Cougar's and MILF's



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Where were these cougars when I was 16? :devil:

    This is about cougars, Boytoy, not child molesters. They were waiting for you to turn 18.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Where were these cougars when I was 16? :devil:

    16 is too young. That's just sick. Seriously.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Men my age are generally fat, and gray, and cant keep up with me....on any level.:devil:

    LOL this is so true. Probably where my head is at , but they also look older than me LOL

    You two need to come to the Pentagon GYM, and the officers section.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    And get all the money and gifts that you can :tongue:

    If a woman has to pay a young man to stick around..well..that's just pathetic! Same goes for older man/younger woman.

    The most common business arrangement in human history, some people like to add a marriage title to it (not saying all marriages are like that).
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Men my age are generally fat, and gray, and cant keep up with me....on any level.:devil:

    LOL this is so true. Probably where my head is at , but they also look older than me LOL

    You two need to come to the Pentagon GYM, and the officers section.

    Why let the haters have all the fun? Invite me.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Men my age are generally fat, and gray, and cant keep up with me....on any level.:devil:

    LOL this is so true. Probably where my head is at , but they also look older than me LOL

    You two need to come to the Pentagon GYM, and the officers section.

    Yeah, they will write you an instruction like you wouldn't believe! Lifting of the pen like no other.

    Enlisted is where it's at. =p
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Also you are not a cougar until you maul yourself a young prey, until then you are just a good looking older lady who can potentially also be a MILF if she got her body/sex appeal rocking.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    I like younger men, but no more than 5 years younger. I also will not date men more than 5 years older. Older men are overrated. I think young women sometimes are attracted to the perception that they are more secure(as in she sees the $$$$$$$$), or mature(If he's chasing girls young enough to be his daugther, he is NOT mature red flag!). Most women I know are ok with younger men, just not young enough to be their kid. Some women are ok with it, but usually just for a sexual adventure. They realize that a guy that much younger is unlikely to be an adequate life partner and equal. I think there is a trend for "cougars" to go after younger men for sex (they have more stamina, are more adventurous, and don't have ED issues). Very VERY few women will date a significantly younger man (as in 10years or more younger) for more than just sex.

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    "Older men are overrated." It certainly is an interesting age to be. If you look at someone younger you are villified for being a pervert, yet the topic seems to gain acceptance as socially ok. What are us old dudes gonna due to all the poor defenceless and naive women out there, fall asleeep and ask for a ride home ? sheesh and yes I'm trolling.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Older men for me all the way.
    Younger men are typically not interesting to me and yes the hard bodies are nice but intelligence, experience and substance are aphrodisiacs for me.

    ETA: The brain is an erogenous zone too you know.
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    Older men for me all the way.
    Younger men are typically not interesting to me and yes the hard bodies are nice but intelligence, experience and substance are aphrodisiacs for me.

    ETA: The brain is an erogenous zone too you know.

    THIS! Thank you!!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    My former husband was 2 years older than me and we were married for 12 years. My fiance is 8 years younger than me. But I don't consider myself a cougar or whatever because I'm not with him due to his age. In fact, he chased me for awhile because the age difference bothered me. Until eventually I gave in because we just clicked and had so much in common it was crazy. I think it works because I don't look nor act my age and he acts older than what he is, so it balances out lol.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    And get all the money and gifts that you can :tongue:

    If a woman has to pay a young man to stick around..well..that's just pathetic! Same goes for older man/younger woman.

    The most common business arrangement in human history, some people like to add a marriage title to it (not saying all marriages are like that).

    Adding a marriage title to it doesn't make it less pathetic. The only reason arrangements like this happen is when the woman feels powerless to create the life she wants for HERSELF, so she compromises and sells herself to the highest bidder. Empowerd women with healthy self esteems do NOT do this. Men with strong sense of worth also do not do this. A real man wants a partner to share his life with, not just a piece of eye candy to show off so he can feel good about himself. If two consenting adults enter into and arrangement/marriage like this then so be it, but lets call it what it truly is...PROSTITUTION.

    I love it you just called out a lot of stay at home moms who chose to marry a man with a good job cause he can provide for her and the kids she wants to raise. Also men with a strong sense of worth tend to be alpha males and they are the biggest offenders cause they love trophy wives as it helps showcase their so called self worth. Not sure what you are using to define a real man or what constitutes one in your mind.

    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.
  • CaliforniaSweetheart
    I would date someone younger than myself depending on their personality, but wouldn't want to have a giant age difference.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I'd say it's a thing. Most of the guys who approach me are younger. I've dated a few, but not seriously.

    I don't care what other people do, but I personally feel more comfortable with guys my own age. There's something to be said for life experience, shared references, energy levels, all that.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    And get all the money and gifts that you can :tongue:

    If a woman has to pay a young man to stick around..well..that's just pathetic! Same goes for older man/younger woman.

    The most common business arrangement in human history, some people like to add a marriage title to it (not saying all marriages are like that).

    Adding a marriage title to it doesn't make it less pathetic. The only reason arrangements like this happen is when the woman feels powerless to create the life she wants for HERSELF, so she compromises and sells herself to the highest bidder. Empowerd women with healthy self esteems do NOT do this. Men with strong sense of worth also do not do this. A real man wants a partner to share his life with, not just a piece of eye candy to show off so he can feel good about himself. If two consenting adults enter into and arrangement/marriage like this then so be it, but lets call it what it truly is...PROSTITUTION.

    I love it you just called out a lot of stay at home moms who chose to marry a man with a good job cause he can provide for her and the kids she wants to raise. Also men with a strong sense of worth tend to be alpha males and they are the biggest offenders cause they love trophy wives as it helps showcase their so called self worth. Not sure what you are using to define a real man or what constitutes one in your mind.

    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    It's one thing to marry a man with a good job. It's quite another for his $$ to be the main factor in your attraction and desire for him. it's one thing for a man to desire a woman who is physically attractive, quite another for her physical beauty to be the main reason he wants her. That is not love. If he loses his money, she's gone. If she gets old and loses her physical beauty, he's gonna be looking for someone new. These "arrangements" are as old as time, but they ARE prostitution. A woman should establish herself first, and choose a partner based on compatibility and love. If they make the decision TOGETHER that when kids come along, she will stay home and raise the children and live on one family income, that is a decision they make as a couple. For a woman to ASSUME that it's her "right" to have a man support her is ludicrous.

    Establishing herself that is well and dandy and possible in places like the US and other developed countries. Countries were you wake up and the sky is the limit and you can chase dreams. But for about 2 billion of the women of this planet that is not the case, their main objective is to survive and lead a decent life. So calling them prostitutes for playing the cards they were dealt is very harsh.

    I think it's more ludicrous to equate a woman who used her beauty and youth to land a well established husband who can take care of her, to a woman sadly due to circumstance is forced to use her youth and beauty to pleasure strangers on a street corner.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member

    So, if you want to hook up with an older woman go for it, just don't get attached and get your heart broken.

    And get all the money and gifts that you can :tongue:

    If a woman has to pay a young man to stick around..well..that's just pathetic! Same goes for older man/younger woman.

    The most common business arrangement in human history, some people like to add a marriage title to it (not saying all marriages are like that).

    Adding a marriage title to it doesn't make it less pathetic. The only reason arrangements like this happen is when the woman feels powerless to create the life she wants for HERSELF, so she compromises and sells herself to the highest bidder. Empowerd women with healthy self esteems do NOT do this. Men with strong sense of worth also do not do this. A real man wants a partner to share his life with, not just a piece of eye candy to show off so he can feel good about himself. If two consenting adults enter into and arrangement/marriage like this then so be it, but lets call it what it truly is...PROSTITUTION.

    I love it you just called out a lot of stay at home moms who chose to marry a man with a good job cause he can provide for her and the kids she wants to raise. Also men with a strong sense of worth tend to be alpha males and they are the biggest offenders cause they love trophy wives as it helps showcase their so called self worth. Not sure what you are using to define a real man or what constitutes one in your mind.

    Marriage to be a partnership in the manner you described the two adults have to be within three years at most from each other. Once the gap widens then the relationship becomes based on a party bring youth or wealth to the arrangement that according yo your definition is "prostitution". The exception is if they share a passion for something together and that isn't partnership that is shared preference that makes coexisting pleasant and enjoyable. Example for the latter would be a love for dogs or horses or arts.

    It's one thing to marry a man with a good job. It's quite another for his $$ to be the main factor in your attraction and desire for him. it's one thing for a man to desire a woman who is physically attractive, quite another for her physical beauty to be the main reason he wants her. That is not love. If he loses his money, she's gone. If she gets old and loses her physical beauty, he's gonna be looking for someone new. These "arrangements" are as old as time, but they ARE prostitution. A woman should establish herself first, and choose a partner based on compatibility and love. If they make the decision TOGETHER that when kids come along, she will stay home and raise the children and live on one family income, that is a decision they make as a couple. For a woman to ASSUME that it's her "right" to have a man support her is ludicrous.

    Establishing herself that is well and dandy and possible in places like the US and other developed countries. Countries were you wake up and the sky is the limit and you can chase dreams. But for about 2 billion of the women of this planet that is not the case, their main objective is to survive and lead a decent life. So calling them prostitutes for playing the cards they were dealt is very harsh.

    I think it's more ludicrous to equate a woman who used her beauty and youth to land a well established husband who can take care of her, to a woman sadly due to circumstance is forced to use her youth and beauty to pleasure strangers on a street corner.

    sadly, the most some women can ever hope to aspire to in life is finding a man who will be able to feed & clothe her and her children, and will treat her with respect. if the husband and wife are both aware of and agreeable to what each are bringing to the table then that is their private business and it isn't our place to judge.