13 year old girl benches 240 lbs



  • vinchass9
    vinchass9 Posts: 36
    To the doubters, can you even bench 240lbs?
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I will wait until she is older to admit a girl crush, her lifting with pigtails, hilarious!

    She is Russian, ofcourse she got taught perfect technique from comrade! (tee hee hee had to say it)

    I always found it hard to bench with a straight back, i'm glad i dont do it 'properly' now =/ (spend more time thinking of your back rather than where the bar is!)
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I will wait until she is older to admit a girl crush, her lifting with pigtails, hilarious!

    She is Russian, ofcourse she got taught perfect technique from comrade! (tee hee hee had to say it)

    I always found it hard to bench with a straight back, i'm glad i dont do it 'properly' now =/ (spend more time thinking of your back rather than where the bar is!)

    Isn't the curved spine apparently a legit way of doing it? especially for women? When I use the equipment at the gym I always push and curve my spine, its the only way I seem to be able to get enough power behind me to do it!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I will wait until she is older to admit a girl crush, her lifting with pigtails, hilarious!

    She is Russian, ofcourse she got taught perfect technique from comrade! (tee hee hee had to say it)

    I always found it hard to bench with a straight back, i'm glad i dont do it 'properly' now =/ (spend more time thinking of your back rather than where the bar is!)

    Isn't the curved spine apparently a legit way of doing it? especially for women? When I use the equipment at the gym I always push and curve my spine, its the only way I seem to be able to get enough power behind me to do it!

    It is a perfectly legit way of doing it. Women often have a more pronounced curve as they are more flexible.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Isn't the curved spine apparently a legit way of doing it? especially for women? When I use the equipment at the gym I always push and curve my spine, its the only way I seem to be able to get enough power behind me to do it!

    Half the time, its the only way my feet can touch the floor ;( spine up seems more natural to me, but been told to straight spine it

    Hence the comment ^_~
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Isn't the curved spine apparently a legit way of doing it? especially for women? When I use the equipment at the gym I always push and curve my spine, its the only way I seem to be able to get enough power behind me to do it!

    Half the time, its the only way my feet can touch the floor ;( spine up seems more natural to me, but been told to straight spine it

    Hence the comment ^_~

    Arched back always for bench press. It doesn't have to be extreme like this powerlift video, but it should be arched. If you can't reach the floor, try putting some plates or blocks down so you have something to make contact with. Leg drive is another important, overlooked aspect in bench press.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Does anyone else need proof that girls will not get bulky when lifting heavy? This kid can bench ME! I need to start lifting.

    ETA: She's so cute! Especially with her pig tails, so :) I found it hard not to smile while watching her. I bet her parents are proud.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Isn't the curved spine apparently a legit way of doing it? especially for women? When I use the equipment at the gym I always push and curve my spine, its the only way I seem to be able to get enough power behind me to do it!

    Half the time, its the only way my feet can touch the floor ;( spine up seems more natural to me, but been told to straight spine it

    Hence the comment ^_~

    Arched back always for bench press. It doesn't have to be extreme like this powerlift video, but it should be arched. If you can't reach the floor, try putting some plates or blocks down so you have something to make contact with. Leg drive is another important, overlooked aspect in bench press.

    I can only bench 115 but I definitely always arch my back... even if I hadn't researched proper form, I think it would have been instinctual.

    Edit: I forgot to mention I don't arch to that extent and my grip isn't nearly as wide but in a PL competition, you better believe I would do what is allowable under the rules.
  • LouLou_2013
    Ouch looks painful.

    Wouldn't let my daughter do it :/
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Is that good to do that with her back arched like that?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    To the doubters, can you even bench 240lbs?

    not with my back I couldn't. Hurts to watch too lol
    I had a really bad car accident when I was 18 and have bad c spine and most of the rest of my back for that matter.

    edited to add: More power to her! lol haha get it?
  • LouLou_2013
    Surely for her to be doing this at 13 it would hinder her development??
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Is that good to do that with her back arched like that?

    For a power lifter, yes
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Surely for her to be doing this at 13 it would hinder her development??

    Please read the rest of the thread - it is discussed.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    touching your chest with the bar then moving it back up is a rep. Arching your back reduces the distance the bar has to travel to meet your chest. Its kinda cheating IMO but its accepted. Most people do it, obviously not as insanely as this girl though.

    Cheating what? like what or who is she cheating? she lowered the weight and pushed it back up...

    arching your back reduces the distance that the bar has to travel to be considered a rep. Surely my 2 line answer was easy enough to understand? You dont need to be competing against anyone to cheat btw. Shes cheating only herself.
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Surely for her to be doing this at 13 it would hinder her development??

    My cousin has been lifting since she was 12. She is now 25, no hindering her development.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    touching your chest with the bar then moving it back up is a rep. Arching your back reduces the distance the bar has to travel to meet your chest. Its kinda cheating IMO but its accepted. Most people do it, obviously not as insanely as this girl though.

    Cheating what? like what or who is she cheating? she lowered the weight and pushed it back up...

    arching your back reduces the distance that the bar has to travel to be considered a rep. Surely my 2 line answer was easy enough to understand? You dont need to be competing against anyone to cheat btw. Shes cheating only herself.

    The power lifting officials did not seem to think she was cheating.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    touching your chest with the bar then moving it back up is a rep. Arching your back reduces the distance the bar has to travel to meet your chest. Its kinda cheating IMO but its accepted. Most people do it, obviously not as insanely as this girl though.

    Cheating what? like what or who is she cheating? she lowered the weight and pushed it back up...

    arching your back reduces the distance that the bar has to travel to be considered a rep. Surely my 2 line answer was easy enough to understand? You dont need to be competing against anyone to cheat btw. Shes cheating only herself.

    The power lifting officials did not seem to think she was cheating.

    What the hell do they know?! Us internetz peoplez knows far better!!!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member

    I have consulted with my wife and we are in agreement that when we have our first kid, this video will play on a loop in their room to prepare them for the training that will begin when they learn to walk. *nods* true story
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    That girl is so full of win that those that can't handle it have to be negative about her success.

    I would hope that before making statements and accusations that she is cheating or damaging her health, that you would do your research and really think about what you are saying. Doing so might prevent you from saying something that might lead one to wonder at your ignorance.

    This girl has made my list of people who inspire me. Definitely on my list of women who inspire me to not only lift heavy, but to push myself in my life to be better...no scratch that...to be the best at what I choose to take on and do.