DEAL BREAKERS for dating



  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    To sum up this thread..

    must haves for women:
    must be between 180lb - 195lbs
    must be taller than 6'2
    graduate degree
    150k year income
    above average facial aesthetics
    well traveled
    + 1 million other trivial things

    must haves for men:
    cannot have a penis

    Am I close?

    Women must have a pulse also. Usually.

    Not a deal breaker for most..
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    No career
    Not independant (ie living with parents or a zillion roommates)
    No transportation of his own
    Lack of hygeine
    Alcoholic/drug user
    Complete lack of fashion sense
    Politically conservative
    Overly religious
    Cannot at least tolerate my cat
    Uses poor grammar
    Bad taste in music/movies/TV
    Overly shy/doesn't like to be around people ever
    Doesn't get my sense of humor
    Jealous/really clingy - or on the opposite end - uninvolved, secretive
    Has kids - not ready for that yet
    Bad musicians! I play guitar and have good taste. If you are going to be a musician, either be good or just stop.
    Really cheesy guys
    Too cool for my nerdy fangirl-ness

    Future crazy cat lady here.

    A lot of these things go hand-in-hand with each other. None of it is asking too much at all. Besides, living with cats is a lot better than living with somebody you can't stand.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    1) lack of ambition in career or otherwise.

    2) drugs/excessive alcohol.

    3) Inability to see outside of themselves.

    4) If he has kids,must have a relationship with them.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    To sum up this thread..

    must haves for women:
    must be between 180lb - 195lbs
    must be taller than 6'2
    graduate degree
    150k year income
    above average facial aesthetics
    well traveled
    + 1 million other trivial things

    must haves for men:
    cannot have a penis

    Am I close?

  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    No career
    Not independant (ie living with parents or a zillion roommates)
    No transportation of his own
    Lack of hygeine
    Alcoholic/drug user
    Complete lack of fashion sense
    Politically conservative
    Overly religious
    Cannot at least tolerate my cat
    Uses poor grammar
    Bad taste in music/movies/TV
    Overly shy/doesn't like to be around people ever
    Doesn't get my sense of humor
    Jealous/really clingy - or on the opposite end - uninvolved, secretive
    Has kids - not ready for that yet
    Bad musicians! I play guitar and have good taste. If you are going to be a musician, either be good or just stop.
    Really cheesy guys
    Too cool for my nerdy fangirl-ness

    Future crazy cat lady here.

    A lot of these things go hand-in-hand with each other. None of it is asking too much at all. Besides, living with cats is a lot better than living with somebody you can't stand.

    Agreed :smokin:

    And I will admit my bad musician caveat is a bit silly, but really now. Also notice there is not a single physical trait listed, nor education or income restrictions. So hah.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    For the women who don't like poor spelling, why does this matter in the slightest? I can see that if someone who completely butchers the English language you might be able to call their intelligence in to question but if the poor guy spells definitely definately by accident how does this make him a poor candidate to date?
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    For the women who don't like poor spelling, why does this matter in the slightest? I can see that if someone who completely butchers the English language you might be able to call their intelligence in to question but if the poor guy spells definitely definately by accident how does this make him a poor candidate to date?
    women are picky by just want to bang.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    The slightest hint of sexism, racism, homophobia, or anything similar is not okay with me ever. One single "women in the kitchen" or rape joke will make me lose every ounce of interest in a person.

    Great, another woman who can't cook.


    FYI, joking about sexism = sexism.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    For the women who don't like poor spelling, why does this matter in the slightest? I can see that if someone who completely butchers the English language you might be able to call their intelligence in to question but if the poor guy spells definitely definately by accident how does this make him a poor candidate to date?

    A. You have nothing to worry about.

    B. A random misspelling sometimes is fine, but for my journalism-major OCD, a guy who just has no idea how to appropriately use the English language (unless he's still learning it, if it's not his first language) is just a turn off. We will be texting each other, writing each other on social media, leaving notes for each other. I just don't want to look at "hay baby hows it goin i dont no how to use wordz but your really pretty" all the time.
  • justkate88
    For the women who don't like poor spelling, why does this matter in the slightest? I can see that if someone who completely butchers the English language you might be able to call their intelligence in to question but if the poor guy spells definitely definately by accident how does this make him a poor candidate to date?

    It's mostly to do with my own neuroticism. It makes me feel flustered and like I need to correct it!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Cowboys fans. I wont date a cowboys fan
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    For the women who don't like poor spelling, why does this matter in the slightest? I can see that if someone who completely butchers the English language you might be able to call their intelligence in to question but if the poor guy spells definitely definately by accident how does this make him a poor candidate to date?

    A. You have nothing to worry about.

    B. A random misspelling sometimes is fine, but for my journalism-major OCD, a guy who just has no idea how to appropriately use the English language (unless he's still learning it, if it's not his first language) is just a turn off. We will be texting each other, writing each other on social media, leaving notes for each other. I just don't want to look at "hay baby hows it goin i dont no how to use wordz but ur really pretty" all the time.

    I fixed it for you.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I have to say that after being with the same man for over 23 years, the things that you think are deal breakers for dating really aren't all that big of deal breakers once you are committed to that other person for the long term. Believe me, we have been through the wringer together and there were times that we didn't think we would come through on the other side. But we did.

    I learned that all of those things that I couldn't tolerate from my spouse weren't really set in stone after all. Except for infidelity. That one IS set in stone, but we both know it and we both respect it. I was very ideological when I was 23. Now I am much more logical and flexible.

    He never had much in the way of expectations from me, so I didn't have much to live up to. I am a very lucky woman.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    1. Lack of Intelligence
    2. Bigotry
    3. Conservative
    4. Raiders fan
    5. Jealousy
    6. No sense of humor
    7. No job
    8. Crazy ex
    9. Religious
    10. Comb over
    11. No hobbies or interests
    12. Can't clean up his own messes
    13. Not primarily vegetarian
    14. Wants me to live in Kansas
    15. Wants more kids
    16. In the military
    17. Sucks at sex
    18. Wants me to get cable
    19. Won't go with me to Disneyland
    20. Insists on modern interior design
    21. Has really annoying friends
    22. Is not interested in switching cars with me when mine needs service so that I never have to deal with that crap again
    23. Prefers heavy metal
    24. Can't spell or use proper grammar

    If they have a list similar to this.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    My deal breaker is and always has been, a smoker. That is something I definitely could never get past.

    I always said this too. Then my boyfriend of five years and now fiance decided he wanted to take up pipe tobacco. I can't just leave someone I've spent 1/4 of my life with because now he wants to smoke a pipe every now and then. I hate him sometimes for it!
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    just one: lack of sincerity/authenticity. if you can't be true to yourself theres no way i want to be true to you until you figure out who "you" is.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    For the women who don't like poor spelling, why does this matter in the slightest? I can see that if someone who completely butchers the English language you might be able to call their intelligence in to question but if the poor guy spells definitely definately by accident how does this make him a poor candidate to date?

    A. You have nothing to worry about.

    B. A random misspelling sometimes is fine, but for my journalism-major OCD, a guy who just has no idea how to appropriately use the English language (unless he's still learning it, if it's not his first language) is just a turn off. We will be texting each other, writing each other on social media, leaving notes for each other. I just don't want to look at "hay baby hows it goin i dont no how to use wordz but ur really pretty" all the time.

    I fixed it for you.

    Thanks, but I actually think "your pretty" instead of "you're pretty" would bother me a lot more than "ur pretty".
  • justkate88
    I dated a guy for a while last year who was from the same neck of the woods from me (Manchester, England) and so we had similar accents. However, whenever he spoke to strangers, or on the phone, he would talk in a really odd American accent. He is 100% British, has never been to America and knows nobody who lives there. That was pretty strange.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member