
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I :heart: to lift!

    Deadlift: 110kg / 242lbs
    Squat: 70kg / 154lbs
    Bench: 60kg / 132lbs
    OHP: 42.5kg / 93.5lbs
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Strong! Bravo!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I approve of this thread and everyone in it.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member


    THis thread makes me happy.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I don't like this thread. My manliness is being challenged that a girl half my size is lifting twice than me :(
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I don't like this thread. My manliness is being challenged that a girl half my size is lifting twice than me :(

    Hi Taunto.
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    I don't power lift but have flipped a tire or two and thrown them, pulled them and anything else you can do in my functional fitness classes. I throw around some heavy kettle bells, usually 53 pounds.

    I am really interested in working in some lifting. I just don't know how to get started and am a little intimidated. Do I need a trainer?
  • Losingbooty
    Losingbooty Posts: 63 Member
    Just because I'm nosey, when you squat, do you add 250 in addition to your body weight?

    How long have you been power lifting? Keep up the good work!

    Yes I do. When I do it by myself I use a smith machine to ensure if I need help I only have to turn the bar. Other wise I have a squat rack in my bedroom and my husband spots me.

    Oh and It will be one year in june.
  • Losingbooty
    Losingbooty Posts: 63 Member
    I don't power lift but have flipped a tire or two and thrown them, pulled them and anything else you can do in my functional fitness classes. I throw around some heavy kettle bells, usually 53 pounds.

    I am really interested in working in some lifting. I just don't know how to get started and am a little intimidated. Do I need a trainer?

    I started with a personal trainer yes. I still use him just not for lifting.
  • Losingbooty
    Losingbooty Posts: 63 Member
    I don't like this thread. My manliness is being challenged that a girl half my size is lifting twice than me :(

    That sounds like a personal problem! LMAO!!!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    I just started NROLFW and am only on my 8th workout ..but so far my numbers

    I'm 5'9 and 212

    Deadlift 120
    Squat- 140
    rows 85
    lateralsPD =85
  • Losingbooty
    Losingbooty Posts: 63 Member
    OP: do you squat using a barbell or a Smith?. If that is a free weight max for your squat that is fooking heavy - push that deadlift - you can get that higher :tongue:

    If I am by myself at the gym I use a smith machine. If I am home and my husband is spotting me. I have a free standing squat rack I use and my husband spots me just in case. Be cause I have only been lifting since june.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I approve of this thread and everyone in it.

  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    How many women power lift? flip tractor tires? Kick box? Anyone?
    I am 5'4" 177 lbs. I still have weight to go!!! But so far this is what I can do at MAX! I am still working at going heavier. How heavy do you lift?
    Dead lift-200 lbs
    Bench press- 95 lbs
    Squat- 250 lbs
    Leg press- 350 lbs.

    Thats impressive!

    Would power lifting be good for runners? I only do cardio.. I want to add strength
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OP: do you squat using a barbell or a Smith?. If that is a free weight max for your squat that is fooking heavy - push that deadlift - you can get that higher :tongue:

    If I am by myself at the gym I use a smith machine. If I am home and my husband is spotting me. I have a free standing squat rack I use and my husband spots me just in case. Be cause I have only been lifting since june.

    Is the 250 you squat in the smith machine? I ask as generally we can dead more than we squat but sometimes people are nervous (which is totally understandable) to up their deadlift weight. I would think that your squat strength, if the 250lb was a free weight one, could translate into a nice hike in your dead. Not saying you should, just that you should have the ability to make some very nice progress there.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How many women power lift? flip tractor tires? Kick box? Anyone?
    I am 5'4" 177 lbs. I still have weight to go!!! But so far this is what I can do at MAX! I am still working at going heavier. How heavy do you lift?
    Dead lift-200 lbs
    Bench press- 95 lbs
    Squat- 250 lbs
    Leg press- 350 lbs.

    Thats impressive!

    Would power lifting be good for runners? I only do cardio.. I want to add strength

    Lifting helps running.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    OP: do you squat using a barbell or a Smith?. If that is a free weight max for your squat that is fooking heavy - push that deadlift - you can get that higher :tongue:

    If I am by myself at the gym I use a smith machine. If I am home and my husband is spotting me. I have a free standing squat rack I use and my husband spots me just in case. Be cause I have only been lifting since june.

    Your numbers are amazing! Be careful of squatting in the Smith. I have a few friends that got me into lifting and they said never squat in the Smith. One has chronic knee problems because of it. Does your gym have a squat or power rack you can use instead of the Smith?
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I LOVE lifting and am into week 8 of Stronglifts. Currently doing:

    Squats @ 116 lbs
    Bench @ 72 lbs
    OHP @ 62 lbs
    Pendlay row @ 95 lbs
    Deadlift @ 161 lbs
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Love This Thread!! You Ladies are AWESOME!! And Inspirational!!