you have to have some of this". She is very self conscious of her own obesity (although I would never use the word in front of her) and passive aggressive towards me for it.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I live with a bf but he travels a lot for work. I do travel a lot too though.
    He fully supports me to lose weight! But he doesn't diet with me, doesn't limit food at home. He eats a lot and I cook for him a lot, including the food I don't eat myself. He supports me emotionally while eating pizza.

    My parents also fully supports me, my mom even paid for my first visit to the weightloss clinic. And she doesn't eat desserts in front of me, she's so sweet, my lovely mama! She also always sends me fruit baskets to my home or office.
    My dad gives me tough love but still supports me by saying "you finally lost weight and start looking good because when you were fat you looked like an elephant", lol. He always encourages me to eat healthy and to exercise, and now even offered me financial help to go o a thalassotherapy.
    When I come home to my parents, they have sooooo much food at home, lst of pastries and breads, that I don't eat. But they also have plenty of veggies and fruits.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    My husband is a gourmet cook. Out comes the sauté pan, the 35% cream sauces, the baking! His least favourite methods of cooking are those done without oil, butter, baking, and broiling. We eat better at home than at the restaurant. And he cooks like this every day. Our household division of tasks is this: he does the cooking and shopping, the garden work, and I do all the cleaning.

    I was always svelte before we married. Thanks to his cooking, I have gained 65 lbs and as you get older, there is an increasing weight gain.

    The only way I lose weight is if we cook separate meals. In order to lose weight, I am going vegan 6 days per week. Indulging in meats, dairy, eggs, and wheat flour on the 7th---I'm not a fanatical vegan---but the rest of the week is is non-wheat grains and pastas, and all those marvelous, delicious veggies and fruits.

    As for the junk food, popcorn is our staple. Air popped and eaten without butter, it has the satisfying crunch factor without the calories. I take mine, before he mixes the butter into his portion.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    My daughter supports me 10000%. My dh, not so much. When I tried to eat healthy in times past, he grumbled and complained A LOT about the food and also sometimes sabotaged my efforts. I think he was afraid I would run off with someone else if I got thin. He had a health scare last spring and he stopped complaining about the food. He is morbidly obese. He doesn't WANT to eat healthy but I am the one doing the cooking and shopping. I try to keep heart healthy nuts in the house for us girls to snack on, but if he finds them he will eat the whole container himself (within a day or two). He does not like the idea of paying out money to go to the gym and he doesn't like it if my working out cuts into his time "with me" at home. But, as long as he has food to eat, and clean clothes to wear, he doesn't really say much.

    You can cook one food for him, and diet food for yourself. Or just eat less. . That's what I do. I cook chicken, meat or fish for example, and he has it with a salad, potatoes, bread and butter. I have it only with salad, no potatoes, no bread and butter. And we all are happy.
    It's me who's trying to lose weight, so I eat my food and don't push my choices to him. He doesn't have to limit himself because I need to lose weight.
  • nicholas0907
    My husband is verbally supportive. Tells me all the time that he is proud of me for the changes that I have made and the weight that I have lost so far. However, he does eat whatever he wants. He will make bbq ribs and I will have a salmon salad. Both of us can cook very well, so it's not like I'm suffeting from lack of taste. He did try some of my southwestern grilled eggplant one night and loved it. First time he ever ate eggplant. All of us have to remember that our own journey is just that. Ours. Not our partners/family's. My husband didn't MAKE me eat all the wrong foods that has made me so overweight, I did. And I am the one responsible for losing it. Think about it, if we go out to a restaurant, are we to expect the tables around us to eat healthy also? Of course not. It's an ownership issue. I own my body just like I own my house. I try to keep it clean and if something breaks, i fix it. Just have to apply that same reasoning to our bodies.
  • dazzlesangel
    dazzlesangel Posts: 47 Member
    My partner is 100% supportive and praises my efforts daily. He also needs to lose some weight, and is eating healthily too so that helps, but even if he wasn't he would have to eat whatever I cook for myself, as he can't cook and would go hungry otherwise, lol! I also have plenty of support from my mother-in-law and workmates.